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New Scam....

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lorraineakapuss Report 31 May 2012 15:29

since ive subscribed to a charity ive had all the others phoning, some sound like a scam wanting a min of 8 p0und a month, he really went on till i got the phone of specky and did my wailing banshee cry down the phone :-D


JoyBoroAngel Report 31 May 2012 15:36

a family friends had her bank card scammed today on some poker site


JoyBoroAngel Report 4 Jun 2012 13:00

two people had their bank accounts scammed this week round her this week
thats shocking robbing poor people :-(

one got thei money back from the bank straight away the other has to wait a week

bless our banking system :-D

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 4 Jun 2012 23:59

We where talking about scammers this morning... how do the he*l for peeps fall for it.
Son .. has put his car up for sale on A*to Trader; Private sale, He had a phone call call from a company who'd for £90 would guarantee a sale and return his £90 on the sale.
What a load of sh*te !
They phoned him cos the saw his advert on the net.. we checked it out and
it is a dodgy company :-|
I won't put my home or mobile phone number on the net ,and don't put it on GR either.
Just hope the car sells and we don't have any iffy phone calls.
If we do I'll go ex directory, we aren't listed currently , and son can suffer any iffy calls. I didn't know he'd put our home number on the ad !!!!!!