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Freedom of Speech. What is it really?

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Rambling Report 28 Feb 2012 19:16

:-D Teresa, sometimes I just have to let it out :-D


TeresaW Report 28 Feb 2012 19:13

Well....not all the time eh Rose? ;-) :-D


Rambling Report 28 Feb 2012 19:12

On here, online it is a bit different because by signing up for the T & Cs you have signed up to restrictions voluntarily. Much as I might sometimes like to I can't call someone at "total expletive" lol, not with impunity ;-)


Muffyxx Report 28 Feb 2012 19:10

Suzanne !!! I wasn't offended !!!!!!!!! That's the thing please don't get upset or I shall be offended that you feel I was offended (joking)LOLOLOL.

Seriously........I do not get offended by folk who have differing opinions to mine !!!! (and I don't think it was your post that got me hot under the collar anyhow...but even if it did that's MY problem not the person with the opinion lol)...

Actually I thought your thread was fab....very civilized.

One of the best debates we've had on here for ages x

*** on well you know me lol x


Rambling Report 28 Feb 2012 19:09

My response was to your reply re laws though Roy, not freedom of speech per se.

It is indeed the spoken word...should everyone be able to say exactly what they want with no restriction at all?...whose rights are more important... 'mine' to walk down the street verbally unmolested or 'yours' to sream obscenities at me?

I wonder what it is you feel you can't say because of 'political correctness' ...that's a general 'you' .


TeresaW Report 28 Feb 2012 19:08

No problem Suzanne :-D

I didn't see the abortion thread but there would have been a fine example of what I'm trying to say about freedom of speech. I know Muffy well enough to know she would never have been offended by a point of view she didn't agree with, and like me, would defend to the death the right of that person to have that opinion, agreed or not.


Suzanne Report 28 Feb 2012 19:02

the thread you posted on the other day about abortion,was mine,and im sorry if it offended you..the debate was about sex selection and not the many other reasons why woman decide to abort their baby"s.but must admit that some went off thread abit ,but all the postings were very interesting wether it be for or against abortion....i also agree with what you said about freedom of speech,although i dont agree with a few things said on this site,i wouldnt think of RRing a thread.we all have our own opinions. :-D

sorry for going off thread teresa :-D :-D


Porkie_Pie Report 28 Feb 2012 18:37

RamblingRose, totally agree with your points on discrimination,

But that is totally different to someones right to Freedom of Speech

Free speech is just that it is the spoken word,

and should not be seen as freedom to act or behave in a manor that is unfair/ discriminate agains others



TeresaW Report 28 Feb 2012 18:33

No I wouldn't say we have NO freedom of speech. After all Roy,you just said that, and have a right to say it :-)

I would say that in part that freedom is restricted, but by what? Responsibility? Rules? PC? Yes all of those, but also by common sense. If you say something racist, abusive, discriminatory, offensive, or just downright nasty, of course you are going to be stopped. It's common sense to know the difference between genuine heartfelt thought and opinion, and something like the above, and it is OUR choice to give one type of opinion or the other, not someone elses. Most of us make a decision based on common sense and decency...other make a decision because they don't care?

Having a rule on a site saying you should not be racist or abusive has not removed your freedom of speech. You can always say what you want to say in a more conservative way ;-)


Rambling Report 28 Feb 2012 18:28

You see I don't really agree that we have no freedom of speech....because I am never silenced by anyone lolol...if it gets deleted I will just rephrase it slightly and post again till I get banned ;-) pain in the **** that I am ;-)


Muffyxx Report 28 Feb 2012 18:28

I'm always more than happy to be disagreed with during a debate....quite happy to hear another point of view without getting my knickers in a twist ..

Well ..that's not strictly true.....I DO sometimes have to remove objects from the room when I know certain politicians are going to be on Question time LOLOLOL...but I wouldn't suggest that they be silenced just because I don't agree with them.......though sometimes I find the thought appealing if only for the sake of my blood presssure lolololol

There was a thread about abortion the other day on here and I absolutely disagreed with some of the comments...but I wouldn't dream of RR'ing them or objecting to them.......they have as much right to their views as I do...........even though I know I'm right (tongue firmly in cheek) lol x


Porkie_Pie Report 28 Feb 2012 18:26

Stray, I nearly said that you only have to read the GR T&C or T&C on any web site where you can interact with any another human to confirm that we have NO Freedom of Speech.



Rambling Report 28 Feb 2012 18:25

Laws on racial discrimination, sex descrimination etc are there for a reason though, and I am glad that they are. There is nothing "politically correct" about ensuring, for example, that men and women have the same employment rights, it should go without saying of course...but since it didn't laws had to be made. The same applies to race sexual orientation and religion.

On here I would much rather someone countered my opinion with a reasoned argument ( even if they are still wrong lol) than press 'report' to silence me... that way at least others get to read both opinions and make their own decision.


TeresaW Report 28 Feb 2012 18:23

Ohhhhhhh dont' get me started on PC. The PC brigade are jsut do-gooders who take delight in being offended on BEHALF of other people, never mind whether those people are actually offended or not.

*zips mouth or I'll be treading on dangerous ground*

:-D :-S


StrayKitten Report 28 Feb 2012 18:19

what Roy said :-D


StrayKitten Report 28 Feb 2012 18:18

we defo dont have it on here, ya cant have a decent debate without someone taking it personal n it kickign of or getting reported,

but even in real life there is boundries to what you can and carnt say,


Porkie_Pie Report 28 Feb 2012 18:17

Freedom of speech ended in this country when politicians and the PC brigade started interfering and legislating because they did not like their OWN interpretation of what was being said,

You only now have any sort of freedom to say what others agree with other wise you are subject to the laws on discrimination whether that be religious, racial, or any other type that the law can throw at you

This process started in the 1970's



TeresaW Report 28 Feb 2012 18:17

Well said Rose.

I would defend to the death an person's right to voice their opinion...whether or not I agree with it. But I also expect in return the right to disagree with someone, either in what they say or something they do, and be able to say so without being gagged for it.

Informed opinion is a great tool, and there is usually enough information to support an opinion on something whether it be one way or there are always two sides to every coin. But sometimes it's good to see the more immediate reaction to something too, as we all have to think on our feet from time to time, things crop up which we don't expect, and our opinion of it often leads to whatever action we might take...or simply just voicing our first thoughts.


Rambling Report 28 Feb 2012 18:14

Catching up lol...People can get very touchy and think any comment about a subject is aimed at them, when quite often it's a general comment not aimed at anyone in particular.

for eg if someone posted on here about single mums with teenage lads, I might if I was paranoid lol, think it was aimed at me.... but it clearly wouldn't be.


StrayKitten Report 28 Feb 2012 18:12

i dnt think we have no freedom of speech :-\