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Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 3 Jan 2013 18:02

George PMSL :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D what a relief for the poor £7.00 cashier.

One assumes people tell others they were born in a Country in which they was'nt to feel accepted, more so if their partner and children were born there and its pretty obvious that outsiders are not very much welcome and when one has lived a lie for so long one assumes they start believing their own lie and get very upset and embarrassed when caught out.!!!

It always makes me giggle when I see the "oh poor me what have I done to deserve this?", which actually means oh dear me I am having to take a taste of my own medicine for instance, if I openly put up a thread, declaring my love of not only being a wum but feeling very happy and proud to known as a wum, then I would expect some backlash and flack on the back of it. If I went out of my way to rub people up the wrong way, then at sometime I would expect the tables to be turned, and when they did I would expect to be able to stand up for myself and take as much as I am able to give out. Not hide behind my age or religion or my imaginary heritage.

:-D :-D :-D


MrDaff Report 3 Jan 2013 17:58


Hi !!

or shall I say

Shalom aleikhem / Salaam alaikum

;-) ;-) :-D :-D :-D :-D


Eeyore13 Report 3 Jan 2013 17:56

The thing is John chatting on a forum-you don't know who you're talking to, could be anyone & you also have no real understanding of why other people are here.
It's like walking into a room of strangers...would you converse in the way you do in that situation?
Most people get to know people before they become shall we say "antagonistic" & that's how you make friends, you seem to get a lot of joy getting a "rise" out of people & then playing the "victim".
If you repeatedly do the same thing you will always get the same response & eventually no response at all.


ChrisofWessex Report 3 Jan 2013 17:55

There is nothing worse or more annoying than the self righteous.

It is so sad that you repeatedly state that you do not know why you appear to upset people and are sooooooo innocent of any wrongdoings. You are surprised you come across as arrogant??????? Read the posts.

You have the temerity to describe yourself as 'humble and pleasant'. It is not up to you to describe yourself as anything but others who will describe your character as how it appears to them. You appear to delude yourself.

Wake up - smell the roses - read the posts - past and present - you cannot be the only chosen one who is correct each and every time.

Stop girning in the corner

Means whinging, crying, sobbing, stamping feet.


supercrutch Report 3 Jan 2013 17:45

I can have a case of 'foot in mouth' or 'OTT' same as anyone. The difference is someone I respect will tell me I am being a complete pain and I'll temper my posts.

I admit there are a couple of subjects which, if raised, I'll be in feet first but generally I know when I have gone too far and I will shut up!

A lesson to be learned maybe. When you are 6 feet down it's time to stop digging the damn hole.


Kay???? Report 3 Jan 2013 17:42


Let it rest now........most think the man acted out of turn,he held himself in esteem of importance which he blantly held this poor girl subject to.......He refused to pay for his goods when asked till the young lady pampered to him.

I doubt Mr Davies will be lost for I belvie some will be in there patting his back and offering the young lady buckets of sympathy and words of comfort as,,,,,,,*,dont let the old bugger bother you.*

in this case--------the customer wasnt right in many people opinion,some even Welsh,!!

I do find it disturbing that curisosity has sent people round the WWW seeking details about you.It happened to Eldrick,which then bled into his private life with near dire results.I hope it dont happen in this case.


supercrutch Report 3 Jan 2013 17:33

George you have just cured my pain through laughing I must have pinged something back in place, thank you :-D :-D


MrDaff Report 3 Jan 2013 17:33

Well i don't think Mr Davies will miss your or your friends custom, it being such a trek from you to him ... :-) :-\


George Report 3 Jan 2013 17:30

What John, all three of you, bloody hell their takings will be effected :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

George :-) :-) :-) :-)


JustJohn Report 3 Jan 2013 17:22

When I say "taunting for no obvious reason", I upset people on the Welsh thread, Shaun asked me not to post and I have hardly posted since. I had never been on any chat threads before in my life, and my opinion (based on watching my children of Facebook etc) was that they were a waste of time and banale. I apologised for that remark and have changed my mind - mainly because someone politely pointed out how many ill and housebound people contributed to chat and that friendship here was a lifeline for many.

I have had friendly discussions even today with people in the street who do not hold my views on a range of subjects. Not one falling out, plenty of smiles. I cannot work out what I am doing on here to come across as arrogant, a hillock etc. I am truthfully quite a humble and pleasant person who gets on with everybody - honest!!

I actually find it highly amusing. I post what I think is an innocent opinion, or tell somebody who I think is pompous and opinionated what I think of them, and the world seems to cave in time after time.

My views are often not majority views, but they are held by a lot of people. I am not a racist, a Nazi, a liar or any ot the things claimed. I do stir occasionally, but so do many of us (particularly the Alpha males and the double alpha females who post).

I refuse to shop in Pwllheli Spar till Conrad Davies apologises to dear old Robyn. None of my friends in Pontypandy intend to shop there again. So lets see how long before Conrad apologises :-S


Kay???? Report 3 Jan 2013 16:36

and our local maturnity unit dont deliver babies anymore, mums have to travel to the designated hospital which can be 30/50 miles away and some babies have been born by the road side in cars or an emergency ambulance if the parents dont own a car!! a baby died in the car and one in an ambulance had a DOA.

if first time mum goes in a panic shes sent home if shes hours from birth..


wouldnt happen to blue blood though,,,,,,,,,

Mr Daff..........nods wisley,,,, :-)


PollyinBrum Report 3 Jan 2013 16:32

Have good manners
Don't be arrogant
Be flexible

sounds good to me


AnninGlos Report 3 Jan 2013 16:29

We had lunch today in a Chinese buffet restaurant. Behind the till where we paid on the way out was a notice.

Have good manners
Don't be arrogant
Be flexible

It was also stuck to the door on the way out. so both staff and customers were faced with it. What a good idea! :-)


MrDaff Report 3 Jan 2013 16:26

England is the only place in the UK still charging for prescriptions. This will remain the case in Wales until at least 2016.

Why not cut overseas handouts? That'll pay for a lot more than cots :-P


jax Report 3 Jan 2013 15:58

Maybe the Welsh ought to pay for their prescriptions like we do in England (until 60), then they could spend the money on some cots


Eeyore13 Report 3 Jan 2013 15:41

Owen Money...Owing Money lol
Like being called Robin Banks :-D


supercrutch Report 3 Jan 2013 15:24

I see they paid Owen Money...lololol he used to be our entertainer for some private events at the hotel.

It's not like he needed the loot with what he charges for appearances.

One of our friends Julie Rainsbury was given a grant in order to write her first book. That I can understand but not celebs!

Edit: at least you did have the decency to acknowledge my distain at the rubgy part MrDaff :-P :-P


MrDaff Report 3 Jan 2013 15:24

What it means to be Welsh (tongue placed in cheek, in advance :-D)

Sri, Sue, but you can skip the rugby bit ;-) :-D :-D :-D


Eeyore13 Report 3 Jan 2013 15:16

Well if they want to throw money at people I have distant Welsh descent :-D

I could do some poetry...

I got drunk in Towyn

Sunburn in Barmouth

Dinas Mawdyy you make me Dizzy

Rhyll the Concrete City


PollyinBrum Report 3 Jan 2013 14:54

Perhaps it's just me, I have had several moves and home is not a place. For me my home is where my heart is <3 <3