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Can Anybody Remember

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minihousenut Report 8 Jul 2012 09:59

you can get California Poppy from Feathergills as I mentioned in an earlier post but another good site is Fragrance x .com who sell among others Patchouli which has been mentioned


Sharron Report 8 Jul 2012 10:25

Thank you but I am not very likely to buy any.

I wear about one puff of perfume a month and have three, Chanel No5,L'Air du Tempe and Opium, carefully kept in their boxes in my drawer where they have been for a good seven years now. I am hoping they won't go off just yet.

When I worked in the factory I had 64 different Estee Lauder lipsticks at one time and the full range of the perfumes in production at that time.


Vera2010 Report 8 Jul 2012 13:44

I always keep any perfume I have in it's box but feel it's a shame not to display the bottle/s I have been informed that if perfume is exposed to the light it evaporates more quickly. Not sure if this is true and whether the fragrance changes if you keep perfume for too long which is never in my case as I use it daily when I have some.
