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Can I please ask for positive thoughts? Update

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LadyScozz Report 22 Oct 2014 02:46

<3 <3 Liz

Sending truckloads of positive thoughts your way.

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 22 Oct 2014 02:25

I have been having tests etc on my right eye in particular and today have to have an m.r.i. scan to make sure there is nothing nasty behind that eye. Hopefully I only have low pressure glaucoma but I am worried. While I was away, I developed conjunctivitis and that has returned so I am not sure they will do the scan altho have been told it shouldnt be a problem.

Apparently a cataract is forming over the other eye.


UPDATE Yesterday I had my follow up apptmt regarding my eye problem. It was at 6.50pm, lots of other people there too. It seems that the doctor's are a little confused, as I was, and they are still not sure if I have glaucoma or not so I have to go back in 6 month's time. Apparently my optic nerve is twisted which is why the mri scan was done in case something was pressing on it. That being clear they think it's just a fluke and will just keep an eye on things, if you will pardon the pun. I mentioned the streaming eyes I get sometimes and the conjuctivitis I suffered recently and the doctor says I have fragile and underperfoming eyelids, with a condition called Blepharitis so now have a prescrption and a list of special wipes and other things. Might have to stop using mascara for a while which is a nuisance as I hate going out without it but if it helps my eyes feel more comfortable, I suppose it will be worth it.
I have to say, altho it has been a long drawn out saga, the investigations have been thorough for which I am grateful. My sight is precious to me and I am glad my optician referred me.