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Solar eclipse

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Sally Report 20 Mar 2015 21:58

beutyfull clear sunny morning here in Lincolnshire and I forgot all about it did not pull the curtains back till later :-| :-| :-| :-|

saw the one a few years ago and remember the 50 s one

late again

sally w <3


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 20 Mar 2015 20:52

Well. you could go to the Orkneys and pray for a fine day
From Wiki

11 August 2018

A very small partial eclipse on the northern coast of Scotland, Orkney and Shetland.

10 June 2021

An eclipse which is annular across Canada and the Arctic gives rise to partial eclipse across Britain ranging from 50% in northern Scotland to 30% in south-east England.

25 October 2022

An eclipse which is nowhere total results in a partial eclipse across Britain with north-east Scotland the most favoured, at around 35% falling to less than 20% in Cornwall.

12 August 2026

An eclipse which is total across Iceland, the Atlantic Ocean and Spain results in a very large partial eclipse across Britain with western Ireland the most favoured, at around 95% falling to 83% in London


Wend Report 20 Mar 2015 20:45

I went back to bed this morning (after getting up at 6.30) and missed it all - or not :-D

I shall have to wait until 2027 now, if I make it :-(


Guinevere Report 20 Mar 2015 20:37

Wonderful conditions here, blue, blue skies. Our friend put a green filter on his telescope and my avatar is the result.

Very strange quality of light when it was almost a full eclipse.

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 20 Mar 2015 20:20

Complete cloud cover here.

I went outside to listen and look, but unlike 1999 when the birds were eerily quiet, they kept on chirping and flying to and from the bird feeder in the garden throughout our eclipse time.
There was a distinct drop in temperature and the wind picked up then later dropped again. It perhaps went a bit darker, but difficult to judge as we never saw the sun all morning.

Disappointing here, but great to see pictures from other locations.
Well done.



Andrew Report 20 Mar 2015 19:21

Was down on south coast in Hampshire, wall to wall cloud so didn't see a thing. Just went a bit dark. Travelled back home to Midlands later and wall to wall blue sky.... Oh well. Saw the 1999.

Some great pics have appeared on the web.



BarbinSGlos Report 20 Mar 2015 16:24

Hang on to them for the next one ;-)


PricklyHolly Report 20 Mar 2015 15:50


Sunglasses........never worn

Perfect for your summer ollybob!

£25 or nearest offer.


AnninGlos Report 20 Mar 2015 15:40

Well we are near Camborne it was partial sun at the time, we didn't go out to watch as we didn't have the glasses but a couple who did were able to see it, it was 85% and didn't go dark. Although it has been very hazy here because of the polution.


BarbinSGlos Report 20 Mar 2015 15:32

went out early and wore my miners helmet to find my way back home and ........

what eclipse :-S :-S :-S :-S


'Emma' Report 20 Mar 2015 15:29

Prickles <3 If you have seen one you've
seen them all :-D


PricklyHolly Report 20 Mar 2015 15:12

The clouds cleared here at lunchtime.



nameslessone Report 20 Mar 2015 15:09

It was thick cloud here so thought we'd watch on TV.

Why did the BBC think that all we wanted to see was people standing round talking about it? At the end of the lunchtime news we were told they 'would leave us with some of the best images of the eclipse'. Not they didn't, guess what - it was all pictures of people looking up.

We did see some of it on Sky and did manage to catch the BBC flight pictures at just the right time. In the 90's we had a TV in the office so we could watch the movement and then rush outside with our pinhole paper and catch the real thing. Wouldn't have happened today - even if we didn't have the cloud. :-|


SuffolkVera Report 20 Mar 2015 12:03

I remember that one Andysmum. The whole school stood in the playground and watched through something dark, probably smoked glass. I remember it being quite eerie. I still have all my school magazines from when I joined in 1952 so I'll have to have a look and see if there is anything about it in one of those.


Andysmum Report 20 Mar 2015 11:55

We had cloud with small brighter patches moving across. One came just at full eclipse and because of the light cloud we didn't need glasses!! OH got a picture which is very like GL's - a bit hazy, but recognisable for what it is.

The only previous one I remember was in early 50's when I was at school and we were all taken outside, with pieces of smoked glass, to watch it. Much better than normal lessons, even if we did have to write about it afterwards.


SuffolkVera Report 20 Mar 2015 11:45

Nothing much here :-( A grey cloudy day got fractionally darker. It's bright sunshine now it is too late.


**Ann** Report 20 Mar 2015 11:18

You can watch on TV Prickles :-D :-D

It ain't the same though>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> :-0


Barbra Report 20 Mar 2015 11:06

Clouds moved & we saw Eclipse in.southwest scotland .nice & bright day now :-D


PricklyHolly Report 20 Mar 2015 11:00

Great pics. :-D

I am well jell! :-|

All in all.......a total anti-climax here. :-P


PatinCyprus Report 20 Mar 2015 10:59


What eclipse? :-D