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Mersey Report 6 Mar 2014 20:11

Michael and family <3

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 7 Mar 2014 07:34

Hope the problems you mention are soon sorted Michael, thinking of you and your wife and family.



PollyinBrum Report 7 Mar 2014 09:10

Sending my best wishes to you and your wife and hope that things will start to improve for both of you.


kandj Report 7 Mar 2014 10:25

Put you and your wife at the top of your list for plenty of rest and relaxation together. xx


michael2 Report 7 Mar 2014 22:32

hi all sorry for not repyling lately just getting over a bout of food poisoning lest I think that is what it was could not keep any thing down food or drink. the wife and son panicked and phoned for ambulance they came after a few tests they wanted to take me in but I said not on your nelly.
I had a few anti sickness pills left so I have been taking them I feel a lot better today the doctor came to day and gave me some more flipping pills feel like I want to rattle when I walk kept a light lunch and tea down today feel a lot better see what to morrow brings fingers crossed.
on the pain front not been to bad today mind you with all the painkillers and morphine it should be ok. :-) :-)


kandj Report 7 Mar 2014 23:13

My fingers are crossed for you Michael. You could well have done without the sickness but let's hope that it has cleared up so that you can relax and enjoy a good weekend. xx


Sylvia Report 7 Mar 2014 23:46

Hope you are feeling better tomorrow Michael. Nasty thing to have. Have a good weekend xx

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 8 Mar 2014 04:19

Poor you Michael, the last thing you needed was food poisoning! Hope you feel stronger soon and can eat and drink ok again.

Weather should be better this week so hope you can make the most of it



AnnCardiff Report 9 Mar 2014 10:48

wotcha Michael - hope today is a better one for you <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


ChrisofWessex Report 9 Mar 2014 17:36

Hope the jippy tummy has settled now. <3

Tenerife Sun

Tenerife Sun Report 9 Mar 2014 21:56

Just popping in to say hello and that I hope you have had a comfortable week end x


michael2 Report 9 Mar 2014 22:59

thank you all tummy seems ok at the moments still being careful what I eat have an appointment tomorrow with the oncology dept have a lot of questions we want answerd about a few thing that are happening to me at the moment wether they are side effects of the chemo or not. then have a blood test ready for the chemo tuseday if all ok.its full steam a head. still having probs with the pallitive care side of things hope to sort it all tomorrow or tuseday wifes got a big list of questions she wants to ask
I am taking a usb disk recorder with me to record the answers as it may be a lot to take in all at once,then we can refer to them as and when we need to.
:-D :-D


Sylvia Report 10 Mar 2014 00:46

Michael good to hear your tummy is ok and hope it stays that way. I hope you have had the lovely sunshine that we had on Sunday. Hope all goes well Monday and Tuesday and your questions are answered. What a good idea to record what is said at your appointment, wish I had thought of that when I was poorly. I found that no matter how hard I tried to take things in, I forgot most of it by the time I got out of the hospital. Will be thinking of you both. xx

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 10 Mar 2014 06:37

Great idea to record things Michael, and hope the tests go ok and you get the answers you need. Shame about the palliative care side of things, I hope that improves soon.

Take care and enjoy the bright days when you can



SuffolkVera Report 10 Mar 2014 11:41

Glad your tummy is feeling more comfortable and hope all goes well with the blood tests etc. and you get the palliative care sorted out once and for all. What a good idea to take a recorder with you. When you are trying to take it all in and your brain is racing it is so easy to miss something.

Sending you good wishes


KittytheLearnerCook Report 10 Mar 2014 16:03

There is usually a tummy bug doing the rounds, it could well have been that, but I can well understand the worry it causes you.

Positive thoughts winging their way through cyber space to you. Michael. <3


kandj Report 10 Mar 2014 22:56

Michael, I hope that the oncologist was able to answer all the questions that you and Mrs M have on the list. A great idea to record the consultation, it's just not possible to remember what was said after your appointment is ended. Fingers crossed that your bloods will be good and that you can have the chemo treatment tomorrow.

It is unbelievable that your palliative care is not in place and you are not receiving the support that you, your wife and family need right now. Perhaps today's visit to the oncology department has helped to get this very important service in place for you all. I do hope so. Sending gentle hugs to you right now. xx

Tenerife Sun

Tenerife Sun Report 11 Mar 2014 02:03

Love and best wishes for your ongoing treatment. Hope all goes well with the next chemo session x <3x


michael2 Report 11 Mar 2014 11:17

hi all well another long day at the hospital well no chemo today bloods showed my b/p is all over the place, I,m anemic I'm very short of breath today load more jollop and pills my kitchen is like a chemist shop at the moment.the palitive care are coming this afternoon the nurse coming in daily to do b/p every day the did want to keep me in for blood transfusion but there were no beds. rather be at home. :-) :-)


Mersey Report 11 Mar 2014 11:25

Thinking of you Michael as always <3 <3 <3