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Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 6 Jan 2013 18:40

if that is you in the photo on the left than you look a lot older than 66 however the reason I put the copies of your post on the thread is nothing to do with my age or your own so its hardly ageist :-D :-D :-D


supercrutch Report 6 Jan 2013 18:16

I am bloody crippled (not in my imaginary land) so carry on without me please.

I shall return when I can move gracefully through this thread :-D until then avoid me because you are risking an earfull :-|


JustJohn Report 6 Jan 2013 18:01

Right, Hayley. Has anyone on this thread met Hayley. What age does she look? 27, 29 or 49. I need to know.

And do I look 46, 56 or 66? MrD is the only one who has met me, so he will have to say. He looks just under 60, by the way. This is the most ageist thread on the whole of chat :-( :-( :-(

Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 6 Jan 2013 17:39

I am actually 29 and have been for nearly 2 decades :-D But you are forgetting John I have met many from this site and I think they are well aware I am not really 29 so no glass palace for me ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)

Maybe 23 sounded better than 13 who knows? :-D :-D :-D :-D


JustJohn Report 6 Jan 2013 17:34

Well, I want Hayley to explain how she is 27 with 3 children in their 20's. Not the only liar, liar, pants on fire. Drama Queens in glass palaces can often fall on their .......bottoms. :-D ;-).

Where is Mrs Sprouts when you need her. Last seen thrusting a pointy stick at a suspicious package :-S :-S :-S


Muffyxx Report 6 Jan 2013 17:25

Interesting Hayley...see what you mean now ;-)


JustJohn Report 6 Jan 2013 17:24

Hayley. What a find!!! Total contraception there. Hallucinating I was, O beautiful one. You would make a much better Dick than Miss Marple;-)

MrD :-D :-D :-D So glad you got home ok. No one understands the consensuuality of a Dafydd with a Dafad. Sheep are such lovely, intelligent creatures. Yes, I did go home in my Rolls Canardly with two lovely lambs in the back.

They slept last night with the elderly dad of a lovely lady from Norfolk (who is recovering from a nasty fall by listening to a male voice choir singing through his open window). Currently, I can hear the beautiful melody of "Dafad y Garreg Wen". The old boy (he has not got your vitality and sense of fun, MrD) is really on the mend, the tears are flowing like the River Taff, and I am slowly roasting him some Welsh lamb for his supper :-D ;-)


MrDaff Report 6 Jan 2013 16:34

Home at last !!!

Mind you, I didn't expect a welcome from a couple of ragged bobbies - something about a missing car,which was obviously not in my possession ..... ;-) but they've gone now.

Postman has also been, but why someone is sending me magazines for mail-order ladies lingerie, I just can't imagine (( think I must be holding this page upside down ? Not a lot of material showing...that's got to be uncomfortable,surely!)) :-D

What else ... hmm, an invitation to join the Gorsedd. No, I don't think I want to apply to be Mistress of the Robes, too much humping and dumping. Ah, a letter of complaint from an old lady in a headscarf about, apparently, being accosted by a gibbering mad-woman who, to cap it all, was waving a pointy crutch around and muttering '180', or something similar. Dunno about that - ignore ;-) :-P :-D for bull's pizzles - eh, no thanks. Another letter of complaint from some guy who is accusing me of 'debasing' his sheep !! Really ??? I thought it was consensual in those parts, but he's mistaken me for someone else though - apparently this person grabbed a couple of this man's flock, stuck them in the back of a Roller and sped off ..... being chased by a figure made out of sticks :-S

Oh, a belated Christmas card from SPAR, how nice ! And a voucher as well, for free pasties, mmm.

Anything else? Oh dear - my 4ft hole has been filled in ((looks around for matriarchal figure lurking in undergrowth; check for trip-wires ... nothing seen, phew!!)). Hole is full of bl**dy odd socks, phew !!! :-S :-S

Time to relax, don my robes, wash my cod-piece, and practice the finer points of Hari-Kiri for an hour or so. Then it's Dancing on Ice, YaY!!! :-D :-D :-D ~~~

Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 6 Jan 2013 16:23

JohnLovesCocoa Report 4 Jan 2013 22:32
That makes you almost 50 now!!!! What on earth were you doing last nigfht with red knickers in a lay-by in Bangor. You are an old lady. FGS, act like one, Suzanne. I was 22 and a bit, courting my future imaginary OH (8 years younger than me) and living in Llanddulas, which is a beautiful North Wales coastal village with 6 miles of the whitest sand in the world and a micro-climate that means hardly any rain and the temp never drops below 17C

Now I am confused ……bit of a contradiction here or do you have more than 1 imaginary OH’s John? Or have you lost or added 10 years along the way ?

JohnLovesCocoa Report 6 Jan 2013 08:25
Suzanne You are young and vital to me. I think of anyone under 50 as being young. 50 or over - old Happy birthday, by the way There was something on the news t'other day saying that if you carried a bit of weight you were healthier. My imaginary OH was 23, 6 stone 13lbs and 5'4" when I met her. She used to go into Boots in Mold to buy Complan to build herself up. Now a much more comfortable 8 and a half stone and looks fabulous at 59. Size 12 in Wallis, Size 8 in M&S. But just a figment of my imagination Son was 9stone 7lbs and 6'2" when he went to Uni in Pontypandy at 18. Now 27 and 13 stone and looks pretty good, no longer a beanpole. Not divulging my statistics, but never a greyhound.Yes, I went to Bangor in 1966 after public school in Wolverhampton. But unlike you, have done nothing much since My cv is full of abject failure and modesty. Sometimes I must feel like Will's dad


JustJohn Report 6 Jan 2013 14:14

Good goading to you, Hayley. I can only speak for myself but I did go up to Pwllheli with Suzanne and MrD to see if there was another side to this story.

I did actually know quite a few words of Welsh in Wolverhampton - how are you, nice day, good night..... That sort of thing. Holidays were always in North Wales, usually with family.

But I did not really hear much Welsh till I went to Bangor aged 20 and I loved sitting in pubs trying to understand what people were saying. And eventually had confidence to speak it a bit. Probably how children learn any language. It is great to have more than one language - I only wish I could speak several but have struggled enough with Welsh. :-)

Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 6 Jan 2013 14:02

Goading again John I see maybe you are in the mood for a bit of a row, we are all agreed on here as I take it,bar you that Lewis is nothing more that a cowardly arrogant bully but I do admire you that even though you are born and brought up in England all through your childhood you learnt to speak Welsh in your later life...well done :-D


JustJohn Report 6 Jan 2013 13:57

Just had a look on a Welsh language chat thread. Not much support for Robyn there either, but a general agreement that it was silly incident and no one smells of roses.

I have just remembered that the slogan for the Welsh Language Society in 1960's was "Popeth yn Gymraeg" (Everything in Welsh). I can remember days when I would hardly need to speak English. We did try hard to avoid English radio, TV, American films, you name it. Difficult for a day even, to be honest.

I do think that most people in somewhere like Pwllheli do say everything in Welsh until it comes to money. For some reason, money has to be stated the English way by some Welsh speakers. I think Robyn Lewis would have known that perfectly well, and he does seem to have had a bad hair day. :-( :-(


JustJohn Report 6 Jan 2013 08:25

Suzanne :-D :-D You are young and vital to me. I think of anyone under 50 as being young. 50 or over - old :-( :-( :-( Happy birthday, by the way :-D

There was something on the news t'other day saying that if you carried a bit of weight you were healthier. My imaginary OH was 23, 6 stone 13lbs and 5'4" when I met her. She used to go into Boots in Mold to buy Complan to build herself up. Now a much more comfortable 8 and a half stone and looks fabulous at 59. Size 12 in Wallis, Size 8 in M&S. But just a figment of my imagination ;-)

Son was 9stone 7lbs and 6'2" when he went to Uni in Pontypandy at 18. Now 27 and 13 stone and looks pretty good, no longer a beanpole. Not divulging my statistics, but never a greyhound.

Yes, I went to Bangor in 1966 after public school in Wolverhampton. But unlike you, have done nothing much since :-( :-( My cv is full of abject failure and modesty. Sometimes I must feel like Will's dad :-( :-(


Suzanne Report 6 Jan 2013 00:59




im very happy that your funny playful and happy side ,seems to be coming out on these funny banter threads,theres more to being a boring old fart that went to uni in Bangor in 1066 oh sorry 1966 :-D

i also went to uni in Bangor,but im not a boring old fart am i? :-D <3


JustJohn Report 6 Jan 2013 00:46

Suzanne. Expect a lot of people will be upset at your familiarity with Kate.

What you omit to say is that you look after her car and stop the scaggies from nicking it. And you are forever lending things to her when she runs out of milk, sugar, tea etc. ;-) And all she gives you are red items with hearts on them :-D


supercrutch Report 6 Jan 2013 00:43

Hell's ding dongs :-|

I am in my pit with the pony trying to get some rest. I haven't found my crampons THAT'S CRAMPONS not a typo. So I havent been able to get up to the top of the garden yet to investigate the mystery package but boy there's a pong and what appears to be a blue haze hanging around the bucket I chucked it in.

It'll have to wait till tomorrow when Llewelyn the pony and I have had some sleep. Why he insists on my side of the bed gawd knows. Probably because my pillows are softer. Plus the sodding canary will not shut up :-( I suppose he's just happy he is still sitting on his perch and not eating sawdust.

Mind you he may not be for much longer if I poke him with my crutch


Right, I am going to get back into bed no doubt to dream of aged on archdruid wearing anti crutch netting, red lacy thongs, holding up a spar store armed with a bara brick. Personally I think he looks plain stupid shoving a plastic aldi bag in her face and screaming "fill it with veg before you get a wallop with my brick, that's BRICK.

Tomorrow the secret of the package may be revealed. That is if it doesn't creep down and envelopes the house tonight and I find it contains a shed load of maniacal long dead pirates....hang that's The Fog.


Suzanne Report 6 Jan 2013 00:32


:-D :-D :-D


Wend Report 6 Jan 2013 00:28

Sweet dreams :-D :-D :-D


JustJohn Report 6 Jan 2013 00:27

You little liar, Suzanne. Liar, liar, pants on fire.

I wouldn't banter with you on any thread if I did not know how wealthy you are. I know how familiar you are with your next door VIP neighbours and was working on an invitation to baby's christening :-) ;-)

Books would be good, and Scouse cultural funding is quite attractive. But it will only be pin money (like Fergie's books).


Suzanne Report 6 Jan 2013 00:18

try harder Wend :-D

you"ll make it in the end :-D

you could help me write my book, its titled TAKING TEA WITH ROBIN THE BARD ON THE ROAD TO PWLLHELI. its going to be a best seller in wales,translated to scouse when the money starts rolling in. :-D

My next book CATCHING CRABS IN CONWAY. will also be a bestseller,bring back a lot of memories for people in liverpool during their summer holidays without their parents...

jump on board now,this is going to be universal and im going to be really rich some day. :-D