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Wayne Rooney... and foul language

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Muffyxx Report 7 Apr 2011 19:27

Anyone else glad that he has been made to serve a two match ban for looking down a TV camera and swearing when children will have been watching?

In fact from now on...I think there should be harsher punishment for it tbh...let this be the firing warning shot.

I swear like a trouper away from my children (as those of you who have met me will most likely atest to lol) but it's a strict rule of both me and my OH that we do not tolerate ANYONE swearing in front of children...ours or anyone elses.. as it's something we both hate to hear come from the mouths of youngsters .... I've been known to confront people in the street when their language was too ripe for my liking when kids are around...

Am I old fashioned ? x