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kandj Report 24 Mar 2014 10:28

Visitors are good and can give you a much needed boost Michael but some can outstay their welcome and not notice how talking pulls down your energy reserves.
It is decision time with the new scooter for your wife. Will she need "L" plates on?

I'm sure you are counting your blessings to have a close loving family who are doing their best to help you and Mrs M..... little things mean a lot. I think there was a song way back with those words but can't think right now.

I doubt anybody would describe you as a misery, quite the opposite (imho)..
Stay positive and I hope you have a pain-free day. xx


michael2 Report 24 Mar 2014 11:53

hi kanji thank you for your reply no she will not need l plate's but I thought I would buy her an old leather leather flying helmet and google's as worn by chubby brown on tv. should be quite a picture lol. Michael. :-D :-D :-D


PollyinBrum Report 24 Mar 2014 14:46

Hello Michael. I think you are wise to take control of your visitors both for yourself and your wife. Family and friends can be a wonderful support, but also extremely exhausting especially when they arrive en masse. You always sound so cheerful even when things are not going so good. Take care, and look after each other. <3


Battenburg Report 24 Mar 2014 20:46

Hello Michael
Haven't added to your page before So sorry for all your troubles.
I know what you and your wife are going through since I was in her position 6 years ago when my husband had Leukaemia

Make the most of each day and do what you can and enjoy doing
Good advice about telling visitors to ring first
Sending you both my love <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


michael2 Report 24 Mar 2014 21:26

good evening all been a long day but worth it, the man came with the scooter he had five of them he drove about 150 miles to get here and spent one and three quarters of an hour going over every thing demo and specifications wife could not have the one she wanted as it would not get into the flat with out lifting which was the same prob as the one we have , so settled for a smaller one she can drive it in to the house no prob. job done this one can also be carried on a plane.bit more than I wanted to pay but she's worth it. should be here on wed or thurs then the fun start's. have a problem with changing doctors they wont except me because of my condition and wont except wife with out me so I'm getting in touch with local m/p and prob local paper so they can stick it in their pipe and smoke that. lol all in a productive day all round. :-D :-D :-D :-D <3


Battenburg Report 24 Mar 2014 21:38

That's terrible the local doctor near you wont accept you because of your condition and wont accept your wife without you
I have a wonderful doctor just up the road

When my husband was sick he said call me anytime day or night. He even gave me his cell phone number . We did have to call him one Sunday night and he was 45 minutes away visiting his lady friend but insisted on coming

Yes get in touch with your MP and see if something can be done :-) :-)


michael2 Report 24 Mar 2014 21:42

thank you quinsgran I entend to do that don't no what the nhs is coming too these days. they seem to please them selfs after all we have paid our dues and should have the servive we exspect I mean the doctors hospital etc do a excellent job I am not running them down. :-D :-D :-D


Battenburg Report 24 Mar 2014 21:49

I'm in NZ Michael Been here 40 years I was very impressed when I had to visit the doctor for the first time

I always found doctors a bit aloof back in England but here they are so down to earth. I call my doctor by his first name

Know all about his marriage breakup and how his daughter is a junior doctor now
Can't imagine the doctors taking the time over there.

I just remember walking into a surgery and saying I had a sore throat and the doctor writing out a prescription before he even looked at me

That was in the 70s it must be worse now


Sylvia Report 24 Mar 2014 23:33

Hi Michael, pleased to hear your wife will be getting mobile this week. I think it is disgusting that the doctors will not accept you or your wife. I would definitely complain about that, you can do without these worries its not on at all. xx


Mersey Report 25 Mar 2014 12:59

~~~~~s to all, and to Michael as always leaving you smiles :-D :-D, I know how much you likes em ;-) ;-), love to you and yours <3


Susan-nz Report 25 Mar 2014 19:19

Hi Michael,

How frustrating for you re the new GP...... I hope you shout from the roof tops about the lack of compassion being shown to you and your wife... Disgraceful,
My Dad changed GP's when he was ill, mostly to have a closer surgery. There was no problem at all, my Mum changed too.. Please keep us updated.

Great your wife is getting new wheels ;-). I had an encounter in town here once, a young disabled man was riding his scooter and rode right over my foot... Luckily I had my safety shoes on as I was off to work. :-D..

Hope you have all your meds sorted and are pain free.

Take care


kandj Report 25 Mar 2014 22:07

The change of surgery is another challenge for you Michael and I have no doubt that you will get this sorted one way or another. I agree that it is not acceptable at all when this GP practice is on your doorstep.

Your wife will love her new set of wheels so well done you for helping her to keep her independence.

I hope tomorrow will be good for the two of you. Sending gentle hugs to you both xx


kandj Report 27 Mar 2014 13:05

Just thinking about you Michael and hoping that everything is as good as it can be for you and Mrs M and your family. Take care now. xx


AnninGlos Report 27 Mar 2014 16:04

Glad your wife is getting her new wheels soon Michael. It is no excuse but I bet the reason the surgery won't accept you is down to cost. They will have looked at all your medication and decided it will cost them too much. Disgusting isn't it? I hope that you can get somewhere by contacting your MP. Did the surgery actually give you a reason for not accepting you (besides just saying because of your illness.)


KempinaPartyhat Report 27 Mar 2014 20:57

Please Michael say .....should be here thursday or friday then the fun begins !!!....does this mean you ordered the trailer to go with?

Collections for a crash helmet for you both will begin! :-D


michael2 Report 27 Mar 2014 22:39

hi sorry I have not replied before as I was in bed all day yesterday and most of to day was in an awful lot of pain morphine has been adjusted so it's a lot better they are going to see me on the 2nd for further review. if ok they will put me on slow release tablets twice a day.
good' news scooter came wife's well pleased I was thinking no I will not buy a trailer I will get a tow bar fitted so she can pull my wheel chair .
ann the only reason was prob not so will see my m/p see what he will able to come up with. :-D :-D :-D <3


Sylvia Report 27 Mar 2014 23:01

Hi Michael. Sorry to hear you have been in a lot of pain. I hope it is sorted out for you. Good to hear your wifes scooter has arrived. I am trying to visualise the two of you going for a ride out, your wife towing you down the road. Take care xx


kandj Report 28 Mar 2014 10:41

Michael, praying that the morphine will control your pain without too many nasty side effects. Has Mrs M had a ride around in her new scooter yet? It will be good for her to get out and about independently. I do hope that today is good for the two of you. xxx


SuffolkVera Report 28 Mar 2014 12:23

Hello Michael
I'm sorry you have been in so much pain and hope you are having a better day today.

I do admire you for keeping your wonderful sense of humour. You do make me smile. I've been imagining your wife hurtling down the road like Speedy Gonzales on her new scooter with you in your wheelchair behind clinging on like mad.

Thinking of you and Mrs Michael too.


michael2 Report 29 Mar 2014 00:14

thank you all wife took it out to day for a short spin today it's not as fast as her old one so there wont be any speeding ticket's lol .we are going to let nephew's mother have the old one in a few weeks time as she is finding it hard to get about now. but told nephew he must have it serviced first. which don't cost an arm and a leg to be on the safe side.
new meds seem to being to do the trick so will have to wait till review on the 2nd about the slow release one's should be ok. don't think I will get a tow bar saw one in the high street on some else's did not look to safe to me look like home made one if I had the room would kike a double scooter would be perfect.instead of a bike made for it would be scooter made for two they could make a song about it .looks like the weather is going to be good the weekend may be we will go down to the cockle sheds and get some shrimps and prawn's and some jellied eels as a treat for sunday tea aint had any fresh one's for years.
hope every one has a great weekend as I entend to. don't forget to alter you clock's.
:-D :-D :-D <3