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Reasonable/Unreasonable (petty?) dislikes

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MotownGal Report 3 Feb 2018 11:12

People being rude in general for no good reason.

I was shopping this morning, and there was a man of retirement age being really rude to the young girl on the till for no reason at all.

If he got out of bed the wrong side, why take it out on someone who cannot answer back?

The crowing glory was when he called her 'tiresome'. Only one person being tiresome mate!


AnninGlos Report 3 Feb 2018 11:52

talking of shopping (as MTG was), people who go into the supermarket restaurant and, intead of using the places provided, park their trolley right in the gangway beside their table. I am pretty sure I have never heard of anyone stealing a whole trolley load of goods. And it is a fire hazard when several people do it at once. The only ones I sympathise with are young mums who have a baby in the trolley.


Denburybob Report 3 Feb 2018 13:04

Politicians who say... what we should do...what we need to do.etc, when what I want to hear is "What we WILL do." Not that they ever do what they say they will.


Kay???? Report 3 Feb 2018 13:19

People who butt into a conversation and take over turning into **-about me**.or think embellished stories will make for wide eyed impression.


'Emma' Report 3 Feb 2018 13:48

Why is it when OH is watching a football match on TV
and I look up to see what's going on and I see a player
spitting........filthy habit.


MotownGal Report 3 Feb 2018 19:45

Oh Emma, when I was standing at the bus-stop this morning, coming back from the shops, there was a bedraggled young man there too. He would not stop spitting all the time. I gradually edged to the other end of the bus shelter.

Also there is a young man, used to be friends with my son at school, and rather than answering YES, he says Obviously! Grrrrr!

:-D :-D :-D


Dermot Report 3 Feb 2018 19:48

"You can say that again!" :-S


MotownGal Report 3 Feb 2018 19:52

I will Dermot......................obviously! :-D :-D


SylviaInCanada Report 3 Feb 2018 21:41

Following on from MTG's rudeness .......

people who conduct business (Bank, paying in a shop, etc) while on their phone or texting, never look at the live person in front of them

B****y rude, in my opinion!!!


MotownGal Report 4 Feb 2018 09:35

On a flow here!!!

When I address a member of staff in a shop, usually beginning with an 'Excuse Me but can you tell me...................' and they don't even look up at you, just mumble and answer with a flick of the hand.

Beloved is less patient with that behaviour and says 'I'm talking to you'..........then they look up.

Grrrr. Grrrr. and Grrrr again!


'Emma' Report 4 Feb 2018 11:41

Like your beloved Maddie, when I'm ignored
by a shop assistant in a loud voice I say,
" So I need to get a supervisor or a member of management
to help me" works wonders.


MotownGal Report 4 Feb 2018 15:23

Please and thankyou. Whatever happened to them?

I like to think I am quite generous with my friends kids, and would quite often buy them something. More often than not they would just snatch the item out of my hand. And, sorry if it offends, I would say 'Thank You' to which they would repeat more out of parrot than anything else.

I had it drummed into me to say thanks, and my kids too. When we are alone, us poor old folk, giving a cup of tea to each other is always responded with a thankyou!

:-( :-( :-( :-(


David Report 4 Feb 2018 16:01

All (or most) of the above.
The black economy ripping off the elderly.
My inability to do much about it.
My repeating my own errors/choices.


AnninGlos Report 4 Feb 2018 16:24

I have three great nieces, I have always been quite generous to them and the children of the two eldest at Christmas, birthdays. The eldest (who is a lovely girl, now a midwife) never ever let me know the parcel had arrived (they both live in London), and never ever thanked me (us). The other two are both very good (the youngest is 16 and I always get a thank you, by e mail but it is a thank you. I only now send to the two youngest.

My Grandchildren have always known that if we don't get a thank you they don't get a present (which is usually cash these days), they are actually very good having been well trained by their parents.

I too don't like bad manners. I don't want gushing gratitude just acknowledgement.

I was reminded of another thing I really hate. Watching a woman when we were having coffee, she was reading the paper and licking her finger to turn every page. OK her business it was her paper. But I do dislike seeing that with the free papers in cafes.


'Emma' Report 4 Feb 2018 17:18

Always reminded my grand children and now my grt grandchildren
that ' I want' does not get.


Dermot Report 4 Feb 2018 18:13

The word 'like' seems to be grossly overused by some conversational youngsters without any particular enhancement to the message being imparted.

"Like, you know what I mean, like".


Sharron Report 4 Feb 2018 18:23

The voice of that Scottish woman on the TSB advertizements.


MotownGal Report 4 Feb 2018 19:25

Oh Sharron, I spend all my time trying to work out who is doing the voiceover.

Nine times out of ten I don't know what the advert is for, cos I'm scrabbling for a name.

:-D :-D :-D


maggiewinchester Report 4 Feb 2018 19:32

It's an actress called Kelly McDonald.


SylviaInCanada Report 4 Feb 2018 19:34

AnnG and MotownG ................

Like you, we expect to get a thank you for presents to friends' children, and to gt nieces and gt nephews.

Fortunately, the 6 we now send to have all been well-trained by their parents (who were, in turn, well-trained by their mother, OH's sister). All live in Canada, but we have to presents by mail.

Like you, we also now usually send money ............. and we always get a written thank you note. In the early days, it was of course momma who wrote, then there'd be a drawing (scribble!!) by child added. All except the very youngest girl now write their own notes and tell us what they are doing.

We stop sending gifts when they reach 21, which is why my gt nieces no longer get anything.

We stopped sending gifts to OH's godchildren when their mother took them to California, and we didn't get any thank you notes from them for 2 years. OH was sad to lose the contact, but ................

MG ............ we two oldies also say thank you to each other for anything that is done by one for the other ...... whether that be holding the door open to making porridge for breakfast :-D

We also say sorry if we've made a mistake