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Mersey Report 11 Jun 2013 10:49

Some people come on here and other sites as well,
they can spend all day and night on them but no-one
knows their circumstances. I for one would never question
what their circumstances were . Who are we to judge.
It could be their only interaction with the outside world. <3


KittytheLearnerCook Report 11 Jun 2013 10:40

That's a whole other show though John :-0

When I was in junior school I told Mum that there was a girl no-one liked as she was dirty and had nits.

To my horror, Mum arranged for me to spend time with her and get to know her............she was really nice and when I saw past the grubbiness and itchy head I found a lonely little girl who I still keep in touch with today.

Mum was a very wise lady :-D

On the other side of the coin is my brother who I was so very close to who grew to be an adult I still love but have no contact with now as he caused immense hurt to us.

We agree to disagree but can never reconnect as we once did and so live our own lives avoiding causing each other hurt.

But I do know that if ever we truly need each other, as at Mum's funeral, we can still be civil to each other then go back on our own paths again.

Life is tough enough without seeking to hurt anyone else, let alone people we only know via a chat board.

In my humble opinion anyway.


JustJohn Report 11 Jun 2013 10:19

Kitty. I am old enough (and was a bad enough lad in my youth) to be extremely worried about some of the paternity tests :-0 :-0 Particularly those who know Colwyn Bay, Wolverhampton and Merseyside well :-(


KittytheLearnerCook Report 11 Jun 2013 10:14

I wonder what would happen if the very few on here who don't see eye to eye were put in a room together and told to sort it out...........*writes to Jeremy Kyle*


Guinevere Report 11 Jun 2013 07:51

If your friend was here in 2009 and sure she's seen a lot worse than is happening now, Lynda. ;-)

I have a long memory as well and the current occasional unpleasantness is nothing like the all out bunfights of days gone by when the whole front page was full of angst, flouncing and sniping.

There's some nasty stuff around, currently, but it doesn't seem as bad as the ganging up and clique accusations of time gone by.

But I'm not around GR as much as I used to be so maybe there's stuff happening that's passing me by.


LadyScozz Report 11 Jun 2013 02:19

There are more nice people here than weird ones.

I ignored the sniping & rude comments until recently. If I'm insulted I want to know why the posters think they have the right to make such comments.

If I'm not interested in a topic I don't add to the thread.......... and don't understand why people have to add nasty comments to threads they don't like.

<3 for the nice people
:-P for the not-so-nice people



AmazingGrace08 Report 11 Jun 2013 01:12

I've been away from GR for about a year and have noticed a difference in the boards.

There are some lovely people who are still members and who help those with questions, but some of the posts you would have to ask yourself why they even bother to put them people read over what they have typed before they press the submit key!

I love history, GR is just a tool to help us interact and find new discoveries, if we keep that in mind it should all go well :)

Nolls from Harrogate

Nolls from Harrogate Report 10 Jun 2013 22:51

I remember a few years back when an almighty row was flaring up and GR actually closed down the chat room for a w/end perhaps the occasional closure when things get heated might calm people down :-S


SueMaid Report 10 Jun 2013 22:34

I just don't understand why people continue to add to threads that are upsetting or contentious.

Give your friend a hug from me Lynda :-)


AnninGlos Report 10 Jun 2013 22:09

The sad thing is that people leave instead of staying and adding threads, the more people who add threads the more the aggro threads will sink into oblivion.nthecontroversial threads only drag on because people don't have any others to post on.


~Lynda~ Report 10 Jun 2013 21:51

I think it's rude to take over a thread to Hayley, it used to happen a lot.

Evening George :-D I suppose what needs to happen is, that more people post, so the nastiness falls into oblivion.

As Hayley said some people seem to be here all day and night squabbling, maybe they should have a rest :-D


KittytheLearnerCook Report 10 Jun 2013 21:50

I agree with you George.............agree to disagree and move on.

I have managed to do it, so anyone can :-D



George Report 10 Jun 2013 21:47

Evening all :-D

I joined GR back in 2009 because an old mate of mine Foggs, said there are some really great people on here who are great fun, so I joined.
The first few months were great, plenty of laughs and fun. then all the nastiness started, so I left.
I came back because again he told me most of that crap had finished and it was good again.
Even he has now left earlier this year.!!!!!
It is such a shame that all the kids cant play nicely.


Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 10 Jun 2013 21:35

I dont mind looking in on here whilst there is sniping going on, I hate it when its been going on for hours and I havent a clue what people are sniping about. :-D

I dont mind the cliques providing they are willing to allow anyone to join in
, I remember once as a newby 2 people talking over not must mine but many others heads and I thought it was jolly well rude :-|

For some reason I am having a job to sign in to GR but I think its me rather then them, however when I looked in last night before I went to bed I couldnt believe that some people must of been sat in front of their PC's morning till night for most of the weekend, :-0 after the lovely weekend we have had, I thought to myself turn it off and get some fresh air, however I will hold my hands up that once I was addicted to this site, but there seem to loads of stuff going on then I was scared of missing owt :-D


~Lynda~ Report 10 Jun 2013 21:27

Good for you Stray, nice one ;-)

Will do Ann :-D


AnninGlos Report 10 Jun 2013 21:19

It does seem to have deteriorated in the past nine months or so, these days people get very personal with their comments which would not have happened in the past when your friend was a member. It is very like the playground sometimes and people seem unable to let go of any perceived slight and grudges are held. The persistent reporting of posts doesn't help either.

However, many years back, before the big upset, resulting in the split when a rival site set up, we had some really nasty upsets which would have put off any prospective member, we recovered from that. There are those of us who hold back and don't get involved and who still manage to enjoy friendships on here.

So buy your friend a drink and encourage her to return and sort us out Lynda. :-D


StrayKitten Report 10 Jun 2013 21:19

;-) i think your right, plus i have a life now, that helps too lol, :-D


~Lynda~ Report 10 Jun 2013 21:08

Mayfield, I also flit about on other sites, and think the sniping is worse here at time, maybe as Rose said, people have got too familiar :-S

Stray, as you get older you get wiser :-D Stale is a good word for what appears to be happening.

Lyndi, I am next week :-D


Lyndi Report 10 Jun 2013 20:50

:-D :-D :-D
Best you do it then Lynda ;-) :-)


StrayKitten Report 10 Jun 2013 20:50

i agree the snipping even puts me off, and lets face it, if im honest i used to love a good snipe, ;-)

its a bit stale for me now tho, same old, most day,

i must have grew up or got boring :-P