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Am I really an old-fashioned

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Rita Report 23 Mar 2012 09:17

I did switch off Eldrick but stated my view because I must be a prude. I dont think things like that should be shown on TV in the mornings.
But like you say if that is what you like to see then, I have nothing against that if it is what people want. ? but I dont.


Eldrick Report 23 Mar 2012 09:04

And who are any of us to say what someone else should or should not be allowed to watch?

Why should my views on censorship, for example, be more important than yours or vice versa? What's wrong with 'if you dont want to watch it then dont' instead of if you dont want to watch it then dont and make sure no one else can as well'?

I repeat - use the off or channel change switch! lol

There must have been a lot of people forced to watch it against their will or through the gaps in their fingers :-D


Vera2010 Report 23 Mar 2012 09:01

I think this was an OK subject for an adult morning show. If children are about for whatever reason monitoring of what they are doing would be the norm anyway or should be.

However, whether or not I am prudish. Yes I am because of the way I was brought up. If I was on my own I would either watch it or not but not mind it being on. However, if someone was with me, especially my daughter I would switch it off as that is exactly what my mother would have done many years ago.

The gasman was in the other day and Doctors was on 2.0 pm and I was gradually lowering the sound because of the content.

I think its better to be out in the open now to prevent inhibitions in the future.



Cynthia Report 23 Mar 2012 08:55

I've heard it said that we get the television we deserve!

Turning the tv over or off doesn't make any difference apparently (except to you).

If anyone has strong feelings about a certain programme - be they negative or, indeed, positive feelings, they need to do something about it and contact the tv companies concerned.

I contacted the BBC ages ago to say how much I enjoyed watching New Tricks. Comments are noted and passed on. Praise is counted as much as criticism.

You can air your views on the company's website and their FB page.

It' easily done - simply Google!

Don't just be an armchair an active one ;-)



Rita Report 22 Mar 2012 20:42

Eldrick I always turn my channel over if I dont like the swearing or the sex shown
. I think if they want to show things like that. as on Phil and Hollys programme then they should show it late at night

who wants to sit and watch them in bed and getting instruction.s I recall they use to show that type of thing late at night. not during the morning do you recall Mary Whitehouse. she had the right idea.

Children do not have to wag off school they can be home on holiday, have the day off because their teachers have a training day or even be off ill.

Perhaps men like to see that type of thing but I can say I dont. we have enough rubbish on TV now without adding programmes like this.


Cynthia Report 22 Mar 2012 18:03

:-D :-D


ChrisofWessex Report 22 Mar 2012 17:24

My son sounds like yours - some years ago - on tv comic told a joke and I asked 'what is he on about'? Son rolled around and asked OH -how many years have you been married - I am NOT telling her'.

OH grinned and whispered in my ear - I did know it - well vaguely but not by that name!!!!!!!!!! ;-)


Cynthia Report 22 Mar 2012 17:17

Nice one Chris :-D

My son (who is nearly 40), sends me the most risque jokes at times and we have an excellent relationship.....EXCEPT....when I reminisce and maybe talk about how his dad and I used to 'canoodle' or cuddle and then he puts his fingers in his ears and loudly hums LALALALALALA

:-D :-D


ChrisofWessex Report 22 Mar 2012 15:02

From my experience teenagers etc do not like to even think their parents have indulged in sex and as for g.parents --------OMG.

OH used to tell our daug (in her twenties) you may read the Kama Sutra - your mother and I wrote it!


Cynthia Report 22 Mar 2012 11:42

Nope - it's not old-fashioned or prudish to think that intimacy should be kept private - especially if your skin doesn't fit you anymore :-D

There is a time and a place for everything. I know we all have bodies but most I would rather see with clothes ON thank you!

We all have diahorrea at some time but I don't particularly want to watch someone suffering from it............ :-S

My teenage grandchildren would have been gigglingly mortified......."old people doing things like that!! " arrrrrggghhh. We all know, of course, that THEIR generation invented sex!



Kay???? Report 22 Mar 2012 10:29

I think any teen would have text all their contacts to get mums to record it ,,,,,,,,,,so they can get it on *y tube*

they would have been hysterics.......

:-D :-D :-D :-D.


Janet Report 22 Mar 2012 10:07 the old bloke said to his missus.......pass mi teeth I want to bite yer....-j


AnninGlos Report 22 Mar 2012 10:05

Actually i think if a teenager found it the reaction would be one of horror, surprise (that it happened) and hilarity.


Eldrick Report 22 Mar 2012 09:22

Kids would think it was hilarious, come on. How much shielding can you do on the off chance that some kid was playing the wag from school and happened to see some geriatrics simulating sex on a daytime tv show?
And as for adults, if you dont like it, then dont watch it! The moral fibre of society is hardly going to collapse because phil and holly had some grannies and grandads on in their jim jams! The only result of this is going to be an increase in bad backs, strained muscles and a run on viagra prescriptions!

lol - its the 21st c equivalent of covering the legs of tables and chairs and calling chicken breasts light meat!

:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D


LadyScozz Report 22 Mar 2012 09:03

Rita - You're NOT a prude. I wouldn't want to see that on tv either, at ANY time of day.

Hate the thought of a child "channel surfing" looking for more cartoons and finding that sort of thing.


Kay???? Report 22 Mar 2012 08:59

I wonder now why OH wanted a winch setting up. ;-) ;-) :-D


Rita Report 22 Mar 2012 08:57

I must also be a prude then.? as I thought it was carrying things a iittle too far ? . the trouble is these TV channels are short of decent material. they have on . so many repeats, that they take a chance that this type of subject will help get them more viewers and look what has happened ? we are now discussing that programme.

I was on the phone when the programe started talking about this and switched off. I dont need to know about sex. if these people need to know there are plenty of books they can buy or get from their libaray.
or even discuss it among friends.
but to show this at that time in the morning I thought was not on.

so I am a Prude.


LadyScozz Report 22 Mar 2012 08:51

:-D :-D :-D

Doesn't everyone have a trapeze in the bedroom?

:-D :-D :-D


Kay???? Report 22 Mar 2012 08:45

So when you next go buying cushions you'll be viewed in a different light....... :-D :-D :-D :-D and not as an interior designer....... ;-) ;-) :-D :-D.


*****The sales in cushions hit an all time high yesterday*****

Chandilers are expected next as are hoists in the coming weeks....

:-D :-D


LadyScozz Report 22 Mar 2012 08:42

throw a bucket of cold water over the tv :-D