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~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 4 Sep 2012 15:26 you doing????

jude :-) :-)


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 3 Sep 2012 12:11

Hello Tudor:)

My grandfather (Bernard) came from the Ukraine as a babe in arms, my grandmother (Margaret O'Connar ) was Irish, his 2nd wife Nora Barzinksy...not sure where she came from, she was Jewish, but may have been born here!

l have some details somewhere will have to get it all out....(keep saying that though)

jude :-)


Tudor Report 3 Sep 2012 01:16

Jude, I thought that your grandparents came from the Ukraine !


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 2 Sep 2012 16:38

She told me Nora was one of Cochrans Young Ladies...a dancer, just been looking the dance group up....:))

jude :-)


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 2 Sep 2012 15:31

Some of you may remember last October ish....l was working in the charity shop when a lady came in and asked to look at a framed sketch in the window ......well we got talking and l asked if she knew Bernard Meninsky....well yes she said "my mother knew his wife Nora"....We did speak to each other just before christmas, but not since, until today, l poured a glass of wine for courage and phoned her.....she was so nice and apologised, thry have been very busy, we've left it ......if she has'nt phoned in a month then l'll phone again:))

jude :-)