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Can Anybody Remember

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Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 5 Jul 2012 06:31

Just found this:

Aqua Manda is the perfume most associated with the early 70s. It has a orange blossom scent.

Aqua Manda was introduced by suave, sophisticated man about town, Christopher Collins. He took over perfume manufacturer, Goya, from his father in the late sixties and personally developed Aqua Manda. Christopher Collins was a successful amateur horse rider as well as a businessman. He finished third in the Grand National in 1965 and also tried his hand at Three Day Eventing.

Aqua Manda was a new perfume for a new age. It was a lighter fragrance compared to other Goya products, such as Black Rose, Gardenia and Great Expectations, all introduced by Collins' father. Aqua Manda was a fresh, herbal based scent, which reminded people of being outdoors.

Aqua Manda was timed perfectly to capture the spirit of the early 70s. Its packaging suggesting oranges and flowers and the stylish Art Nouveau lid chimed in perfectly with the end of the sixties and the beginning of the seventies.

Aqua Manda is remembered by many as a perfume associated with parties from the early 70s. It was the definitive scent of the flower power generation and as much a part of the backdrop to that early 70s era as the music and the fashion.

Aqua Manda is not available to buy new, but there is a regular supply of it on eBay. Look out for full bottles and undamaged packaging. You will need to pay from £30 to £80 for a full bottle in good condition.

Aqua Manda on eBay

This is the one I used.

Yardley Sea Jade
Many of our readers also rememember Yardley Sea Jade, another classic perfume from the 70s.

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 5 Jul 2012 06:29

Was it Aqua Manda?

Showing my age now lol



LollyWithSprinklez Report 5 Jul 2012 06:26

In the late 60s possibly early 70s there was a range of toiletries made I think by Goya, It had a distinct Orangy smell and for a while was very popular ...a big seller in the chemist I worked for.

For the life of me I cant remember the name and it's doing me ed in :-S
