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Wayne Rooney... and foul language

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Thorney Report 8 Apr 2011 09:15

I know what Rooney done was pretty stupid because he is a idol to a lot of children.
But what about the fans at the match?their language is a lot worse and there is kids stood right next to them.


GinaS Report 8 Apr 2011 08:45

The best Football to watch, is played by the under 10's.

Televise these match's and reduce the amount of adult games shown.

Gina S

Karen in the desert

Karen in the desert Report 8 Apr 2011 08:35

Top footballers earn far too much money in my opinion, and subsequently it's gone to their heads, Rooney included. He's a foul mouthed yob with a huge chip on his shoulder, an arrogant bloke always angry with the world.
I can't think of a time when I've seen him smile, in fact even after scoring a goal he scowls and looks angry. What's his problem?
His punishment is too lenient. Make it harsher and it might hit him (and others) hard enough to know that what he did is unacceptable.

And as for this spitting business (eeeuuuwww) at every football match you watch - well that seems to have got the green light. I see many youngsters spitting on the streets these days. That should also be stopped. I'm sure it used to be an offence to spit in a public place didn't it? Mind you, so did swearing.

The likes of Chopper Harris and Nobby Stiles were considered 'tough' men in their day. They were also great footballers, they smiled and looked genuinely happy after goals were scored AND they didn't gob left right and centre!!

I'll get down off my soap box now.



Cath2010 Report 8 Apr 2011 07:35

I love watching football when it is played well and skillfully as its meant to be, unfortunately some of the biggest and best clubs let their players get away with bad behaviour on and off the pitch instead of clamping down on it. Fining players has little impact as they earn so much they can afford it but harsher bans could be imposed.


Guinevere Report 8 Apr 2011 07:27

I have been known to let the odd expletive slip but never in the classroom. I wouldn't have been in the job long if I'd sworn while I was at work. There are rules of behaviour while you are at work and Rooney knows what the rules of his job are.

If he was swearing elsewhere it would be different, I think. But Mr Pottymouth knows he shouldn't swear on the pitch and to swear directly into the camera was stupid as well as rule breaking. Taking the mick, rather, isn't it?

Having read Uggers' post I have to agree that a ban on football on TV would be a good thing - for the reasons he gives. And because it's mind-numbingly tedious.



Cath2010 Report 8 Apr 2011 07:24

I too think he should have had a much longer ban. He seems to think he can do as he pleases and get away with it because of who he is. Mind you his boss is often seen prowling the touchline swearing and ranting (and often getting off with no punishment) not a good example.
I can swear if the need arises but not in front of children.
A lot of these so called football stars behave despicably and then act like the spoilt brats they are when caught.


Muffyxx Report 8 Apr 2011 06:59

Ban football ????

How very DARE you !!! lol



Uggers Report 8 Apr 2011 06:55

I don't mind the swearing, it's the football I object to - ban that !!! It takes over the telly and they all get paid far too much.

You're not old fashioned, we just all have different tastes. My parents never swore in front of me when I was a kid - actually my mother just doesn't swear - but I love a good swear. I generally don't swear around people who would be offended by it (unless I want to offend them obviously) but I have a couple of friends who swear liberally in front of their kids but God help the kids if they swear :)) I quite like that because the kids have grown up learning that adults are allowed to do some things that kids aren't.


keith Report 8 Apr 2011 06:19

The ban is a joke It should have been longer Much longer,
Now the FA need to sort some other players out who thing they can get away with anything


Bobtanian Report 8 Apr 2011 00:57

apparently, although the circumstances were different, what he allegedly said was no worse than what lily allen or lady gaga come out with,or is available on telly........

but true, not a very good role model


Perhaps the whole team, should be aware that behaviour of that ilk is not tolerated??


SueMaid Report 7 Apr 2011 21:58

If you're old fashioned Muffy then so am I. Hate to hear people swearing in public places especially where there are young children. Rooney appears to have no concept of what is acceptable behaviour.



McB Report 7 Apr 2011 21:50

Drogba's another one with a foul mouth, seem to remember him in trouble a while back for a foul mouthed outburst.


Wend Report 7 Apr 2011 21:49

Too big for his football boots, that boy! Hope he's got his comeuppance, but probably not, I fear!


ChrisofWessex Report 7 Apr 2011 21:47

His club should fine him heavily. Glad to see Coca Cola have had enough and relieved him of his lucrative contract! He is a disgrace to football - why do some members of this sport believe that they are free to do what they wish irrespective of others?


McB Report 7 Apr 2011 21:39

Hello McMuff, totally agree with all you said, the other thing that should be clamped down on is spitting, some of the big names are the worst, Lampard, terry, to name just a couple, there's no need for it, disgusting.

McB xx


Guinevere Report 7 Apr 2011 19:53

He's a charmless oaf, he really is.

I saw on the news that he was whining that it was "too harsh". He should take his punishment like a man not like a spoilt brat. He's paid a huge amount of money and if he can't behave within the rules he should get a substantial fine as well as suspension.

And next time he does it he should get a 3 match suspension.

And as for others in football defending him, they just need a good slap and a reality check. In the real world most of us don't like seeing kids exposed to that sort of surly outburst of obscenities.



Mauatthecoast Report 7 Apr 2011 19:52

I hate to hear swearing in front of children.....and why does Rooney have to be soo angry all the time,even after scoring goals!! smile lad smile...:O)

......Neither would my Alan lol


ButtercupFields Report 7 Apr 2011 19:35

David Beckham would never have done that,and besides that he was XX


SheilaSomerset Report 7 Apr 2011 19:33

I don't think so :-))

I swear when the need arises, but some people seem to swear with every other word - just shows a lack of imagination imho. Mr Rooney may be a great footie player but he should be setting a GOOD example, and learn to curb his bad habits, in public at least...

 Sue In Yorkshire.

Sue In Yorkshire. Report 7 Apr 2011 19:33

Totally agree with you..and he should also be fined a month's wage. for this same foolish act of his.