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Caroline Report 13 May 2017 18:45

Careful now them might be fighting words to some you know... :-D


LaGooner Report 13 May 2017 16:06

Give me Mr and Mrs May anytime Mr and Mrs B never popular around here


JoyLouise Report 13 May 2017 12:58

Popular with some, Kense, but not everyone, certainly not in this area. Not everyone goes along with the views of media owners.


Caroline Report 13 May 2017 12:40

Rollo please don't keep quoting me try and come up with your own thoughts for once :-D :-D

I'm not sure why you'd think Mr and Mrs May would be so awful compared to Mr and Mrs Blair...politics aside if that's possible...they came across as a close caring (of each other at least) couple....


Kense Report 13 May 2017 11:43

Funny how Blair used to be so popular but since Mr Murdoch turned against him for some reason ;-) almost nobody has a good word to say for him. Does The Sun really control this country?


JoyLouise Report 13 May 2017 09:17

Noooo, Rollo, I thought they were fine on telly and I am a swinging voter. :-S

Now, Mr and Mrs Blair, however ....... too much.


Caroline Report 13 May 2017 03:21

But look how dangerous an imagination can be in the wrong hands... :-)


maggiewinchester Report 13 May 2017 00:46 least you have been deemed to have an imagination, Caroline. :-D


Caroline Report 12 May 2017 23:08

By the way as already stated in another thread...I never wanted Le Pen to win :-D


LaGooner Report 12 May 2017 22:59

Corbyn to the tower, now there's an idea


Caroline Report 12 May 2017 22:56

Sorry been out for a little while and came back and found this....have to say WTF??

LOL not sure where that was coming from Rollo.....not often I'm accused of having feelings but heyho.
I'm pretty sure it would be a short book in this fact I've given the whole plot away, that said I was on carrying on from others statements but again heyho.
Sounds like you'd like to write a book on it though so be my guest :-)


Caroline Report 12 May 2017 18:44

Oh dear can you imagine it....a French Blair and a French Cherie maybe ?? :-(


JoyLouise Report 12 May 2017 07:47

Can't help it, Rollo. As much as I can see the differences, as I said, I still have that same feeling.

I hope I'm wrong for the French people's sake.


JoyLouise Report 11 May 2017 14:02

Rollo, let me ask you a question.

Do you believe in deja vu?

Do you think there is any chance that Macron who founded En Marche! could possibly turn out to be a clone of Blair who 'founded' New Labour?

The policies may not be the same but I have this eerie feeling that we've been here before. Just can't shake it off no matter how many the differences in the party lines.


Caroline Report 11 May 2017 10:44



Dermot Report 10 May 2017 20:34

Tá mé compordach i nGaeilge. Téim go dtí Éire i mí Lúnasa chomh maith.


Denburybob Report 10 May 2017 20:27

Je suis a l'aise en Francais. Je vais en France au mois d'aout.


SylviaInCanada Report 10 May 2017 03:55

The best part of Macron winning was the very funny Twitters, which led to some saying "It's time to stop this sexualization of politics."

The tweeters were trying to decide who was the sexiest ........... Justin Trudeau or Macron

:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

Makes a change for MEN to be sexualized :-D


Dermot Report 9 May 2017 21:52

'Affectation' - I try to use this apt word very sparingly.


Caroline Report 8 May 2017 20:17

Actually I never said she would win I said never write anyone off who knows what the future holds, unlike some I never make rash predictions. As much as we loathe her party they did gain more votes than they've ever had before, including almost half the youth vote.

Who says neither of us already speaks French or other languages?

I've always said Le Pen was extreme you've always assumed I'm a right wing bigot...I never make assumptions I like to balance everything out and wait for the results.