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*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 9 Jan 2013 18:11

Hope it wasn't the first one J,cos 4 hours is a long time, 'Oh dear what can the matter be...etc' springs to mind ;-) :-)


JustJohn Report 9 Jan 2013 18:03

Both of those, Merlin. Now what were you saying? :-S


Merlin Report 9 Jan 2013 14:09

You should have said The "Llandrillo-Yn-Rhos" Clogger, Not Claregate and as for your pretence of Trembling, Possibly because you want to be excused to go to the Loo.Or because you have no reply of any consequence. Which is Par for the course in your case.


TheBlackKnight Report 9 Jan 2013 14:06

John Some people try to help you, trouble is you don't know it. To coin a phrase you said to me only the other day so I give it back to you... you're up one's own?


JoyBoroAngel Report 9 Jan 2013 14:03

John stop getting your tights in a twist

maybe they are trying to help you ;-) ;-)


JustJohn Report 9 Jan 2013 13:53

Here we go again. Think I will put my shopping down and exit stage left when the Claregate Clogger wades in with his army issue boots (Tremble, tremble)

You absolutely know the answer to your question, Merlin. So does everyone if you have presented facts of that case correctly. It is a violent and criminal act.

You of all people know exactly what I mean by "support 100% Welsh". Always have, always will.


Merlin Report 9 Jan 2013 13:50

John ,You stated in one post , We.ll try and make him look Stupid and Chase him off Our Site. Firstly its not anyones Site, Secondly ,you don,t need anyone to make you look stupid, you do an excellent job all on your own with out help.**M** Ps. as you say you Support every thing Welsh 100%,Does that include the 4 Boyoes who beat up a young man from Birmingham almost killing him, because of his Accent?


TheBlackKnight Report 9 Jan 2013 13:34

Guinevere I agree with what you said & you said it very well. :-)

John I have not confused you with anybody here, I don't get confused & I am a very clear educated thinker.

You say... No chips, No judging. Are you confusing me with somebody else?
I say... Are you the peoples Judge & Jury that decide what the people need in life?
If that's what you think then you really are the fools fool.


JustJohn Report 9 Jan 2013 13:33


"When everyone else disagrees with you it is not the pack descending. It is you being a minority of one. And wrong.". Sometimes not wrong at all.

Not sure if I am wrong on this thread. You all seem to think I am and Dr Lewis's behaviour cannot possibly be excused.

I have just read through his original long letter in Welsh to the weekly Welsh paper Y Cymro. I assume OP from Cambrian News is a potted version, and some of it is lost in translation.

Dr Lewis said he was polite in his letter and could not understand why she began using English. He asked her politely if she would say the amount in Welsh. When he got no further, most would have dropped the request. But he is 83 and probably a bit cranky (my judgment) and asked to see the Manager - also a Welsh speaker. The Manager took the side of the cashier even though Dr Lewis had his bank card ready to put in machine. Dr Lewis wanted the Manager himself to say the amount in Welsh, but Manager refused.

It then became a battle of wills for two stubborn men. Both Welsh speaking, by the way. Why Dr Lewis did not at this point put his shopping down and leave is not clear. He would have got far more sympathy probably.

But the Welsh speaking Manager then spoke to the police in English saying he would not pay for goods. So they were totally unaware it was over a Welsh language issue. They thought it was somebody refusing to pay.

Dr Lewis held his ground till the Manager spoke on his mobile to the police in Welsh and a Welsh PC came. The Welsh PC suggested that the cashier on the next till said the amount in Welsh to Dr Lewis, he dutifully paid, he left Spar (which he never named in his letter) and he wrote a letter to Y Cymro in Welsh protesting he could not deal in his own native Welsh language in Pwllheli.

Storm in a teacup, and still not heard much of what local people think about Conrad Davies or Dr Lewis. Robyn Lewis is 83, he is an eccentric. And he is stubborn and opinionated. Not bad traits to have. Three cheers for Robyn Lewis, I say.


Guinevere Report 9 Jan 2013 13:05

"I try very hard not to hurt anybody or their feelings - I really do. But I do like goading if I feel someone would benefit from it."

But who are you to decide if anyone would benefit? A very arrogant belief, I think, I think you are rather a poor judge of character from your expressed beliefs here.

"And I quite like being goaded if I need it - but prefer an individual goad rather than have the pack descend."

When everyone else disagrees with you it is not the pack descending. It is you being a minority of one. And wrong.

You don't want to make friends - that's fairly obvious. I think most of us joined wih that view. But surprisingly, as years go by, friendships are formed and people meet up.

I have a few very valued real life friends I first met via GR.



JustJohn Report 9 Jan 2013 12:43

BK. Very interesting questions. Very long answers required. But the simple answer is that a pearl does not appear if the oyster has no grit.

Ideally, we all want to be fluffy and creamy oysters. Realistically (in real world) we all need a bit of grit.

No chips, No judging. Are you confusing me with somebody else?


TheBlackKnight Report 9 Jan 2013 12:38

You're doing it again John
Who are you to judge if another person needs goading?
What benefit do they gain from you goading them?
You seem to have a chip on you're shoulder & the need to judge others, remember this is about people you don't know anything about in the real world.


JustJohn Report 9 Jan 2013 12:34

Getting a bit serious. I love to have a laugh too. And have had some of my heartiest laughs on this thread. Many thanks to MrD, Brenda in Wales, Suzanne who knows HRH and so many others. And SueCrutch, of course - take a bow for making all this possible.

And I really hope 2013 wil be a great year for you, Sue. I have taken an interest, see. And I am quietly confident that this will be YOUR year :-) :-)


JustJohn Report 9 Jan 2013 12:29

BK. I don't want to make friends on here. I don't want to make enemies either.

I want to use the board for general chat. I do want to give my opinion sometimes. My opinions are not that outlandish. Anything Welsh tends to be supported 100%. Anything religious grabs my attention, particularly anything Christian. Anybody who is ill or in need tends to get supported 100%. And I love the witty exchanges that people get involved in.

Others come on here for social support and to make friends. And some have friends of many years standing. Not my scene. Not something I want to get involved in. Not requiring friends or company via a chat board. Possibly I will meet someone I have posted with on here by accident, and I think they would be quite surprised how pleasant and caring I am. And probably vice versa.

I try very hard not to hurt anybody or their feelings - I really do. But I do like goading if I feel someone would benefit from it. And I quite like being goaded if I need it - but prefer an individual goad rather than have the pack descend.


TheBlackKnight Report 9 Jan 2013 12:12

You see John the following bit...

I come across quite well in my normal life - caring, quite funny, loving, fairly humble about myself. And I have never tried to be any different since I started posting on chat.

is not working on here is it?

You can't claim the RRer he/she has been around for a long time now. Unless you know some thing we don't?

As for the following

I have not met anyone on chat, have no intention of ever meeting anyone on chat, am very happy that there are groups of friends on here - but not so happy that some of those groups like to chase people off sites by reporting posts, pm'ing friends to wind up posters they don't appreciate, and using expressions like "poor me" "wum" when those expressons decribe them much more accurately than their target.

Could go on with my rant, but will stop there for now.

You'r doing it again arnt you. You would be better off trying to get to know people rather than judging them, then maybe they will stop judging you.


JustJohn Report 9 Jan 2013 11:58

BK. I really don't crave attention. Yes, I like to be a bit confrontational, and this thread would not have lasted this long had I not confronted the majority opinion about the former Archdruid.

I have no real idea how I come across. I do get some people say "take no notice, I love your posts, very funny". But those people hardly ever come on to post and when they do they tend to also give me a ritual kicking.

I come across quite well in my normal life - caring, quite funny, loving, fairly humble about myself. And I have never tried to be any different since I started posting on chat.

I have not met anyone on chat, have no intention of ever meeting anyone on chat, am very happy that there are groups of friends on here - but not so happy that some of those groups like to chase people off sites by reporting posts, pm'ing friends to wind up posters they don't appreciate, and using expressions like "poor me" "wum" when those expressons decribe them much more accurately than their target.

Could go on with my rant, but will stop there for now.


TheBlackKnight Report 9 Jan 2013 11:46

John it's not a case of if I like you or not, I don't know you. This is cyber world how you portrey yourself on here is an impresstion you give of who you are.

It's a fine line of being funny & entertaining or rude & arrogant to the point you upset others. By upsetting others you're getting the attention you want? I find that hard to understand as most people like to just have a chat on here, & not be confrontational.

Why lay traps can't you see what you are doing or how you come across to other people?
Like you we all have our own opinions.


JustJohn Report 9 Jan 2013 11:18

BK. The more you know, the more you realise you don't know.

Must admit, I think quite a few have not realised that truth yet ;-)

Yes, I like winding up perceived pomposity or intransigence. And like being wound up myself. But do not like mob rule and people defending friends on here. That is when I get a bit shirty. You know what I mean - "John has given an opinion, let's all have a go. You check his past posts, I'll check his tree and google him. We'll try and make him look stupid and chase him off our site".

Have laid enough traps to know what happens - and it stinks :-( :-( :-( And only a few doing it - presumably because it makes them feel better about themselves.


TheBlackKnight Report 9 Jan 2013 11:05

If John thinks he knows everything then he is a fools fool. He may have gone to Banger university but let's face it, it's not Oxford university or Cambridge university, there is always somebody that’s been given a better education & better chances in the world.
Yes he likes to play games with other people & wind them up a bit; He knows just what he is doing. It's because of that I don't think John is ever misunderstood. He likes to dish it out but he don't like it if somebody treats him the way he treats others


JustJohn Report 8 Jan 2013 23:23

Brenda :-D :-D

Saw part of that on news. Have not listened to radio this week, but apparently they are playing Classical Music and English language records on Welsh language radio.

First Minister (Carwyn Jones) was not at all impressed the BBC had failed to sort things out with EOS. Had to field a couple of questions about it in Senedd today. Hopefully get resolved tomorrow.

Suzanne. Thanks for support. I need it :-D