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Rambling Report 16 Dec 2012 17:32

I agree that non payers should not be able to 'report' via the boards, a message to 'abuse' is more than adequate if someone who is no longer a paying member sees their name mentioned unpleasantly or as a breach of privacy.


supercrutch Report 16 Dec 2012 17:31

We are in a catch 22 here and who is suffering? Certainly not the vindictive RRers.

There must be a solution, you are all intelligent people sling in your suggestions.


Muffyxx Report 16 Dec 2012 17:28

I still think we'd be none the wiser as they'd just use another free account with a made up name.

They HAVE to stop non payers being able to RR..nothing will change til that happens.

appears GR thinks we're ok to moderate on their behalf when it suits...but not in the case of being able to suss a breach of privacy or info....daft !!!


AnninGlos Report 16 Dec 2012 17:25

Sounds like a good idea Sue but I can't see GR going for it because they seem to always want to protect the person who RRs.


supercrutch Report 16 Dec 2012 17:22

I know this is a duplicate posting but people may not go onto suggestion.

I have just thought of this.

Leave the RR button but if someone wants to RR a post they will have to state their reason posted on the thread using a simple adjustment in the coding.

So: you press RR and a reply box comes up which will be posted on the thread. You can then say "I found that to contravene the T & Cs because ????" or "the post compromised my security" or "that statement is untrue".

Maybe that would stop vindictive RRs because their name would appear in the reply box.

Please put me right if you think the idea is unworkable for whatever reason.