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Childhood games/toys
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Michelle | Report | 8 Apr 2012 23:41 |
I remember the nursery I went to used to have the old fashioned 3 wheeler could guarantee no scraped knees when you rode them LOL |
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AnnCardiff | Report | 8 Apr 2012 23:37 |
playing "Touch" in the playground and "What's the time Mr Wolf", skipping games - "Teddy bear, teddy bear, climb the stairs" and "In and out the dusty bluebells" |
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LollyWithSprinklez | Report | 8 Apr 2012 23:34 |
Yes I think same as Lesley - Roller Skates that used to extend |
AnnCardiff | Report | 8 Apr 2012 23:32 |
still got my Teddybear - bought for me when I was born - he'll be 76 in June and a few years back was in an exhibition in Cardiff - he looks very threadbare but has been loved to bits and I'd never ever part with him |
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Suzanne | Report | 8 Apr 2012 23:30 |
also had tiny tears when i was a little older,dadmade me a wooden crib andmum knitted bedding,also had a three wheeler bike when i was 4.and a spacehopper when i was older,but dad ran over it with his car.x :-D |
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Suzanne | Report | 8 Apr 2012 23:26 |
mine was a doll called CHATTY CATHY. one of the first dolls to talk,and she had hair that grew,you could have it short or long and she walked,mum and dad paid lots for her in the late 60s,loved her :-D |
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Diamonds-R-A-Girls-Best-Friend | Report | 8 Apr 2012 22:54 |
Roller skates the type that one size fitted all you had a key to adjust them |
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Michelle | Report | 8 Apr 2012 22:47 |
The doll was called Tiny Tears, I had one also :-) |
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Wend | Report | 8 Apr 2012 22:46 |
My life-like baby doll who wee'd and cried tears, hopscotch, skipping (My mother said . . . I never should, play with the gypsies in the wood. If I did . . . . . can't remember the rest!), my brother's Meccano set, pick up stix, jacks, whizzing along paths on my roller-skates in the park - loved all those things and more until it was time to 'put away childish things' :-( |
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lorraineakapuss | Report | 8 Apr 2012 22:21 |
we called them chuck stones but never heard them called that when we left the north east, oh and hopscotch, id win that game now if i could hop with my stick , omd so long ago. :-S |
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Michelle | Report | 8 Apr 2012 22:21 |
And who can forget the Rubiks Cube, the puzzle to take the 1980's by storm and perplex a lot of children who resorted to peeling off the coloured stickers then sticking them back on in order and claim to have solved the puzzle! |
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AnnCardiff | Report | 8 Apr 2012 22:20 |
whip and top - used to take it to school for playtime - run into the classroom to use the blackboard chalks to make pretty circles on the top and then spin it across the playground |
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Michelle | Report | 8 Apr 2012 22:18 |
Another game I liked was marbles...not really a girls game but I had to be different...LOL |
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Mersey | Report | 8 Apr 2012 22:13 |
Carol I remember my Grandad showing me how to play Jacks showed my nephews how to do it not so long ago and they were perplexed lol.... |
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minihousenut | Report | 8 Apr 2012 22:08 |
My dolls house, it started a love of miniatures which I now make and collect as in my avatar |
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StrayKitten | Report | 8 Apr 2012 22:02 |
my most precious doll, i still have her now x |
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Carol 430181 | Report | 8 Apr 2012 21:45 |
Jacks for a game, dolls house that father made, and a scooter. |
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Mersey | Report | 8 Apr 2012 21:43 |
My football I was a proper little Tomboy & also my Rollerboots lol |
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Michelle | Report | 8 Apr 2012 21:43 |
Mine was the 1970's and my sister used to fight over taking turns on it lol, I always wanted one of the chopper bikes that were the fashion then but never got one *sniff sniff* lol |
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lorraineakapuss | Report | 8 Apr 2012 21:40 |
mine was a spinning top and a walkie talkie doll , showing my age lol xx :-D |
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