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Wayne Rooney... and foul language

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AnninGlos Report 8 Apr 2011 22:38

I'm with Karen, and Gwynne, and Uggers.
But as they are not likely to ban football I am pleased he got a ban and has been dropped by Cococola. He is a spoiled brat with no manners and no finess. He should remember without the viewers on TV he very likely would not be earning the obscene amount he does earn.


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 8 Apr 2011 22:10

Muffy....quite agree with you, can't stand Manu anyways and Rooney should know better by now!!



ChAoTicintheNewYear Report 8 Apr 2011 21:17

Wayne Rooney is a spoilt, arrogant, entitled brat.

He chose to swear directly at the camera so he should take the consequences. The same goes for any other footballer who does the same thing. As for any footballer who assaults another person, they should be charged with assault and brought up in court for it.


Muffyxx Report 8 Apr 2011 20:38

Errr...if the camera hadn't been there he wouldn't have stuck his face in it in the first place..but it was...and that's what he's been punished for wasn't like he was over heard..that would've been different. . x


Robert Report 8 Apr 2011 20:07

Hi Pompey,

Having been involved at that level, I agree with you.

And if the TV cameras had not been there no one would have heard the swearing because of the noise of the crowd.

As I say - Trial by Television.


Thorney Report 8 Apr 2011 20:04

You hear more swearing and a lot worse from the crowd than you do from the players,its the passion at the end of the day with Rooney,your team is down 2-0 and you come back and win 4-2 your going to be excited


PompeyForever Report 8 Apr 2011 19:45

We have a debate, nice !!!!


PompeyForever Report 8 Apr 2011 19:43

Thanks. Totally agree.

people & the FA pick on Rooney cos of who he is !!!


Thorney Report 8 Apr 2011 19:34

Totally agree Pompey.

What about the Celtic vs Rangers match a few weeks back fighting on the pitch.

Or how about the Milan player who had the Tottenham coach by the throat and head butted him


Guinevere Report 8 Apr 2011 19:20

Muffy's absolutely right. He looked right into the camera and swore. He knew what he was doing.

It seems from what you've said, Pompey, that a lot more footballers need the same treatment until they learn to behave.

I can't think of any other sport it happens in. Hundreds of sportsmen and women play at the highest level but I can't think of any other sport where someone would swear so aggressively right into the camera.

And if he/she did, he/she certainly wouldn't get away with it.



Muffyxx Report 8 Apr 2011 19:04

For me it's not that he's that he did it deliberately down a camera ...for any child innocently watching with a parent (as mine were) to see...

Bit different re the swearing from the Football supporters in the ground on the day ...they aren't role models to thousands of youngsters and don't earn fantastic sums of money advertising drink etc etc aimed at children.

He has a responsibility to them. What he does in a pub on a Saturday night or in the privacy of the dressing room is his business..but what my children are exposed to is mine x

**edit*** to why it's not been done before..I think it's all part of a new compaign launched at the weekend to stamp out abuse and bad behaviour in football...he was the first to fall foul of it ..hopefully they'll be more...ESPECIALLY in the case of spitting...that's beyond disgusting I do agree x


PompeyForever Report 8 Apr 2011 18:54

Hi all,

Just read all your comments. How many have you have you have ever played sport to a high level?

i dont agree with Rooneys language, but to say he is a disgrace to football is absurd !! i agree he should be punished but no other player has ever had a 2 game ban for swearing (FACT) Hit his pocket yes, but that peanuts to him. Ban him you, need to ban a load of top players. i take my kids to both Sunday league football & too Fratton Park most weeks & the language from most grown adults is disgusting !! It Happens.

If you saw the lottery result & your numbers came in would you swear in celebration? i know its quite possible i would !!

El Hadj Diof SPAT in the face twice of fellow pros & never recieved the punishment & abuse Rooney is getting.

Is it right to see someone spitting in someones face? No

Im not a United Fan , IM Pompey through & through,

But if your gonna slate Rooney, check out the other nasty pieces of work out there !!

Remember Ben Thatcher?

Watch this !!!!! Then slate Rooney !!!!!

Rant Over !!


Merlin Report 8 Apr 2011 14:03

He should have been penalised in the pocket,that would hurt him more.As was stated in the media by a police officer, if he had done that on a weekend in public , he would have spent the night in the cells. As to "Pressure" as an ex WW2Pilot once said, Pressure is when you,re almost out of petrol, no ammo,and an ME109 is up your backside,Thats B pressure.They live in a world where they think, as footballers they can get away with anything.As for the prices charged for entrance to these venues,its diabolical.**M**.


Uggers Report 8 Apr 2011 13:14

I agree too Rose - it's the aggression not the words.


Guinevere Report 8 Apr 2011 12:23

Totally agree with you, Rose.

He is stupidly well-paid to put up with the pressure, he should try a proper job with real pressure, then he'd know what it's like. Maybe the army or the police or the fire service. The big girl's blouse would find out what pressure really is.

The club should be penalised if it can't control its employees. That's what happens in the real world.



Rambling Report 8 Apr 2011 10:46

Oh my heart bleeds at the "pressure he is under"... but if this is the case he could always give up the pressure, the millions, the sponsorship, the celeb lifestyle and get a 'proper' job where swearing at his customers will be acceptable....which is....??

We've all worked under 'pressure', from bosses, from customers, because of the need to feed the kids,pay the mortgage, feeling ill etc....

it's not especially the swear words in themselves I object to, it is the aggression behind them, not that children should never hear the words ( preferable maybe but they will inevitably hear them I'm afraid) but that they should see a grown man unable to control his temper like that, lashing out at anyone and everyone he feels like having a go at, when he is doing a job he presumably enjoys, at a huge salary.


SueMaid Report 8 Apr 2011 10:45

The thing is Brenda - it's not just a game anymore. It's big business. Millions are paid for these young men and they start to believe their own publicity. They are paid too much money, surrounded by girls and people telling them how great they are. It goes to their heads. When we last visited the UK we went down to the local field and watched our 10 y.o. nephew play and we enjoyed that much more than the Premier League match we managed to get tickets for.



BrendafromWales Report 8 Apr 2011 10:38

I'm old fashioned and was always told that swearing was a lack of vocabulary...which to me it is.I may swear if I'm really angry but it certainly isn't part of my everyday language.
I do wonder why sport,especially football,the players seem to be angry,raising their fists at referees etc.It's a game FGS.
I think all language skills are forgotten these days.I suppose I am an old"fuddy duddy"but I was taught well at school and home.Manners,on the whole,don't seem to exist!


Robert Report 8 Apr 2011 10:28

Although he is a silly boy, he is the victim in this. This is Trial by Television.

If the cameras had not been there, no one would have heard his foul language.

The F.A. committee who imposed the ban and whose members have never played football at this level don't know the pressures players - and referees - are under in a game like this.

The Cub is being penalised more than the player.


ElizabethK Report 8 Apr 2011 10:21

Listening to his excuses Rooney seems to think he is the "victim" in this !!