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Wonderful music

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Sharron Report 3 Jul 2012 21:24

Each venue pays a licence fee for the right to have music played. This is what is used to pay the royalties.

How they worked out how much of what was being played before I don't know but about ten years ago now,they commissioned a market research company,whose very existence is for the collection of data,to sample the performances for them.

Now,you may argue that there is not a collector at every performance but sample collecting was explained to me as being like a cherry pie.By eating one slice you now,more or less,what the rest of the pie is likely to be like.

Or,when you go to the doctor for a blood test,unless you are very unlucky,he doesn't pump the lot out!

Also,I spent many year sitting in pubs specifically to train for the job,hem,hem,cough.


eRRolSheep Report 3 Jul 2012 21:18

That must be an absolutely fascinating job Sharron! Is that to take a snapshot of what music is being played and where?


Sharron Report 3 Jul 2012 21:05

I collect data for the PRS For Music,which means I sometimes get paid to sit in pubs. This is in no way a value judgement but I just do not enjoy listening to Jazz and would rather not visit the jazz performances.

I do recognize talent but just do not enjoy the sound.Likewise opera.I wish I did enjoy it but the human voice at that level is not pleasant to my ears.

Probably the fault is with my ears because I have very poor tone(I think that is what it is called) and could never hear engine faults.Somebody tried to explain the different engine sounds to me once and I just could not hear them.


AnnCardiff Report 3 Jul 2012 21:03

Kenny Ball used to gig in our local hospital where I worked - the hospital hairdresser had a connection with showbusiness and whenever Kenny was in the area he would do a gig at the hospital for cash in hand so he didnlt have to pay tax - brilliant dances

Went to a Sid Phillips dance in Cardiff once - he was great too


BrendafromWales Report 3 Jul 2012 20:54

Glad some of you like a bit of trad jazz.
I am a trained classical pianist and still have my favourite composers...Beethoven Chopin Mozart etc...and it is Mendelssohn who wrote Hebridean overture...
In the mid 50s I was introduced to jazz and couldn't quite get to grips with it,but eventually learned to love it and realised that the masters improvised on given melodies as well.
I ended up playing in jazz bands in the North West and what a fantastic time I had.
Acker Bilk,Kenny Ball,Alex welsh etc ,knew them all especially when playing the Cavern in Liverpool when the Beatles were supporting us.
Love Glenn miller and all that Ann in Cardiff likes.
Can't understand a Lot of modern music and it's not always possible to hear the words of the songs they sing as they either have the mike too close or they don't sing from the diaphragm .
After 5 years of not getting out as was carer to my husband who died last Aug.I have found 2 jazz fans ,one blind,and taking them on a 50 mile round trip to hear a band every week and getting back to listening to the music I learned to love over 50 years ago.....second childhood....and loving it.

Have been a few times to see the Syd Lawrence Orchestra who play all the lovely Glenn Miller tunes.
Life would be very dull without music.


eRRolSheep Report 3 Jul 2012 20:41

I am just downloading some of my favourites from iTunes - eek I am like a child in a sweet shop and keep going off at tangents. My bank manager will probably ring me in a minute!


Sharron Report 3 Jul 2012 18:26

On You Tube there is a version of 'The Arrival of the Queen of Sheba' which my mates coffin came in to, played by an Irish fiddle band.

I find that pretty pleasing.


Merlin Report 3 Jul 2012 13:16

I though "Black Lace " was a French Maids outfit like Anne of Cardiff likes to wear. :-D However I digress, I like most music which includes Opera etc .If you listen closely to some or even most modern music you,ll find parts of classical music has been Plagurised into it.But one song I really like to hear is Lois Armstrong singing Wonderful World. :-D


Mauatthecoast Report 3 Jul 2012 13:07

Thanks Shane :-)


Mauatthecoast Report 3 Jul 2012 11:58

Never tire of hearing that clip my era too, jiving with OH ..... I saw Bill Hayley and Everly Newcastle when in my teens. :-D

Only one other I'd love to have seen was Elvis phwoar! a pal of mine saw him in concert in U.S. was I jealous? :-( YES :-|

What would life be like without music? all kinds.Certainly makes the world go around :-D


JoyBoroAngel Report 3 Jul 2012 11:11

Glen Miller give your head a shake

give me the bee gees cher ott and westlife any day :-D


Barbra Report 3 Jul 2012 11:08

We should get an album on gr .would be an interesting mix of artist & their music .Ricky Nelson /. Eddy Cochran Summer Time Blues/ thats what we are having with all the rain .Andy williams Jerry rafferty .so many over the yrs the list is endless I just love listening to music x :-D


Sharron Report 3 Jul 2012 10:54

I am particularly into Irish, especially Derek McCormack who had an exceptionally lovely voice and died far too young.

Have some pretty strange tastes too. Jimmy Shand, great stress buster if you play him really loudly,best with earphones!

Of the bands I think Mantovani had something special about his sound.

Beethoven especially the Pastoral Symphony which I always played in traffic jams.Holsts Planets, Hebridean Overture by that man whose name eludes me at this particular time.

Karl Denver,wow!


AnninGlos Report 3 Jul 2012 10:07

Love Glenn Miller and all those on Ann Cardiff's list, plus Monty Sunshine with chris Barber's band, Jack Jones Neil Diamond, Male voice choirs, some classical, military band music, I could go on!!


eRRolSheep Report 3 Jul 2012 02:00

for wonderfully scripted and written music I thoroughly recommend David Gahan and Depeche Mode - so under rated.

But for a totally encapsulating experience I recommend the instrumental of Human League's Dare - Love and Dancing - which was the brainchild of the sadly missed Martin Rushent - listen to it very loud with headphones - real music should always be loud with headphones anyway!


GlitterBaby Report 3 Jul 2012 00:34

"Billy dont be a hero"

Sorry but hate that song


AnnCardiff Report 3 Jul 2012 00:19

Shostakovich - the Romance from the Gadfly Suite - fantastic - it was the theme music for Riley, Ace of Spies - you can just drown yourself in it - oh and Pachelbel


AnnCardiff Report 3 Jul 2012 00:17

love Welsh Choirs too - OH was in Pendyrus - arguably the top Welsh Male Choir but since he's died I can no longer listen to a Welsh Choir without blubbing!!!


AnnCardiff Report 3 Jul 2012 00:16

Saw Mel Torme in concert in Cardiff, Glen Campbell, Tom Jones many times - get your money's worth with him every time - Shirl is good in concert too

Don McLean was brilliant - just him and a guitar - American Pie and Vincent - music to die for


Susan-nz Report 3 Jul 2012 00:10

Funny how our tastes change. My parents used to listen to classical music and how I hated it, some I now love.

Mau, I love the 'Spartacus" music, theme to the Onedin Line I think.

I love most genres except C&W, but there is always the exception to the rule.

Love anything that gets my toes tapping and me up 'dancing'.... depends on my mood as to what I listen to.
My 25yr old daughter's fav song is 'Amore' by Frank Sinatra ..

Can't imagine life without music :-S. I never want to stop dancing - my kind of exercise :-D.
Nothing better in the summer than throwing open the windows and doors and turning up the volume to 'vacumn' away to my hearts content, singing at the top of my voice :-D/.

then there is that song : "they're coming to take me away haha, to the funny farm, where life is beautiful all the time"
Hopefully I won't hear the knock on the door ;-)