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Scottish independence...dare I mention it?

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Julia Report 13 Jan 2012 13:28

Well, firstly, I think the woman from the Midlands that has those opinions, needs her bumps feeling.
I suppose people reading this will think I cannot give a totally unbiased view, on this. You see, I have a foot in both camps, having been bought up there, and having a brother born there, though we are English.
So I feel love and pride for the country of my childhood, and a loving affinity for all thing Scottish, except Alex Salmond, who has been waiting this moment for decades.
But I do agree with the others who have posted, in that, if they want independence from England, they have to take 'both bites of the cherry'. If they are keeping their 'good' they also have to accept the 'bad also. I am talking fiscally here.
While we are discussing this, who are 'they' that want this independance. Is it only the politicians, the nationalists, or is it Rory McDuff, the man on the street. Has anyone asked them, let alone put it to a referendum.
And, as, I think it was Eldrick who said it, but not sure, what about another 'Irish Question' which rocked the British Costitutional Policy of the British governemnt, in the early 19th century. Many Northern Irish are of Scottish decent.
So, not an easy one for anyone, as first appears on paper.Will Cameron phillibuster Salmond. Will Salmond procrastinate against Cameron, who might or might not be in power in the proposed 2014, handover. And, what of the constitution. Scotland will have to have one of its own. And the military. There are many Englishmen in Highland Regiments, and vice versa. What would happen if England was called to war. Would it have to apply to the Scottish government for extra troops. On the other hand, would Scotland want to ressurect the Auld Alliance with France. Gawd help us if they do. Don't trust that Sarkosy, as far as I could throw him, and on a political front, he is our 'enemy at the moment.
No, not as easy as it seems, is this one. A long, long way to go.

Julia in Derbyshire


JoyBoroAngel Report 13 Jan 2012 13:28

DOES MEAN we will be rebuilding the hardian wall


Mauatthecoast Report 13 Jan 2012 13:21

Or a Queen? ....Nicola from the Sturgeon line perhaps?.... :-D


Eldrick Report 13 Jan 2012 12:58

Its just brought an interesting idea to mind. Would they want their own king again? I dont like the ring of King Alex - the house of Salmon...? A bit too John West for my liking.

The more intriguing option is the current Duke of Buccleuch, the 345th richest man in the UK and probably the richest or near the top in Scotland. King RIchard would be a direct descendant of Charles II, therefore a Stuart - more English than the current monarch. It could provoke a constitutional crisis as there would be a legitimate claim to the English throne, which if it succeeded would mean we would all be Scottish and get free prescriptions!

Bring it on!


Mauatthecoast Report 13 Jan 2012 12:32

hmm a wall around Westminster perhaps? but seriously why would we not want to be united?and hope you're not proposing a north v south debate Janet?

Robert ..... you glory seeker you ;-) :-)

Agree Eldrick.....BNP no way....beore we know it there'll be a call for 'United Geordies'...oh we have one already NUFC ;-)


Rambling Report 13 Jan 2012 12:18

I wonder , if Scotland went, would Wales want to follow? They already have the seperate parliament and a strong nationalist party in Plaid Cymru...I lived there a long time and admit freely that if there had come a point where they seperated from the UK, I would have been first out of the door..not that I am anti-Welsh in any way, just that I know that in some areas the anti-English feeling is very strong already.


Muffyxx Report 13 Jan 2012 12:15

Well I was going to give my point of view during a break in my jobs...but I see Eldrick has already said most of what I wanted to say lol.

All I would say is that if it's independence they want then it really has to be just more subsidies and no coming back...a clean permanent break.

Other than me wanting to stress that ..Eldrick has said it much better than I could lol x


Robert Report 13 Jan 2012 12:13

But if we repaired Hadrians Wall, Janet, wouldn't that mean that the whole of the old Northumberland (ie everything north of the The Tyne) would be part of Scotland?


Eldrick Report 13 Jan 2012 12:08

Ahem. I live north of Hadrians Wall - it isn't the border you know! I have no desire to be part of a throwback to medieval times with a latter day William Wallace as my Head of State!

What I find strangely disturbing is the ready acceptance of the SNP - a nationalistic political party. BNP - no way, absolute pariahs even though the majority of people have no idea what they are really all about as they have never bothered to look further than the tabloid press.

Imagine an English National Party, for English people, campaigning purely for the English and without a care for anyone not born there. Wouldn't last very long, would it. What would it be classed as.....? Oh yes, racist.


Sometimes someone just needs to say out loud that the Emperor is naked.


Janet Report 13 Jan 2012 11:49

I think that it should remain as part of the UK.Not because I have any deep down feelings one way or another but from the comman sense point of view.

What the union with England did for the Scots was to finally unite them. If they want independence let them have it but I agree lets repair Hadrians wall. It will only be a matter of time before they start arguing with each other, not necessarily in our life time but it will happen. Like any 'marriage' when money is short then love flies out the window.They have many benefits that the English don't have but it is a two-way split.

United we stand, divided we fall.-jl


AnninGlos Report 13 Jan 2012 11:46

I would prefer to see us keep the UK. I can't see that the advantages are that great for an independent Scotland. If I read it correctly (and I am not that immersed in politics so I may be wrong.) If they had independence they would also take an enormous debt which the people of Scotland would bear. I am sure there will be idealists in Scotland that think it would be great but I hope they research all the pros and cons when/if they have a vote on it. They would have to re-apply to the EU I believe, and what about the armed forces how would that affect them? Surely we are stronger together than apart.


Kay???? Report 13 Jan 2012 11:39

Camerson wpuld have no clout in an independant Scotland so how would his status work as PM of the UK,which at this time he is and that includes Scotland which is part of the UK as a whole.

Financially in the grand scheme of things could they survive.


MarionfromScotland Report 13 Jan 2012 11:31

My thoughts?? :-S need I say more ? lol



Robert Report 13 Jan 2012 11:31

One of the points at issue is what happens to the oil revenue and the whisky revenue but there again will the "English" Government keep the Royal Bank of Scotland debt?
There is a long long way to go Eldrick.


GinaS Report 13 Jan 2012 11:30

What about the Oil and Gas deposits off Scotlands Coast!!

Idealism versus Cash!!


Eldrick Report 13 Jan 2012 11:23

THis is the 21st century. Why on earth anyone wants to go back 300 years is way beyond my comprehension. I hate nationalistic stuff anyway, its just an acceptable form of racism. But if the people want it, go for it as long as its a totally clean break and theres no subsidising from england.

It brings up loads of questions though. Would it turn into a southern and northern ireland? Seperate currencies, membership or not of the EU? Taxation, healthcare, etc etc. its a lot more complex than a simple yes or no!

From a mercenary point of view, it would be a huge burden lifted from the english taxpayer but the scots would see their standards of living plummet once all the subsidies were removed.


Robert Report 13 Jan 2012 11:22

Yes, Muffy, that is correct. 2 Pandas but only 1 Conservative MP. One of the Pandas is poorly at the moment suffering from colic!!


Muffyxx Report 13 Jan 2012 11:15 so? There are more pandas in Scotland than Conservative MPs lol x


Robert Report 13 Jan 2012 11:14

Morning Mau,

Frosty but sunny.

What about putting your Whitley Bay in with Scotland. Your team could then play in a Scottish league just like Berwick Rangers!!


Kay???? Report 13 Jan 2012 11:09

that would leave Cameron out in the cold.
