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Ever eaten Pigs Cheeks?
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Muffyxx | Report | 10 Mar 2012 20:06 |
LMAO suzanne isn't that typical !!!....I bet when i go back for more it won't be there too !!! |
Researching: |
Bertett | Report | 10 Mar 2012 21:40 |
Many years ago in the 50's/60s I remember mom cooking sheeps brains chopped with hard boiled eggs also remember udder too. |
Researching: |
LadyScozz | Report | 10 Mar 2012 22:46 |
Many years ago (I was 15!) my dad brought home a bag of brains. He got them from a "friend" who worked at a meat processing place. They were straight from the sheeps heads....... with "bits" all over them, not exactly the cleaned up ones you get at the butcher shop. Mum and I spent hours cleaning them, trying to figure out how to cook them......... we ended up steaming them, mincing them, and making something like meatballs/croquettes. The house stank for ages (like a mixture of bad meat & fish). After all that work we had to try them.......... and I haven't eaten them since. YUK :-P |