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Form Filling - Ethnic Group
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Silly Sausage | Report | 16 May 2012 20:31 |
evening darling I agree with Rambling Roses first post :-D |
Elizabethofseasons | Report | 16 May 2012 20:28 |
Dear All |
George | Report | 16 May 2012 19:45 |
I think just asking what ethnic group a person is from can be a problem sometimes, take the recent case of those poor children who were groomed for sex, it stated in the press they were Asian which covers a wide group. |
Gwyn in Kent | Report | 16 May 2012 19:23 |
I always state mine on hospital forms too, but am becoming less happy about information on these forms. They're only useful if kept properly. |
supercrutch | Report | 16 May 2012 18:39 |
I always state mine on hospital forms, after all they don't send me to the path lab along with my specimen :-D |
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StrayKitten | Report | 16 May 2012 17:28 |
iv never really thought about it, and always just tick the right box, lol |
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Rambling | Report | 16 May 2012 17:21 |
No Gwyn, but it might have an effect on what areas of further training might be thought appropriate at that hospital? |
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Gwyn in Kent | Report | 16 May 2012 17:08 |
Re. sickle cell anaemia |
Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it | Report | 16 May 2012 17:07 |
I don't have any specific objection when our surgery sends the form to both of us when our annual MOT is due. What I do find irritating is that every time we fill in the form but it doesn't seem to get recorded. Our origins arent going to alter from year to year!!. They say its government guidelines to ask .OK but don't keep asking cos I am getting irrated!! |
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AnninGlos | Report | 16 May 2012 16:51 |
Re BC's question, It doesn't bother me, as an ex civil servant we were asked the ethnic question many times way before it became common on forms. And I was going to say what Rose and PP said. |
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Rambling | Report | 16 May 2012 16:46 |
I think people often/ sometimes get confused between Nationality and Ethnicity.... it doesn't actually matter what Nationality you are, your medical treatment, as your social treatment, should be the same if you qualify to be in this country, through birth or immigration etc IE Equal. |
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TeresaW | Report | 16 May 2012 16:00 |
Actually Gwyn, race does matter when it comes to health. As someone said earlier, things like sickle cell anaemia is pretty much unique to those of African origin, and if the presence of sickle cell is found, this could affect the treatment of other things because of medical interaction with not only any meds being used currently, but in any future medication, so it is important in that light. It is the same reason as when they ask you what meds you are currently on, or have you any other illnesses or conditions which may affect your treatment. |
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ButtercupFields | Report | 16 May 2012 15:48 |
On the contrary, Rita, I am absolutely proud to be Irish through and through. What I am talking about is my right to refuse. |
Gwyn in Kent | Report | 16 May 2012 14:46 |
Ethnic origins shouldn't determine treatment, so I can't see that it is needed on a form. |
AnnCardiff | Report | 16 May 2012 14:26 |
nice one Merlin |
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Vera2010 | Report | 16 May 2012 14:08 |
I always say British having done my tree - Scottish and Irish and goodness knows what else Its for the stats and I love stats. Fascinating :-( and hopefully useful. |
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Merlin | Report | 16 May 2012 14:07 |
I just write Welsh in Ann, the tricky part is when answering the question marked (Sex) I usually put" Often as possible",would love to see the face of the person who reads it. :-D :-D :-D |
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TeresaW | Report | 16 May 2012 14:03 |
I've never given it a second thought to be honest, mostly because I think my own ethnicity is not important but someone else's may be. Mostly it is not relevant, but sometimes it is, so I just tick the relevant box. |
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AnnCardiff | Report | 16 May 2012 14:01 |
nor Welsh |
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Merlin | Report | 16 May 2012 13:43 |
I,ve noticed on a lot of forms wanting Ethnicity,that there is no tick box for English, :-S |
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