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Over-75's TV Licences

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RolloTheRed Report 25 Jan 2016 15:16

France just adds the tv tax for Channel 2 to the property taxes everyboy pays no get outs. Other countries do much the same inc the USA which subsidises "Public Broadcasting". The v popular PB puts out a lot of UK programming for free which drives the networks nuts. Trump is committed to closing it down.

In case you hadn't noticed BBC programs come at one go without 3-5mins of irritating ads every 20 mins. The ads are even getting into catch up.

In case you haven't lived abroad you may not be aware just how woeful TV is in most countries plus of course all the ads.

In case you haven't noticed Sky, TalkTalk, BT etc are a long way from fee.

So I guess you have the ever shrinking FreeView and will be happy to shell out at least double the BBC fee for Murdoch TV if his evil plans come to fruition.



SheilaSomerset Report 25 Jan 2016 15:09

My Mum gets free TV licence, bus pass, free prescriptions, eye test etc., all of which she is well able to pay for. Perhaps all these 'perks' should be means tested...


Kense Report 25 Jan 2016 15:07

Many countries do not have a licence, they have adverts instead.

The BBC has had to cut its costs considerably as the licence fee has been frozen and I don't think the salaries are as exorbitant as they were.

**Stella ~by~ Starlight**★..★..★

**Stella ~by~ Starlight**★..★..★ Report 25 Jan 2016 15:06

i think it should be scrapped altogether... :-D


JoyLouise Report 25 Jan 2016 14:56

Did I hear correctly? Is the BBC serious about asking those 75 and over to consider giving back part of the money they have saved in qualifying for a free TV Licence?

I am looking forward to not paying for a licence. Many countries have no licensing system at all.

Who on earth would be happy to forfeit money to keep paying the exorbitant salaries and expenses that BBC management seem to think they and some entertainers deserve?

Have they gone daft in the head or do they think British pensioners are mad?