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Following on from the other thread, what was the

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AnnCardiff Report 2 Dec 2011 08:56

still have my Teddy which was given to me by an uncle when I was born - he's very threadbare, but no way could I part with him


AnnCardiff Report 2 Dec 2011 08:54

a pick axe!!! murder springs to mind!!! :-D :-D


JoyBoroAngel Report 2 Dec 2011 06:11

i always had a wonderful christmas as a child
my favorite toy was a shop my mum has specialy made
it was just the right height and had shelves a till
and little bottles and tins and boxes of real products
i loved it and later in life i used it as a book case

some of my old toys are in my loft
just cant bare to part with them lol


Guinevere Report 2 Dec 2011 06:00

We always used to travel to Wales for Christmas when my grandparents were alive. When I still believed in Father Christmas my parents used to have to send many of the presents there by parcel post so that I wasn't disappointed on Christmas Day. We didn't have a car so travelled by train so I would have noticed a bike or scooter shaped piece of luggage.

Every year from the time I was 2 I asked for the same thing and every year I was disappointed when Father Christmas didn't deliver.

Until the Christmas that I was 7. I opened my presents one at a time. A new riding jumper, new jodhpurs, new riding boots, new riding jacket. All very much needed because I'd been having riding lesson for 3 years and everything was very tatty.

Then I opened two grooming brushes. That seemed a bit pointless because the stables where I was learning provided those. Next was a saddle cloth and some saddle soap. A mane and tail comb followed. A tiny light began to gleam but I didn't dare hope.

I looked around at my parents and grandparents who were all watching me. I asked hesitantly, "Am I getting a pony?"

Mum and Dad nodded and I burst into tears. I had to wait until Easter to find a suitable horse (rather than a pony, as it turned out). I will never, ever forget that wonderful feeling.

I found out some years later that my grandparets and childless uncles and aunts had contributed to the fund so that I could get my dearest wish.

The best Christmas ever for me.



Rambling Report 1 Dec 2011 23:42

Sounds good to me Susan lol,


Susan-nz Report 1 Dec 2011 23:37


I have visions of pick-axe induced injuries and strangulation by hose....

Cluedo anyone?


Rambling Report 1 Dec 2011 23:33

lol Susan-nz, it's debateable whether your hose and reel is more or less romantic than my pick-axe? ;-)


Susan-nz Report 1 Dec 2011 23:26

My dear Oh once bought me hose an reel for Christmas.......

Such a romantic ;-)


Rambling Report 1 Dec 2011 23:09

You can Ann :) I had a quick google and you can get traditional ones from a company called toypost ,


ChrisofWessex Report 1 Dec 2011 23:03

Glad it made you laugh Helen - I was furious - first time I had a gift from her which looked interesting!

However revenge is a dish best eaten cold. Some 4-5 years later she visited and being nosey (always lifted the lids off any saucepans on cooker) noticed a large plastic sack and asked about it - things for jumble sale I said - that's right she did - dived in it and at the bottom I knew were the untouched sheets still in their wrapping - she never said a word and neither did I!!!!! :-D


AnnCardiff Report 1 Dec 2011 23:00

Hi Rose - wonder if you can still buy kaleidoscopes?

Helen in Kent

Helen in Kent Report 1 Dec 2011 22:48

Chris, I'm still laughing about the sheets!! I seem to remember getting electric shocks from nylon sheets! Remember Brentford Nylons?

The present I remember most was when I was 4 or 5, my brother and I shared a room and had pillowcases at the foot of our beds. I remember the ghostly moonlight through the curtains, seeing the bulging pillowcases and, at the top of mine, peeking out, was a "Big Ears" hand puppet. My little brother had a "Noddy" puppet. I was so pleased! The puppets were from my father's Uncle Sam, a beloved but distant member of our family. Over the years we had many more exciting presents but for smoe reason" Big Ears" sticks in my mind! Maybe it was the first Christmas I remember.


ChrisofWessex Report 1 Dec 2011 22:16

Two immediately come to mind - both bought by my mother - I was 12 and an avid reader and mother dear bought me a wooden toy violin!!!!!

I was about 29 and opened a large present from mother - was truly excited - it was a pair of yellow brushed nylon sheets - I chucked them across the room as especially when 3 weeks before I had moved house and she remarked on the amount of bed linen I had - all cotton!!!!!

Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 1 Dec 2011 20:37

isnt that what you sent me last christimas Sue... :-P


SueMaid Report 1 Dec 2011 20:33

I was a huge reader as a child - still am :-) My parents would stock-pile books for ages before Christmas - a lot of them second hand. By the time the big day arrived I'd have enough books to last for ages. I would spend so much time reading that my parents would have to make me go outside during our long summer school break (remember our Christmas is in summer).

The worse gift I received was a wooden plaque with a metallic painted plastic Sydney Opera House on it. I kept it for a little while and then I made it mysteriously disappear :-D


Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 1 Dec 2011 19:54

It was tangerine chiffon with a nylon like full underskirt and a ribbon on the front :))


Rambling Report 1 Dec 2011 19:53

Ann weren't kaleidoscopes just the best thing? I'd love one now ( I never really grew up lol)


Rambling Report 1 Dec 2011 19:51

oh Hayley, bless you,I'm sorry i didn't know about your dad, but that is a lovely memory you have there,albeit having good and bad bits lol, did make me laugh though :-D. I had forgotten Pippa Dee, I remember Cilla's floaty frocks so can picture it,

Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 1 Dec 2011 19:40

As you know or my dad died at christimas when I was six, but one of best christimas's was when I was really young I must of been about 2 and a half, I remember being woken by my older sisters lifted from my cot and taken in to the front room which was covered in presents, my eldest sister took me over to a pile of presents and informed me these were all mine, I spotted a little dolls push chair I squealed with delight as my parents walked in to the room, I was thrlled with this push chair and began wheeling it round the room, after a while I was reminded of my other unopened presents, I got a tea set and a doll a piggy bank and a section box and a pipa dee nightie which was like floaty dress as worn by my beloved Cilla, as well as other stuff, after a while we was told to go and get washed and dressed which I did with my sister and our selection boxes. Which we promptly eat in 1 go one after the other. I later remember vomiting all over my new doll ( which I would never touch afterwards as no mater how many times it was washed I swore smelt).
After a sleep to recover from our sickness, I spent the day pkaying with my new toys. I was so busy that once dinner was served I refused to join them and I was promtly put in my chair which was then a low one, this also annoyed me as I watched the others having lots of fun at the table, so I refused to eat and sat on the back of the said chair to my sisters delight. I was told to sit down and refused point blank till my dad stood up and as he walked towards me I toppled backwards fell crashing to the ground smashing the sugar bowl of my brand new tea set and cutting my cheek in the process I was unconsolable.
I spent the rest of christmas dinner sat curled up on my dads lap whist he fed a mournful me my dinner.
I also remember mithering to get ready for bed so I could wear my new floaty as worn by Cilla Black night dress, and my dad asking my mum " is it her bed time yer?" :-0 As I was tidy my new lovely toys away, my sister **** whispered in my ear, "when your in bed I am going to play with your new trolly" needles to say I scream the bedroom down till my new trolly was brought in to me and fell a sleep with my arm through my cot bars tightly clutching my new top, infact my mum says it was a vice like grip. Even when they tried to remove my hand I woke and screamed " GERRORRFFF **** " <3


AnnCardiff Report 1 Dec 2011 19:36

my Daily Mail Annual and my Rupert Annual - spent all Christmas reading them - not forgetting my kaleidoscope and the purple and green ink I had asked Santa to bring to go in the inkwells on the desk my Dad had made for me - wonderful memories!!! Alsion Utwell's "Little Grey Rabbit" book and a book with pop up pictures in it