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drowning deaths
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Susan10146857 | Report | 17 May 2011 23:08 |
My uncle drowned in the river Tay....He was an excellent swimmer but got cramp. |
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maggiewinchester | Report | 17 May 2011 23:33 |
I should imagine that, in times gone by, when people accidentally fell into water, their clothes wouldn't have helped them! Heavy dresses worn by the women and woollen jackets worn by the men would have pulled them down. |
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Lindsey* | Report | 17 May 2011 23:57 |
Oh Janey, I got so totally engrossed when I found mine, |
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JaneyCanuck | Report | 18 May 2011 00:14 |
Susan#, that's a little closer to home, not just an ancestor but someone you knew, or at least your parent did. |
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SylviaInCanada | Report | 18 May 2011 01:11 |
Janey |
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Huia | Report | 18 May 2011 01:42 |
Aunty Sherlock, what country was that, for them to be bathing in the river in December? Was it Australia, or New Zealand? |
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Gai | Report | 18 May 2011 05:57 |
Being an Aussie I can swim along with the husband and kids who are all good swimmers. Given we lived so far from the beach you always made friends at school with the kids that had swimming pools. I didn't need a pool at home because all the kids around me did. |
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AuntySherlock | Report | 18 May 2011 11:36 |
Hi Huia, Yes Australia. The Clarence River is in the Grafton area of northern New South Wales. It is a sub tropical area and quite warm in our summer months December to March. |
GlitterBaby | Report | 18 May 2011 11:49 |
Grand dad taught my father and his brothers to swim by throwing them in the Thames. |
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Cynthia | Report | 18 May 2011 12:56 |
Janey, how do you fancy an 'elemental' thread? |
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AuntySherlock | Report | 18 May 2011 12:58 |
Janey. Copied from a previous post. "I do wonder about families like my extinct Rushlands, who seemed to produce boys in the 1700s, then suddenly a generation of girls (two boys who did die young) at the beginning of the 1800s, and poof the name was gone. Where did all the boys go? I don't know what causes of death would have been common in Lincolnshire!" |
AuntySherlock | Report | 18 May 2011 14:08 |
Hey PigletsPal, I see you are researching "Hill". What date range and location. |
JaneyCanuck | Report | 18 May 2011 17:30 |
Cynthia - the thought did occur to me, and fires was one that came to mind. Ernest Hll/Monck's sister (my avatar) Ada the Actress's grandson, I recently learned -- son of her son who settled in South Africa, who himself then settled in Scotland -- died in a house fire. |
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nuttybongo | Report | 18 May 2011 18:08 |
Hi there, |
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Helen in Kent | Report | 18 May 2011 20:24 |
We travelled abroad by ship as kids and so learned to swim "on the water in the water" - "The ancient order of Polliwogs" |
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Susan10146857 | Report | 18 May 2011 20:36 |
I knew him too. He was a lovely fellah. |
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Huia | Report | 18 May 2011 21:00 |
I have a Memoriam card for Esther Bridget Wark and her 2 sons who lost their lives by the sinking of the "Princess Alice" by the "Bywell Castle" at Barking Creek, Sept 3rd 1878. Nearly 700 people were drowned. Somebody on GR had given me a website to investigate back in 2006. I now have the full story of it. I think the Warks were friends or former neighbours of my gt grandparents. |
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Cynthia | Report | 17 Jun 2011 08:48 |
Nudged for Persie! Who has a tale to tell! :-D |
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Kucinta | Report | 17 Jun 2011 12:08 |
St Nicolas Islip, Northants, parish records recorded the following in 1783 about the brother of my 4 x great grandfather: |
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Persephone | Report | 17 Jun 2011 23:21 |
Thank you Cyns, |
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