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Barbra Report 3 Aug 2015 17:21

Charles isn't fit to step into his Mothers shoes The Queen has been a stalwart for our country .as for Queen Camilla no,.Maggie certainly like`s her opinions felt .we are all entitled to our say .if you were asked for a vote for next in Buckingham Palace .don't Think Charles would be top of the list ?


magpie Report 3 Aug 2015 14:38

Edward 8th wasn't the only one, a lot of people were Nazi sympathisers before the war. Communist Russia was considered far more of a threat and Germany was seen as a bulwark against them. Hind sight is a wonderful thing , but at the time, before anyone was aware of the horror of this murderous regime, a lot of people, including Churchill, both here and on the continent admired Hitler. Germany was completely bankrupt after WW1, the reparation the allies demanded was way out of order, they couldn't possibly pay it, leading to riots and worse and paving the way for a strong leader, who at first pulled the country out of the mire, hence his enormous popularity, and the rest is history.
As for speaking German and goose stepping!!! After 70 years ? I don't think so, any more than Germans slow march or speak english!!


ChrisofWessex Report 3 Aug 2015 14:17

Do not forget Duke of Windsor's sympathies with the Nazi Party and his companion's curtseying and grinning to dear Adolf.

Speaking german and goose stepping - I think not.

I have not changed my mind re Camilla and Charles at all over the years.


magpie Report 3 Aug 2015 14:15

The Duke of Windsor was Edward the 8th not 6th. Edward the 7th (Bertie) was Queen Victoria's son and quite a rascal in more ways than one, but eventually made an excellent king. Had Edward 8th remained king we would still have our present Queen. Her father, Edward's heir, another Bertie, would have pre deceased the King, dying in 1952, and as her dead father's elder daughter, with no brothers, on Edwards death in 1972 she would have inherited, so the royal family would have been exactly as it is today.


Kay???? Report 3 Aug 2015 13:41

Easy to sit in judgement,,,,,,,,

Most of us married who who we wanted,,,,,,,not who was sought suitable,,,,,,,,,Charles would have married Camilia first had she been in posession of a tille and not just plain Miss,,,,,,,and through all of that I think Charles may have played hand in William marry his choice for a wife as had the old hands played it by the book of crown rules, he most certainly, as line to the crown, not been allowed to have Catherine as his wife and a more titled person would have been edged in ,,,,,,Charles, I belive had real empathy for Edward 6th/Duke of Windsor and saw first hand just how easy for the royasl to draw a line under their own and disown them,

I have warmed to Camilia and think she has a certain charm of her own and seems shy when on public duty,,,,,,but she has a man that truly loves and is loyal,,, and she adores him and in a marriage what more can anyone ask for,titled or not..........if she stands at Charles side in the future then she will be given the tilte that comes with it,,,,,,,,her title wlll have no ruling in gov matters anyway.

Pairing Charles and Diana up was a fatal mistake as the royals knew Charles wanted Camillia from an early age.

We would have had a totally different royal family now had Duke of Windsor been allowed to marry Wallace as it would have been a childless marriage.........and the title King would have gone down the the next male in line,,,,, :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D.

Camillia has made it known she would just like Kings Consort,,,,,,but Charles wont have that,,,,,,,, as he will want her Queen......

time will tell..


Merlin Report 3 Aug 2015 13:37

NO. :-| :-| :-|


magpie Report 3 Aug 2015 10:58

Who on earth now cares about what Charles did donkeys years ago!! I agree, he may well shake up MP's and help to make them a little more accountable to their constituents. He's a man who cares deeply about this country, which is more than can be said for a lot of MP's both in the Commons and the Lord's. This has been proved again and again through his charities particularly the Princes Trust. Since marrying Camilla he has really blossomed, and has finally, after that ill matched marriage and all it's trauma's (in the public eye!) settled into a caring, concerned king in waiting. With Camilla by his side, he'll do well. Not sure about William! bit too much of his mother maybe, who knows, he's still a young man with time on his side, and like Edward V11th could surprise us all!!


AnnCardiff Report 3 Aug 2015 10:43

won't matter to me - imagine I'll be long gone before anything happens :-D


DazedConfused Report 3 Aug 2015 10:39

Not a royaliat. But I do remember the story of Charles visiting a 'blonde' not Diana the day before his wedding,,,,,,,,,,


maggiewinchester Report 3 Aug 2015 08:08

I'd love Charles and Camilla to be King and consort.
Charles may shake Parliament up a bit - over the past few years it's become a 'jobs or the boys' establishment, (nomatter which party is in power) and MP's (and Lords) appear to be rather complacent.
Happy to take whatever money they can, with very little thought to their constituents, and contradicting themselves time after time.
They seem to have a 'good idea', and act on it, with very little forethought or thinking through of their actions. :-|


magpie Report 3 Aug 2015 07:41

I agree with SueMaid. Charles and Camilla will make an excellent couple. Diana was sadly deeply flawed and not Queen material, Camilla is. As consort of the King she will be Queen, easy as that. It doesn't work the other way round. The last consort of a Queen in her own right to be 'King' was the husband of Queen Mary 11, whose husband was William of Orange who became King William 111. It's not happened since.
What relevance has a snide comment about the the Duchess of Cambridge's hair got to do with anything? surely that's her business and nothing to do with anyone else?!!


Guinevere Report 3 Aug 2015 07:15

Unless there's a change in the law about the constitution of the monarchy or Charles dies before Liz then she will be queen, whether people like it or not.

I'm a republican so don't want any of them, in particular, but I quite like Camilla. She knows how to behave.

Never had much time for Diana but I felt very sorry for her, far too young to marry and be thrust into that circus.

Given a choice, I'd give it to Anne. Her I really like.


LadyScozz Report 3 Aug 2015 02:19

meanwhile............ headlines.......... shock! horror!

The Duchess of Cambridge has grey hair!

I'm shattered.


SueMaid Report 3 Aug 2015 01:46

I may be shot down for this but......if Diana had stayed married to Charles and had lived she would also have had much scandal attached to her. Charles was not the only one who cheated during their marriage.


LadyScozz Report 3 Aug 2015 01:28

I've heard that Camilla is "uncomfortable" with some of the pomp. I can't see Charles & Camilla rattling around in Buckingham Palace.

Do I care if she becomes Queen? NO!!

Do I think she should become Queen? NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Charles should be reminded of his great-uncle Edward.

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 3 Aug 2015 01:19

No, Philip was never King so why a cheat for a Queen, Camilla cheated on her husband, and knew Charles was married, yet obviously didn't discourage him.

Not sure William could ever be Queen, Graham lol

I hope William doesn't have to take on such responsibilty for quite a while yet, so that he and his family can share a lot of relatively ordinary time together even if it means Charles is King for a few years



SheilaSomerset Report 3 Aug 2015 00:23



Graham Report 2 Aug 2015 23:55

I don't think William will ever be queen :-D

Remember though that it's a monarchy; not a democracy. You don't get to choose. ;-)


lavender Report 2 Aug 2015 23:19

Nice one, Joy :-D


Island Report 2 Aug 2015 23:10

:-D :-D Joy