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Typhoon Haiyan

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Tenerife Sun

Tenerife Sun Report 7 Nov 2013 12:00

How scary for all concerned. I really hope that it passes him by and stays out at sea.


Kuros Report 7 Nov 2013 11:43

My son is in the direct path of this super typhoon due to hit the Philippines on Friday. He's on a tiny island - Boracay. He said they've used sandbags and taken out windows where he works but there's not much else they can do. Oddly, they've had to have a filippino man to climb the coconut palms to remove the coconuts because if they fall they could kill someone. Apparently, some 143 people are killed every year by falling coconuts and, if it's your tree, you're liable. They let the man keep the coconuts to sell. They've stocked up on torch batteries because they'll probably lose power which means we'll lose him on Skype. It's the strongest typhoon anywhere in the world this year and I'm going frantic.
