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Freedom of Speech. What is it really?
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Rambling | Report | 28 Feb 2012 19:09 |
My response was to your reply re laws though Roy, not freedom of speech per se. |
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Muffyxx | Report | 28 Feb 2012 19:10 |
Suzanne !!! I wasn't offended !!!!!!!!! That's the thing please don't get upset or I shall be offended that you feel I was offended (joking)LOLOLOL. |
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Rambling | Report | 28 Feb 2012 19:12 |
On here, online it is a bit different because by signing up for the T & Cs you have signed up to restrictions voluntarily. Much as I might sometimes like to I can't call someone at "total expletive" lol, not with impunity ;-) |
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TeresaW | Report | 28 Feb 2012 19:13 |
Well....not all the time eh Rose? ;-) :-D |
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Rambling | Report | 28 Feb 2012 19:16 |
:-D Teresa, sometimes I just have to let it out :-D |
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Porkie_Pie | Report | 28 Feb 2012 19:40 |
RamblingRose, If some one screams obscenities or even just screaming anything whether politically correct or not whilst walking down the road whether at you or anyone else then that also has nothing to do with Freedom of speech, That has always been a breach of the peace, and a public order offence |
TeresaW | Report | 28 Feb 2012 19:54 |
But Roy...isnt' that more about lack of debating skills and less about lack of freedom of speech? |
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Porkie_Pie | Report | 28 Feb 2012 20:05 |
TeresaW, Certainly not, |
Rambling | Report | 28 Feb 2012 20:06 |
yes ok "screaming obscenities" was a bit of an overstatement :-) but many would see that as being the same as 'freedom of speech' wouldn't they? ( I'm not saying it IS, I'm saying some people would see it as such). |
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SueMaid | Report | 28 Feb 2012 20:10 |
Unfortunately sitting in a group and having an open discussion is a lot different than being on a forum. The lack of tone of voice and facial expression make it difficult to know what people mean - even with the use of emoticons. I've seen the :-D emoticon used sarcastically. |
Silly Sausage | Report | 28 Feb 2012 20:12 |
I am all for freedom of speech after all isn’t that what our Fathers and Grandfathers fought in wars for. I too am not a supporter of PC in some aspects I think it borders on ridiculous, you cannot say this because it may offend. But I do welcome it in others. How many of you will admit to cringing when being in the company of others at a particular person being singled out and the butt of another person jokes about race culture or sexuality? Gladly this sort of behaviour is totally unacceptable now and I for one welcome that. What I can not be doing with, is the brainless idiots that believe everything they hear or read in the media and jump on the band wagon, god bless the urban myths eh ;) Just wait for it, we are due a European cup final later this year, wait for the rumours about not being able to fly your St Georges flag FB will be flooded with them. |
Rambling | Report | 28 Feb 2012 20:13 |
which 'PC' brigade Roy? ) .... besides if you think the 'PC brigade' is wrong how can you NOT post? surely you must have the urge to educate them lol |
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Porkie_Pie | Report | 28 Feb 2012 20:15 |
RamblingRose, If you posted a debate about incest and then being asked to remove it, and you did remove it then to me that was against your right to Freedom of speech, |
Muffyxx | Report | 28 Feb 2012 20:21 |
My last thought on this... |
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Silly Sausage | Report | 28 Feb 2012 20:22 |
I think that rather goes on what the debate on Incest is about? For instance if the debate was asked do you think it should be made legal for a man to marry his daughter ( over the age of consent) then some may find it offensive. Or if cousins met and married and then found out they were cousins....sort of thing. |
Porkie_Pie | Report | 28 Feb 2012 20:25 |
Muffyxx :-P :-P |
JoyBoroAngel | Report | 28 Feb 2012 20:28 |
cousins can marry hayley |
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SueMaid | Report | 28 Feb 2012 20:30 |
Again - posting on a forum is different to open debate within a group of people. Most forums have T & C's and these should be adhered to. The reason for these are to minimise offence to the majority of people. Of course you will always get someone who will imagine every comment is directed at them :-( |
Annx | Report | 28 Feb 2012 20:41 |
How an opinion is presented, even if not agreed with, can make a huge difference to how it is received . |
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Kay???? | Report | 28 Feb 2012 20:42 |