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Ever eaten Pigs Cheeks?

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LadyScozz Report 10 Mar 2012 22:46

Many years ago (I was 15!) my dad brought home a bag of brains. He got them from a "friend" who worked at a meat processing place. They were straight from the sheeps heads....... with "bits" all over them, not exactly the cleaned up ones you get at the butcher shop. Mum and I spent hours cleaning them, trying to figure out how to cook them......... we ended up steaming them, mincing them, and making something like meatballs/croquettes. The house stank for ages (like a mixture of bad meat & fish). After all that work we had to try them.......... and I haven't eaten them since. YUK :-P


Bertett Report 10 Mar 2012 21:40

Many years ago in the 50's/60s I remember mom cooking sheeps brains chopped with hard boiled eggs also remember udder too.
Tasted alright from what I can remember.

chris :-)


Muffyxx Report 10 Mar 2012 20:06

LMAO suzanne isn't that typical !!!....I bet when i go back for more it won't be there too !!!

Trish if you do have a try let me know what you think of it.....x

Trish Devon

Trish Devon Report 10 Mar 2012 18:46

No I havent tried them Muffy,
I daresay if it was cooked and put in front of me,I wouldn't be any wiser.
It's the thought of what it is that would put me!!!

I do like roast pork,(shoulder),pork chops,so cheeks would taste the same I imagine.
I might give it a try. ;-) :-D ;-)


Suzanne Report 10 Mar 2012 18:39

I toddled off to morrisons early this morning ,to get the for mentioned PIGS CHEEKS and guess what? they dont sell them,
so do me a favour theres a good girl,go and get me a poung and send them to me.x :-D :-D :-D :-D


WhiffingSiggs Report 10 Mar 2012 16:24

Pigs eat rats. Which is why you shouldn't give your dog an uncooked pork bone.


Porkie_Pie Report 10 Mar 2012 15:56

Merlin, it probably was Pigs or Sheep brain, i remember taking my mates grand mother to a butcher to collect Pigs and Sheep's heads up and they never had a dog, that was in the early 70's

I has a week's stay at the Intercontinental Hotels in Nairobi,
I was surprised to see that they had just about everything on the menu, and over the week i sampled every thing, The only thing that i did not like if i remember correctly was the Crocodile I found it taste less and it was like chewing pure grissel



Merlin Report 10 Mar 2012 13:30

Think it was Pigs and Sheep, my gran used to love it,but to me it looked like somebody had thrown up over a piece of toast and grilled it.However Snake isnt too bad, a bit like strongish chicken.


Porkie_Pie Report 10 Mar 2012 13:12

Merlin, we had Brains when i was a kid but cannot remember which animal?


Think i will put brains on my shopping list


Merlin Report 10 Mar 2012 13:01

Used to give them to my Dogs years ago. but how about "Brains on Toast"? :-S That takes nerve and a strong stomach. :-S


Porkie_Pie Report 10 Mar 2012 12:52

I think if you are going to kill a animal then you should be prepared to eat all the edible parts,

Our ancestors certainly did,

When i was young my grandad kept pig's and chickens and when their time came every thing that could be used for food was eaten and even the rest of the carcass was utilized in some way,

I lived near Lake Naivasha in Kenya for two and a half years and would spend weeks out in the bush so any wildlife we could catch was killed and eaten

I will eat any edible part of any animal killed for food

YES even Bambi :-D



Muffyxx Report 10 Mar 2012 11:13

I would recommend them Julia. Very tender meat when cooked slowly. I have just frozen the last two portions for another my £1 bargain has gone a long way x


Julia Report 10 Mar 2012 11:11

Thanks Muffy, they do sound very tasty.

Julia in Derbyshire


Muffyxx Report 10 Mar 2012 11:03

I cooked them all day in my slow cooker with a pork stock, mushrooms, onions, peppers, potatoes and green beans....and we ate a huge bowl each with buttered crusty rolls x


Julia Report 10 Mar 2012 11:01

Muffy, how did you cook them, and what did you serve them with.

Julia in Derbyshire


Muffyxx Report 10 Mar 2012 10:59

Ewwwwwwwwwww :-S


LadyScozz Report 10 Mar 2012 10:45

OH was guest of honour at a dinner in China.

So he got the "best" bits....... raw pig intestines.


Muffyxx Report 10 Mar 2012 10:35

Hey they BEGGED me to try it !!!!

A little reverse psychology doesn't do any harm whatsoever LOLOLOLOLOL x


Kay???? Report 10 Mar 2012 10:33

I blame my mother for not have a taste for certain foods,,,,,

she like me,,,,,,,, if she didnt eat it neiher did we,,,,,she spolied me for life :-D :-D,but then I know I could never eat some of the disgusting things that Muffy is force feeding her poor little mites,,,,,,bless them,,,,,,,,,,they will of course venture on to eating a piggywigs tail next when she finds a recipe for Babetail soup or some such concoction............... :-P :-P :-P :-D

Carol 430181

Carol 430181 Report 10 Mar 2012 08:27

Thanks Muffy, that where I buy the pigs trotters, they often have unusual cuts of meat, will look out next time I visit.

Carol :-)