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Dumplings (in stews)

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LadyScozz Report 28 Jun 2015 10:14

Did all that. Tried turning them over and they broke up!

They were even worse in the slow cooker.


PatinCyprus Report 28 Jun 2015 10:12

I used half suet to self raising flour, add water to hold it together, I'd shape with a large spoon. 8 oz or 225 grams of flour made 4 dumplings for my stews when I made them. They rose beautifully, I'd put them in the stew for about 1 hr, turning them over about half way through the hour.

I love dumplings in stew so do my family. Unfortunately my daughter and myself can no longer eat them. :-(

Hope this helps. :-)

**Stella ~by~ Starlight**★..★..★

**Stella ~by~ Starlight**★..★..★ Report 28 Jun 2015 10:11

keep them light, only enough water to bind them and place them in a pan of hot stew or casserole.. replace lid and leave simmering for about 20 mins...... :-D :-D


LadyScozz Report 28 Jun 2015 09:55

I didn't grow up eating them. I don't remember anyone in Scotland (when I was a child) having them.

DH did. He loves them, I can take them or leave them (rather leave them).

I'm a fairly good cook, but my dumplings are HORRIBLE!

I've tried all sorts of recipes, without success, plain ones, with herbs & cheese etc, but they don't work. They either fall apart or they're like glue!

What's the secret?