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Dear Scotland.... don't read if easily offended

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Rambling Report 21 Apr 2017 09:40

Ah I see Allan :-) I think it's very likely that GR will fold eventually, I'm surprised it hasn't happened already really, even the FB page is neglected, all the staff that do exist seem to be FMP staff (as far as one can tell they just slide across to the GR side of the office when there is need to) and the concentration is there, where the money is made.

I think when FMP get around to making trees public, and have some matching and search system as here then GR will go.


Allan Report 21 Apr 2017 00:12

But that was my entire point. If the site is closed there won't be any other areas to look at, subs or no subs


Island Report 21 Apr 2017 00:06

Good point Allan and I think you are right but I'm not going to give up my £8.96 p.a. sub just because of RR's. There are other areas to be used beside the boards.

Nighty night.


Allan Report 20 Apr 2017 23:54

My conspiracy theory did not involve any members of GR, paying or not.

I posted my theory on another thread, but it went along the lines of people eventually becoming fed-up with the constant reports and resigning their membership.

For a long time now, various people have expressed their frustration regarding the lack of maintenance of this site and the running down of GR staff.

Perhaps, my theory, or more correctly, hypothesis, postulated, what if GR was itself doing the reporting to cause frustration and decrease in membership. Then one day the announcement is made that due to a decline in membership it was no longer viable to maintain the site and that it would be closed :-S :-D :-D


Caroline Report 20 Apr 2017 23:50

I am not arguing with either of you honestly I'm not.
The taking the P ones fine to some degree ....RR ones on factual things like unexploded shells just stupid.


maggiewinchester Report 20 Apr 2017 23:48

As has been intimated to the RR'r - no-one has to read the posts!! :-D :-D :-D :-D


Island Report 20 Apr 2017 23:43

I completely understand the upset and outrage at being RR'd - like most members, I've been there.
I've also played email tennis with GR over what I felt was entirely unjustified so know how infuriating their noncommittal responses are and yes, it does look as if they work in favour of the reporter.
Yes, I've posted on anti RR threads in the past but they have only ever been one at a time.

Don't think for one minute that I am in agreement with the RR'r or GRs stance but
there comes a time to just move on, be the bigger person. It doesn't mean 'they' have won at all - give some credit to fellow members for seeing things for what they are.


maggiewinchester Report 20 Apr 2017 23:31

Well, he is POTUS :-D :-D :-D :-D


Rambling Report 20 Apr 2017 23:30

I don't think it's a conspiracy at all.

Look at all the other people who have been reported in the past, most I would say have been perfectly capable of annoying more than one other member without any sort of conspiracy being required :-)

I can name half a dozen people who routinely had posts reported, to say all of them were the victim of conspiracies sounds rather too much like something Trump would say.


Caroline Report 20 Apr 2017 23:04

Yep Allan..... :-D


Allan Report 20 Apr 2017 23:03

So, once again I go with my Conspiracy Theory :-D :-D


Caroline Report 20 Apr 2017 23:01

I'm fully aware of the lack of staff, but it all depends on who is in that day it seems.


Rambling Report 20 Apr 2017 23:00

Maybe they should Caroline, but you do realise that there is only a skeleton staff on GR now?

None of the faults on the site like adv search have been fixed, no updates on the Announcement board since 2015 etc, if they're not going to employ people to fix the facilities we actually pay for, they are certainly not going to pay someone to keep posters informed of which t & c they have broken, if any.


Caroline Report 20 Apr 2017 22:57

Okay then challenge whomever RR just come on here and say how I offended on any of the post....because not one of them from the last few weeks was deserving of reporting unless you're so thin skinned and lacking any sense of humour you shouldn't go out ever.


Caroline Report 20 Apr 2017 22:49

Genes should give a proper reason and at least a chance to explain but that's difficult when someone RR ... for instance


Rambling Report 20 Apr 2017 22:48

Maggie, while i would agree that most of the recent reports may be spite more than genuine offence taken, it's entirely possible that one or more of Caroline's recent posts has been reported for good reason.

Sometimes it takes the patience of a saint NOT to report someone who has to coin a phrase "got right up your nose" doesn't it? ( thinking of some posters who have done just that!) maybe the current RRer/s have reached their limit of patience also.


JoyBoroAngel Report 20 Apr 2017 22:46

Slating Gr will not get them on board Maggie
Been there got the tee shirt :-D


maggiewinchester Report 20 Apr 2017 22:44

So, now there's a limit on how many times we can get GR to do something?
When they're totally ineffective and a person carries on trying to get their attention, they're accused of going on too long and 'throwing their toys out of the pram'.
Actually, like the RR'r - no-one is forced to read the threads :-D :-D :-D :-D


Allan Report 20 Apr 2017 22:35

My views on the reported posts are well known, and I totally agree with Maggie.

For the record I also totally support Caroline, and I remember not so long ago, when many posters who are now asking Caroline to desist in her Threads re the RR'r, were engaging en masse in the same type of action :-0


Caroline Report 20 Apr 2017 22:33

Seriously toy throwing.....others take the P all day every day and I'm not allowed to I'm meant to sit quietly in the corner....yeah right