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Hubby is coming home update its Mon 5th October

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**Ann** Report 10 Sep 2015 19:57

Shirley...sending you hugs <3 <3 <3


Mersey Report 10 Sep 2015 19:55

Shirley <3 <3


SylviaInCanada Report 10 Sep 2015 19:52

sorry to hear that his Lewy Body Dementia has worsened

I hope the care package works ................ what happens if he soils himself during when the carers are not there? Do you have to clean him up?

Do they come every 4 hours day AND night?

It sounds as though it is going to be very hard on you.

good luck Shirley xxxx


JoyBoroAngel Report 10 Sep 2015 19:51

I am pleased he is coming home Shirley
and hope his health improves soon

I am so sorry you are having a hard time of late
Bless you and your Hubby :-) :-)

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 10 Sep 2015 19:45

Well the infection has gone but sadly he is now bedridden . He had several fits with the sepsis shock and it has affected the Lewy Body Dementia which has accelerated .
He has a cetheter for his pee but is incontinent for his bowel

He will need a full care package with two carers to come in very 4 hours to turn him and to see to his personal care . I was hoping he could be persuaded to have the hoist to get him out of bed but he fells unsafe with it as he feels he is falling so it may not be an option

No matter he wants and needs to be home as he is worrying and giving up in hospital

It won't be easy I know but I want him home too for whatever time he has left. <3

I have had meetings with several, different divisions who are involved . It seems though they don't liaise with each other cos I often have to say no that's not him . I wonder too if they know the right guy as they think he has a pacemaker fitted Nope he doesn't !,, worrying !!

But it's all in motion to get him home which is the most important thing
:-D :-D :-D