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your kind thoughts up date on page 33

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dutch Report 11 Mar 2014 14:27

Afternoon Micheal and your loverly wife hope things are getting better for you ,think of you both all the time
Love Joyce en Janxx


michael2 Report 11 Mar 2014 16:00

thank you joyce for your message things are not too good at the moment but with the hospital and all the care people maybe things will improve a bit now. any way what about you I hope the things are getting better for you and you are doing as you are being told by jan and the doctors. love to you both Michael & paula. <3 <3


Susan-nz Report 11 Mar 2014 19:17

Hi Michael,

Thinking of you. :-)



michael2 Report 11 Mar 2014 19:55

thank you susan-nz well the palitive nurse came more pills at this rate I will have to employ a chemist assistant to sort them out for me too much info in a short space of time , or could just chuck the th flippiing lot in the bin and stick with me morpine and pain killers then let nature take its course. confused .com, on onther note insurance comp still aint heard from hospital. don't know what the hell is going on with them at all . the wife will have to wait till I pop me cloggs then claim for me. :-( :-(


Sylvia Report 11 Mar 2014 23:11

Hello Michael. Sorry to hear things are not good at the moment. Keep on taking the pills, maybe you could write down which ones you need and what time etc and tick them off as you go along. It must be confusing having all that medication to take. I can hear you rattling from here. Awful that the insurance company have not heard from the hospital, is there anyone who can get on to them for you. You and Mrs. M have enough to deal with. Thinking of you both xx

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 12 Mar 2014 04:33

Hi Michael

Can the pharmacy not box up your medication for you so it's all laid out for each day, then you will know what to take when and know if you have missed any? It's no wonder you are confused with all that's going on. Maybe the palliative care people can help chase up the hospital for the info the ins. co. needs.

Thinking about you, take care



Susan-nz Report 12 Mar 2014 05:52

Sorry you are facing such a muddle at the moment. Could your Pharmacy not blister pack your pills for each 'time zone' of each day?. My Dad had that and it helped us all no end, no chance of mix ups or missing a dosage...There were so many different pills it was hard for a mere mortal to keep up with. Please ask.

Your Insurance company need a rocket under them... Not good enough at all.

Did you start writing your life story , I certainly hope so. :-). I have my Dad's here and it is so lovely to pick up and read at my leisure. There is so much more he could have written but time didn't allow.

Please take care of yourself, hugs to you and yours.



~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 12 Mar 2014 19:03

Hello hope you are feeling less muddled today and not in as much pain.
Agree with Susan Nz re the blister packs, they are brill for tablets.
Take care

jude xx


Joeva Report 12 Mar 2014 19:07

Hello Michael,

Here's hoping you have sorted out a system for taking your many medications. With the help of your wife and son I'm sure you have will be able to manage it.......

The trouble with communication between the hospital and your insurance company is utterly outrageous!

Do you have to have the report from the consultant regarding your illness or could it not be verified by your own GP ? It is dreadful that you are being subjected to this additional stress....

Sending all best wishes to you and your family.

Jo <3


Mersey Report 13 Mar 2014 10:20

Hi Michael thinking of you always as you know <3 <3 Hope you get things
sorted...... <3


eRRolSheep Report 13 Mar 2014 18:52

I think that at times such as this, the last thing a person could do with is additional stress.


MR_MAGOO Report 13 Mar 2014 21:26

Keep being positive Michael...... <3


michael2 Report 13 Mar 2014 23:23

thank you all not too good today not in a lot of pain just feeling a bit yuk, however I have managed to arrange through hospice care for some one to sit with me for 3hrs per week while my wife can go out for a bit of down time just her on her own to what ever she wants away from me . as otherwise we are here 24 seven to gether. just one more off the list now got to sort the flipping WPD out they want to stop my money or some of it I phone on the 7th to arrange for them to talk to me as they wanted to talk on the 9th which would have ment cancelling my onclogy appt they said they would ring on th12th did they hell so now I have to try again . then I can rest easy. then get on with the little time I have left in peace. :-) :-)


Susan-nz Report 13 Mar 2014 23:26

:-) <3


Sylvia Report 13 Mar 2014 23:34

Sorry to hear you have not been to well today Michael. Good idea for your wife to get out for a while. It is not right that you have to ring these people it is something you can do without right now. I don't think they realise how stressful it can be. I hope they do not stop any money you are entitled to. Is it possible that someone else could ring them for you, your doctor maybe. Take care xx

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 14 Mar 2014 07:32

It's one thing after another Michael, I do feel sad that you have so much else to deal with instead of just being able to make the most of the time you have. Maybe something will go right soon but it's good that you have managed to get some help so your wife can go out for a while.

Have as good a weekend as you can,


Tenerife Sun

Tenerife Sun Report 14 Mar 2014 10:11

<3 <3 <3


SuffolkVera Report 14 Mar 2014 11:19

You could do without all this stress but well done on coping so well. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts


PollyinBrum Report 14 Mar 2014 12:34

Sending big hugs to you and your wife.


dutch Report 14 Mar 2014 14:04

Micheal sending wisful thoughts to you and your loverly wife i pray that things get better for you Dutchx <3 <3