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Bobtanian Report 20 May 2012 23:54

Well My car has a preferred number plate, which is different to the numbers etched onto the windows.......have a look at the glass , if you can Ann


AnnCardiff Report 21 May 2012 11:03

the windows were all steamed up last time I was in your car with you - remember!!!

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 21 May 2012 12:25

Hi Ann~~~
;-) Window's steamed up, there's life in the old girl yet ;-)

Seriously this numpty and his car needs to be taken off the road for everyone's sake.

My dad was fully compos mentis when he died at a fortnight off his 91st birthday , he didn't renew his licence after he was 80, mum had died, and friends or relatives took him if it was a long distance, and he had his bus pass. He definitely would have reported such a driver, he was an ex Labour exchange Manager, by god he was strict, he used to walk into the town where he worked at lunchtime, and anyone he saw that had signed that week ,who was now working, he'd tell them to get up the office and sign off the Dole. Was the same with vehicles, he'd driven since he was 16, never had any convictions,one tyre blown out was his only accident. No one else involved ,veered across the road and stopped before hitting a hedge.. we were going on hols to Tenby at the time . He got it sorted asap , police happened to be passing and took my sister to Brecon for a repair of the tyre. Dad drove a motor bike and side car... no spares required in those days !
He lived in a small village and if he saw an iffy car,he had the guts to confront them. He used to frighten me cos he'd tell me if he'd done so ,and I used to say you'll have your windows put thro.. He never did ( thankfully)

Hope this arrogant 86 yr old gets his death-trap of a 'car' seized and crunched.

My keyboard's gone wonky ! needs a dust out !
Hope you don't have yards of blank page.. the 'e' key kept repeating :-|
and went down many lines :-|

Hope you get some conclusion soon Ann


AnnCardiff Report 21 May 2012 12:36

well it's done now - handed it over t my friend's son who works for the DVLA here in Cardiff

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 21 May 2012 13:57

Good on you Ann !!



LD Report 21 May 2012 14:51

If I was local I would go round and clamp it !


Bobtanian Report 21 May 2012 15:10

thats true Ann
but I was thinking of HIS windows,(if its a cut n shut with two different number plates.......)

As i see it..............
if you have a car, even one that hasn't moved for years, it now has to be SORN'd

AND insured, else it can be confiscated and disposed of

they cant touch it,unless it IS on the road.......


AnnCardiff Report 21 May 2012 15:14

it is on the road, but as he lives in a sheltered accommodation complex the road it's on may well be private!! dunno really!!

In the hope of keeping him off the roads I stuck a note on his car last night - it said "Police aware - no MOT" - his car is still there but the note has gone!!!


Merlin Report 21 May 2012 15:46

If you can get near it without anyone seeing you,Stick a large Potatoe up its exhaust and block it,

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 21 May 2012 15:59

Lol Merlin :-)

The nutter should be brought to justice, not just naffing his car up, he'd probably go and buy another wreck .

 Sue In Yorkshire.

Sue In Yorkshire. Report 21 May 2012 16:17

Good on you ANN for being a Good Citizen and reporting him.

Bet if it gets taken away he will go out and buy another wreck..

Hugs for you Ann.



Grandma6 Report 21 May 2012 18:38

If he has already got points on his licence, and it wouldn`t surprise me if he has, then if he gets done for this then hopefully he will have enough to have his licence taken off him .. permanently !!! Well done Ann for reporting him. There is NEVER an excuse for doing what he is doing.


Eldrick Report 21 May 2012 20:47

I wonder who would report someone to the police for the following things....

Someone smoking cannabis outside their house

Someone who offered them a new plasma screen tv for £50

Someone who was selling half price cigarettes or bottle of spirits

A friend or relative claiming benefits but working

Persistently driving with faulty headlights or brakes

etc etc

Just interested, thats all. I've always been amazed out how everyone I ever speak to is so law abiding yet whenever you tried to find a witness to something it was like everyone had suddenly gone blind and deaf ......

:-D :-D :-D


AnnCardiff Report 21 May 2012 21:31

I'd definitely report for the first four items - that TV obviously belonged to someone else

Cannabis illegal and leads to schizophrenia and also is a precursor to theft

half price cigarettes can kill if they are from abroad and obviously they will have been stolen

I loathe people who claim benefits to which they are not entitled and have reported someone for that

Not too sure if I would notice the car faults

I was a witness to an incident in Cardiff City centre and stepped up to the mark immediately giving a statement to the police there and then


Eldrick Report 21 May 2012 23:16

Good on yer! You are a member of a small club!

I always found the majority would turn a blind eye but weep and wail about it afterwards.

At one time there was a motto going around to the effect that 'this green and pleasant land needs more grasses'

I thought that was quite catchy :-D :-D


SueMaid Report 21 May 2012 23:24

When my eldest son was 16 he was with a group of boys who broke some windows - apparently not with the idea of getting into the shop but for "fun". He was frightened and told us about it so we took him down to the police station and he told them the whole story. He got a right telling off and his mates did too plus they had to pay for the damage. They never knew it was him. He's 35 now and he's never been in trouble since.


AnnCardiff Report 22 May 2012 08:32

I never pass by on the other side - if I see some injustice in the street I step in!!! I'm too old to care and as I get older I get more bold

The offence I saw was when I was sitting down in a quite square in Cardiff one evening when a cyclist raced round the corner closely followed by police cars - as he passed me I saw him throw something way over my head - didnlt see what it was.

Police threw him off his bike, cuffed him and stuck him in the van. Me thinking shall I say what I saw him do and of course I did. Policeman was so grateful - turned out the yob had robbed a girl at knifepoint in the park near the castle and stolen her purse and mobile phone and it was the phone he threw. It went down the steps of a public toilet which was closed at the time.

Police jumped over the rails and retrieved it. They then ran after me and my friend [who saw nothing as per usual!!!] and asked if I would make a statement there and then in the station and they would give us a lift home - so we had a nice cup of tea and a ride home in a blues and twos job - good result He pleaded guilty so I didn't have to go to court, but I would have done in spite of my son sayng "keep out of it"

it was nothing special;, something I'm sure 99% of the public would do - well I hope so anyway


Vera2010 Report 22 May 2012 13:29

I wouldn't report any of Eldrick's but I would assist the police in any investigation if they enquired.

There is only one thing I would have no hesitation in reporting but it is the one thing that a lot of people have difficulty doing.

Hope that toe is ok now Ann.



Merlin Report 22 May 2012 13:39

I would, I don,t see why people should get away with things,anyone who does,nt is just as bad as the perpetrator.


Vera2010 Report 22 May 2012 14:12

Thats a bit harsh Merlin. I would say whilst most on here are proactive, I'm reactive. I can honestly say I have never commited any of the things on Eldrick's list. I'm off to check my exhaust.
