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Help find ding my Dad

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Annewest Report 2 Sep 2017 22:59

I was born in Corby northants, I did write to Cecil and it turns out he is my uncle and Brenda my Auntie. There was bad news, even though I can not find record of it. I am still looking for family now. Thank you everyone :-(


Rambling Report 5 Sep 2017 11:08

Anne, a friend has asked me to add this link to a group on facebook who are very good at helping find people. "Aussie and UK Angels"

When you say you " I did write to Cecil and it turns out he is my uncle and Brenda my Auntie. There was bad news, even though I can not find record of it"...was that bad news generally or specifically about your father?

Add: another question, what was your father's occupation on the marriage cert, just wondering if it was something that might show up in a search?


Annewest Report 5 Sep 2017 13:03

Hi yes the news was about my dad he was going by the name of william Anthony west and he passed away in 2013, however I was also told I had two sister one called Mary born 1971 and Julie born 1976 and a brother micheal born 1974 which I can not trace would be grateful of any help there mothers name is Pauline we believe she changed her last name to west


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 5 Sep 2017 15:10

English & Welsh On line BM&D indices aren't available after about 2006. That's why you can't find a reference.
If your uncle gave some indication where he died, it might still be possible to order a copy of his DC. The information on there, such his address & informants details, might help you contact other relatives.


Rambling Report 5 Sep 2017 19:46

There are two possibles on electoral rolls a Pauline M with William A West, or a Pauline J with William A West, but the children's first names are just too common to pin down, and Pauline and William may not have married?