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What next? Good news p.3

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Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 25 May 2013 04:49

Well Lynda, last evening I wondered if we would have a holiday!

O.h. went to work on Friday late morning (11.30 to 5pm shift) and used the car obviously as the bike has a buckled wheel and broken brake. He came home from work and said he wanted me to take him to the hospital as his knee and thumb were swollen and sore. Off we went at 7pm after he had bathed and had a snack - he's diabetic - and the service at A & E was very good. We didn't have to hang around too long before he was assessed by a lovely young nurse, then he had a doctor take a look at him ( I giggled, doctor was very very tanned and had an accent that o.h. always finds difficult to understand) and then he was sent for xrays on said knee and thumb. I overheard the xray chap say, Oh this one's a suspected fractured knee! I had visions of o.h. ending up in plaster and our holiday being cancelled. However, luck was with us and he just has bad bruising and has to rest and use icepacks to reduce swelling. We were out of the hospital by8.30pm so not too bad and a very calm atmosphere in A & E whcih relaxed him a bit, he hates hospitals.

He has decided to go into work as usual today (12 hr shift but he wants the overtime for the holiday) as he will have Sunday and Monday to rest (that's after he has visited his father who is out of hospital and wants some bean plants put in the ground)

I rang the chap who knocked him off his bike and he has a difficult accent to understand too, but was very apologetic and says he will buy him a new bike so as the other one has a buckled wheel and brake damage and the frame may be compromised by the bang, it will be a good outcome. The best bit is that o.h. plans to get a cycle helmet, at last. I have only been trying to persuade him for over 4 years, since he started cycling to work when he needed to lose weight and when his licence was revoked after the bleed on his brain episode in 2007.

Things could have been a lot worse, the driver says he does take care and doesn't know how he missed seeing o.h. but will be even more careful than he usually is, and o.h. realises how close he came to being really bashed about so is going to protect his head at last!

Thanks for pms and concern



GinN Report 24 May 2013 12:51

There's one thing about this catalogue of mishaps - it will make your holiday all the better when it comes, Liz, as I.m sure it will!

Lynda X


LadyScozz Report 24 May 2013 10:17

Oh dear, your poor OH, and his father <3

I hope your run of bad luck is shorter than ours!


Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 24 May 2013 08:26

Oh and now I think he realises why I keep on at him to buy and wear a helmet!

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 24 May 2013 08:08

I am beginning to wonder if our holiday is jinxed.

Ten days ago o.h.'s father (82) was rushed into hospital, turns out his warfarin dose hadn't been adjusted properly and he was taking too much, causing bleeding of the muscles in his stomach. He had to have a blood transfusion and has been under observation since, but apparently should be well enough to go home today.

Last evening, o.h. rang to say he had to stay on at work as a machine had broken down and he needed to stay and help the night chap fix the thing. He rang to say he was on his way about an hour later and then I got a phone call from a policeman telling me o.h. had been knocked off his bike by a car. He said he was ok, and had been checked out by a paramedic but wouldn't go to hospital. The driver had come out of a junction without stopping, knocking o.h. off his bike and then hitting him with the car as he lay on the ground. Seems he didn't stop instantly.

The Police brought o.h. and the bent bike home in a van and rang us later to give us the driver's name and phone number. He isn't being prosecuted for anything as there were no witnesses altho some people came out of their house when they heard the bang and put a blanket round o.h. O.h said he saw the car coming down the hill to his left as he rode along and assumed the bloke would stop, but the driver said he didn't see o.h., despite him having lights on his bike, more than two on the rear, and he was wearing a yellow high vis. jacket with reflective strips on the back, front and sleeves. He was very shaken up and sore so I made him have a soak in a hot bath and then he went to bed. He has a bump on his head and his thumb hurts too, I wondering if he has damaged the scaphoid bone. The driver told the police he would recompense o.h. for damage to the bike and Police said if we have any problems to get back to them if we want the insurance details and aren't given them. I think the driver wants to avoid a claim and would rather just pay up himself.

I had to laugh when the Policeman told me the man's name, he had to spell it for me. O.h. said the driver was a ******** foreigner ( he has a thing about foreigners and immigrants etc ) and this chap's name is unpronounceable! The P.C. said 'it rolls off the tongue, doesn't it?' when I started laughing but that wasn't what amused me, it was the fact that of all people to hit o.h. it had to be a foreigner!

Oh well, hope he isn't too sore when he gets up, I found some Arnica for the bruising but after he had put some on, I realised it was 3 years out of date lol Means I am not able to use the car today or tomorrow as he will need it to go to work, so that's my plans mucked up. Lots still to do before we go away next week, if we manage to get there that is!

Hope there isn't a third thing. Cross your fingers for me that next week at this time I am safely on the coach to the airport and all is well.
