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Secrets From The Workhouse

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BarneyKent Report 2 Jul 2013 10:47

Brian Cox falls into the emotional trap of many people who are new to historical research. He has judged the past by today's standards. Yes times were very hard in those days, but that is how it was.
Not many years after the period Brian was talking about the first Old Age Pension was paid. (1908). And don't forget it was not until after WW2 that health treatment was free with the coming of the NHS. I can remember in 1946, my mother crying over a doctor's bill for £11. She paid it off at 5 shillings a week, all the time dreading that someone else in the family might require medical treatment.

I have no doubt that in 150 years time people will read the history of the 20th and 21st centuries and say with horror, "They did what with schoolchildren!" "They did that with old people?". etc.

Every age stands on its own, the main thing is that we progress and become more humane.


KittytheLearnerCook Report 2 Jul 2013 10:20

This is an interesting read.............very sad and puts my moaning into perspective.

I am so glad that any hunger I feel is swiftly and easily rectified.

Some of my ancestors suffered in workhouses and prisons ..(one for stealing food, another for hitting a man who stole a chicken from him).... through no fault of their own, life dealt them a very tough hand :-(


'Emma' Report 2 Jul 2013 10:02

Final part tonight.



MotownGal Report 26 Jun 2013 21:05

I am glad that others had the same reaction as myself to the celebs on the programme.

What precious flowers they all were. So easily shocked, and Fern crying because her ancestor had died!

I did not know that the paupers were sent for dissection, but it does not surprise me. On the one hand it is shameful, but doctors then had to learn on someone!

Old Coxey was atrocious, he should be ashamed of himself.

The interim information about the Workhouses was fascinating, I would have preferred the whole programme to be factual, instead of all the blubbing and snivelling.

My gt.grandfather died in the workhouse. His wife died a few years before him, and he presumably fell on hard times.

I cant say that I beat myself up about it on a daily basis!


'Emma' Report 26 Jun 2013 09:47

Agree with you all on this programme and also
looking forward to next weeks programme.
Brian Cox very over the top reaction imo and can
remember my mother and others speaking about
the poorhouse and not wanting to end their days in
one. BTB gave me the impression that her mother
should have told her as it looked like she did not
appreciate hearing where she came from and that
she was also illegitimate.



TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 26 Jun 2013 00:35

I watched tonight and enjoyed most of it. Brian Cox should be ashemed of himself, shouting like that at the person giving him the news. He seemed like a bully to me, it is a wonder that the poor woman didn't walk away and leave him to rant straight to camara.

I thought that BTB would know more about the workhouse systens too, but not all together surprised that her mother had kept it a secret.

The photos that Felicity saw of the papers that were being dissected was shocking.
I think that the info. without the photos would have been more acceptable, i.e. dissecting helped the cause of medical science. But seeing parts of human bodies (several of them) in a large room, especially when you could still see the faces of the dead, was quite shocking.

Looking forward to finding out what happened to BTB aunt and uncle, who had been born in the workhouse.

By the way, if I was a betting woman, I would bet that her grandmothers first two childern (Freda and Fred) had the same father, probably called Fred. I wonder wht happened to him.


ChrisofWessex Report 26 Jun 2013 00:00

But then again that is why we have such clever surgeons today and people do, in this day and age, leave their bodies to Medical Research.


Mauatthecoast Report 25 Jun 2013 23:17

I think it was the cutting up of dead bodies Fern found hard to take, she did look really upset, well I would have been too if it had been one of my ancestors.


eRRolSheep Report 25 Jun 2013 23:15

Hayley I agree - it was pretty darned cringe material.

But good TV lol


GenealogyResearchAssistance Report 25 Jun 2013 23:14

I was shocked when Fern learned that her ancestor Jesse Carter was sent for dissection because his family couldn't afford his burial.

I never knew they did this.

Really enjoyed it and looking forward to next week.


Mauatthecoast Report 25 Jun 2013 23:12

Well would like to think that particular history will never be repeated Joan, of course governments are supposed to learn by mistakes....are they not? :-(......unfortunately some power crazed leaders in third world countries still exist in the dark ages and keep their people down. :-|


ChrisofWessex Report 25 Jun 2013 23:11

I wondered where Fern Britten had been living when she was surprised by Victorian attitudes.

Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 25 Jun 2013 23:09

I really enjoyed this , I too agree with Brian Cox reaction poor women, talk about play for the camera I do hope he cringes when he watches it back... however very interesting I thought. Now Fern looked geninue to me . Cant wait for next weeks. And poor Barbra looked absoloutely clueless :-D


Mauatthecoast Report 25 Jun 2013 23:03

Yes i'll be watching second part next week. kandj

Lynda the look on her face :-0.....Brian Cox (in my mind) is 'my Thomas Cromwell' ....rough and ready ;-)


kandj Report 25 Jun 2013 22:54

I will be watching the second part with interest.


GinN Report 25 Jun 2013 22:47

Mau, I thought exactly the same as you about Brian Cox! He really did give the poor woman a hard time.


Mauatthecoast Report 25 Jun 2013 22:43

Watched this tonight and have to agree with lots of members who say celebs act up for the camera.
Brian Cox has to be the worst :-| the poor woman by his side looked a bit terrified when he spoke to her in his stern voice about the injustices of the workhouses.......for one brief moment I thought she was about to say 'it wasn't my fault honest' lol ...sheesh he looked annoyed :-S

imo I don't think the programme will have given us anything new to learn, but I was very surprised at Barbara Taylor Bradford's reactions! is it just me or did she not appear to know anything about workhouses? thought with her writing rags to riches stories she would have researched them.

Always sad to hear of the poor wretched folk who ended their days there, and often through no fault of their own.:-(


JoyBoroAngel Report 25 Jun 2013 22:10

mine to andrew
the pickering workhouse in north yorkshire :-(

 Sue In Yorkshire.

Sue In Yorkshire. Report 25 Jun 2013 18:43

Nudging for tonights episode..... :-D


'Emma' Report 25 Jun 2013 16:33
