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Advice about Quorn mince needed please

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GeordiePride Report 10 Aug 2015 19:59

I have been to Asda today and they are selling the stuff for £1.74 for a 300 grm. bag or 3 for a £5 with an allergy advice. (Aldi is cheaper)

Allergy Advice

Contains: Eggs.
There have been rare cases of allergic reactions to Quorn, which contains mycoprotein, a member of the fungi/mould family.
Mycoprotein is high in protein and fibre which may cause INTOLERANCE in some people.



Gee Report 10 Aug 2015 19:43


It's not a question of substitutes tasting like 'meat'

If it did, I wouldn't eat it

It tastes of whatever I use to make it


SuffolkVera Report 10 Aug 2015 15:56

I have been to Aldi this afternoon and bought a pack of Quorn mince so tomorrow I will be experimenting with it. Tomorrow night's dinner could be interesting :-D


Sharron Report 10 Aug 2015 10:38

I have been a vegetarian for a very long time and I don't enter the making meals without meat debate any more because it inevitably draws them out of the woodwork churning out one dimensional arguments they have heard somewhere and can't look at from more than one angle.


InspectorGreenPen Report 10 Aug 2015 06:28

I could never see the point of trying to make something that isn't meat look or taste like meat.

Either you eat meat or you don't. All the non-meat eaters I have ever known wouldn't go near meat substitutes of any sort.


LadyScozz Report 10 Aug 2015 05:14

I've cooked for vegetarians, no problem.

One friend is vegan; she's a nightmare to feed. As well as that, she nags everyone else at the table for eating what she won't.



SuffolkVera Report 9 Aug 2015 23:29

You're right Lavender, it does freeze well as I froze some when trying out different recipes. I won't need to freeze it in advance though because all I have to do on the day is shove everything into slow cookers and leave it to get on with cooking. If I chop the onions the day before it should be a doddle. I've got the use of 6 slow cookers and I've got all the recipe quantities worked out so I think I'm OK for the meat eaters.

I wanted help so I could be sure of giving the few vegetarians something tasty as well.

I think I must be getting old :-( This party is an annual affair and I've done it four times before but when I was quite a bit younger. We also had it in our own house and garden then and the evening food was usually a BBQ organised by the men. Now we live in a slightly smaller house with a much smaller garden so we have hired a hall. There is a nice area to sit out but BBQs aren't allowed so I am stuck with doing the evening food as well. Still, as they say in the theatre "It'll be alright on the night". Or maybe we'll all be down the chippie :-D


lavender Report 9 Aug 2015 21:15

Minced beef cooked up with tinned tomatoes etc. as you suggest freezes really well.

I think I would have been inclined to cook it ahead of time and not have all the worry on the day :-)

I always freeze batches of bolognese sauce, it sounds as if your recipe wouldn't be too different.


SylviaInCanada Report 9 Aug 2015 19:16

we used to make a Shepherdess Pie whenever we had any veggies or vegans coming to eat with us .................

it can serve as the main dish for the veggies and one of the vegetable side dishes for others.

It only has veggies in it, no soya or Quorn or other meat substitutes

Everyone always liked it


Gee Report 9 Aug 2015 18:33

We have Hendersons relish here, it's lovely and vege

I don't have an opinion on what people eat, meat, fish etc, that's their choice but being a strict vege, I look at the lables


Sharron Report 9 Aug 2015 18:02

My take on being a vege is that I do my best and I do use a bit of Worcester sometimes and what I don't know I can't do anything about.

Like at the parish lunch. I have had one woman, and I have to admit that I do take all the potato out of anything I cook for her, who rings up to see if I eat cheese or if it matters what kind of margarine she uses. I feel that my choices should not inconvenience others greatly so just don't tell me and then I won't know.

One family insists on cooking me a veg sausage casserole and it is horrible so I don't go that month but I am always happy to take my own anyway.


SheilaSomerset Report 9 Aug 2015 17:55

Real mince doesn't have much flavour - I always put various things in like HP sauce, tomato puree, herbs, tons of pepper etc. otherwise it's way too bland. I think there's still that underlying 'animal' taste/texture - perhaps it's just the fat (although I drain off 95% of it) although it's very faint. Quorn definitely very much the same if prepared in the same way :-)


Gee Report 9 Aug 2015 17:54

Quorn tastes of nothing, you have to add flavour, then it's yummy

I am a STRICT vege, be careful what you add, in terms of sauces

Worcester sauce has fish in it and so do some soy sauce'

I always cook the base sauce first then add the Quorn mince 30 mins towards the end

Quorn can go rubbery if cooked too long

In a nutshell, cook it like meat mince, but not so long and add lot's of flavour


Sharron Report 9 Aug 2015 17:51

Go on then.

I am so you better had!


GeordiePride Report 9 Aug 2015 17:49

If you are saying Quorn mince tastes exactly like real mince I will show my @@@@ in Harrods window.



Sharron Report 9 Aug 2015 17:46

Even without the instructions on the pack. Had you prepered your Quorn mince in the same way, rather than following some uneccesary instructions you would have noticed no difference.


GeordiePride Report 9 Aug 2015 17:44

I can assure you that my REAL MINCE is perfect.



Sharron Report 9 Aug 2015 17:40

You don't get instructions with real mince so how come you don't make that taste like cardboard?


GeordiePride Report 9 Aug 2015 17:39

I treated it like you would treat real mince and it tasted like cardboard.



Sharron Report 9 Aug 2015 17:35

Like a suggested method?

It was probably nothing like what you usually eat.

No doubt if you had treated it as you usually treat mince you would have found it had as much flavour as you had given it, just like mince.