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Bobtanian Report 20 May 2012 23:54

Well My car has a preferred number plate, which is different to the numbers etched onto the windows.......have a look at the glass , if you can Ann


AnnCardiff Report 20 May 2012 23:08

I can't take photos on my mobile - it's a basic idiot proof one!!!! I'm useless with a mobile - only have it for emergencies

that's a dreadful experience you had Sue - how frightening

can't recall what the other number plate was Sandie - old age y'know!!!

 Sue In Yorkshire.

Sue In Yorkshire. Report 20 May 2012 22:49


I don't take pleasure in telling you to take photos or report him.but best to follow your instincts.
I had to report a young kid(27yrs old) for driving with no tax,MOT and no insurance for running his car into my wall years ago.
Then he ran the blasted car into me and that was when I went to the police station after the hospital. as he had broke my arm speeding down a very narrow where we lived.

Police got him but they told me everytime he went out in the car,would I phone them..
Well he got time and lost the car.

But as soon as he came out he got his mother to buy him a car.
He was a danger to every road user as he couldn't care if he hit anyone or thing.


*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 20 May 2012 22:46

Sounds like a real botched 'Cut and Shut'...........a Total Death-trap :-|

Do you remember the other reg No. Ann ? Police may be more interested if they realised that too., or the DVLA.


AnnCardiff Report 20 May 2012 22:33

you ain't seen my mobile!!! Believe me, I am getting no pleasure out of this - have never ever done anything like this in my life before - but I am extremely concerned not only for other road users, motorists and pedestrians, but for him too!!

It's not his age either, I know lots of people who drive late into life with no probs - it's his arrogance in thinking he can ride roughshod over the law - he reckons he has a friend who has contact in the MOT world who'll get an MOT for him - now that is frightening - according the MOT place on Friday the car has been in an accident and welded back together incorrectly putting the body out of alignment - he got it second hand - already the back number plate has fallen off to reveal an entirely difrferent one beneath it!!!!

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 20 May 2012 22:29

Sue in Leeds ~~
Snap !
I said that earlier this afternoon, I would have no compunction whatsoever at reporting this person , in the same way you suggested.

Lots of peeps are short of cash and stupidly risk driving a car without an MOT. Ann has already said it was a major fail : It's a dangerous car for goodness sake : The man drives a dangerous car after having been drinking !!!
You may have your opinion, but if you have a neighbour who does things in similar circumstances , I hope that you are not the one to be injured . Your opinion won't count for a lot if you were.


 Sue In Yorkshire.

Sue In Yorkshire. Report 20 May 2012 22:09

When you see him go out in the car,give him 10 minutes then report him to the police that you suspect there is a man driving a dangerous car wit NO mot .or tax..

I would reort anyone wether they have loads of money or not..

They could end up killing or maiming people and it could be babies or young children.

At his age he shouldn't be driving as he is too blasted old..

EDIT, I would be taking photo's of him getting in the car and driving off with my mobile..


AnnCardiff Report 20 May 2012 21:54

What Happens if I Drive my Car Without an MOT?
If you do drive a vehicle without a valid MOT it will usually Invalidate your Insurance, and if you have an accident or are stopped by the police, you will be liable to face prosecution for MOT non-compliance. The only time you may drive a car without a valid MOT is if you are driving to a pre-arranged test appointment or to a garage that will carry out repairs that are required for your vehicle to pass the MOT test.

got this off the web


Vera2010 Report 20 May 2012 21:43

Ann. No I woild not be happy if he crashed his car and injured or killed someone but this can happen with a valid MOT and a Tax Disc.

As I don't k now the person I was not aware of his financial circumstances. Sometimes when finances are tight and for example you need to get to work driving without a valid MOT may not necesarily be dangerous although illegal.
However it does invalidate any insurance.

This particular man, as you say has the means to have his car fixed and make himself legal but life is hard for some people and they may well take the risk. I would not like to report anyone who, although driving illegally
may have failed their MOT on something comparatively minor and don't have the cash to get the car repaired and thus get an up-to-date tax disc.



AnnCardiff Report 20 May 2012 21:20

Vera - I could not live with myself if he drove that car and caused an accident - he wrote his last car off in the not too distant past - he might kill someone this time

he's not poor by any means, has stacks of cash so I don't feel sorry for him at all

of course, you are entitled to your opinion and I respect that, but I donlt think you'd be too happy if he crashed into your car as with no MOT his insurance is invalid


Alyson. Report 20 May 2012 20:32

I think that if the car has no MOT or Tax then the insurance would be void too. Given the guys age asks the question does he even have a licence.

Alyson xx


AnnCardiff Report 20 May 2012 19:50

Hi Jean - so nice to see you posting!! the thought of you on a motorbike has given me a fit of the giggles - not being mean here!! were you a member of a Hells Angels chapter?

Ann XX <3

Jean (Monmouth)

Jean (Monmouth) Report 20 May 2012 19:47

I w would definitey report him to DVLA. As my doctor said to me when he told me to stop riding my motorbike. 'You will have an accident and kill someone if you go on, and you could be left with grievious injuries'. I sold my bike!!


Vera2010 Report 20 May 2012 19:40

No. Life's tough for some people. You can drive a car that is dangerous but it can still pass its MOT.



AnnCardiff Report 20 May 2012 18:48

they didn't want to know!!!!


Grandma6 Report 20 May 2012 18:44

I would contact the police first and to make sure he was well and truly stopped I would also contact the DVLA.


AnnCardiff Report 20 May 2012 18:35

will do!!

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 20 May 2012 18:29

Keep us informed of events :-)


AnnCardiff Report 20 May 2012 17:59

thanks Sandie - much appreciated!!!!

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 20 May 2012 17:36

Have pm'd you Ann.
