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Reasonable/Unreasonable (petty?) dislikes

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Bobtanian Report 2 Feb 2018 08:57

ANY OBVIOUS Tattoos piercings...

" For sure" instead of Certain/ly

local radio news traffic announcement presenters that race through their statement and then at the end say something like "If you spot a queue and its safe and legal to do so, call us on xxxxxxxxx "(garbled telephone number) or speak in a up n down sing song voice...and then speak into their chests...


Dermot Report 2 Feb 2018 07:05

Excessive tattoos. :-|


SylviaInCanada Report 2 Feb 2018 00:59

all the above


nukelar instead of nuclear


Rambling Report 1 Feb 2018 18:29

LOL Supercrutch, I won't do it again, promise :-D But I couldn't resist :-)


supercrutch Report 1 Feb 2018 18:02

SHUT UP our Rose :-P :-P :-P

I loathe the germ spreaders...... :-| :-| :-|


Caroline Report 1 Feb 2018 17:50

Oh yes Supercrutch people coughing all over you and the food in the shop.


Rambling Report 1 Feb 2018 17:06

Thankyou for all the lists, personal and musical. :-)

Many of those I could well add to my own list, but it would make me seem like a very grumpy old woman lol.

Supercrutch.... did you's 327 days till Christmas ;-)


RolloTheRed Report 1 Feb 2018 16:48

Let none of them be missed


supercrutch Report 1 Feb 2018 16:48

Stupid, selfish people who refuse to recognise a cripple when planted right in front of their noses! They expect ME to move out of their way! Not a damn chance :-P

Patients sat in the GP surgery waiting room who cough and splutter without a hanky in sight.

Children with dummies stuck in their mouths.

Friends who delight in telling me it's only 364 days until Christmas and continuing the countdown :-|


AnninGlos Report 1 Feb 2018 16:46

using fewer and less at the wrong time

the expression 'it was so fun'

people my age (not on the phone) whi don't walk in a straight line on the pavement. (and they are not disabled in any way.

People in mobility scooters who assume I will leap off the pavement as they hurtle towards me.

Teenagers on bikes who think it is funny to zig zag in front of cars doing wheelies. Don't they know it is them wo come off worse in an accident?

Again teenagers (usually) on bikes carrying their helmets on the handlebars

Spell check that thinks it knows better than me what I want to say.


Caroline Report 1 Feb 2018 16:16

All of the above and

Claiming things are "way better"

"Whatever" or "What" usually from teenagers

People talking loudly on their phones in public.....we don't care what's happening in your life trust me....text the person instead!

Packaging you can't open.


Dermot Report 1 Feb 2018 16:06

Sunday Sermons at our church.

The Amplification system is so poor, I have difficulty in hearing the preacher.

My hearing aid is on maximum volume & sign language expert is too expensive. Can anyone teach me how to lip-read? :-S


'Emma' Report 1 Feb 2018 15:28

Shops who are not mobility friendly.

People who think I'm invisible when in my wheelchair.

My brick wall in my family tree.

Cyclists using the pedestrian crossing.

Cruelty to children and animals

I could go on but...........


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 1 Feb 2018 14:59

TV adverts claiming something is Two times stronger than xxx. Why not twice as strong as xxx?

TV advert promoting self medication for Male night time in continence, with no mention of consulting your GP first.

Current TV advert for a fat buster pill. One of the women in the lineup has grey hair, probably in her late 50s. If the info leaflet is the same as similar products, it shouldn’t be taken by post menopausal women.


SheilaSomerset Report 1 Feb 2018 14:58

'Veganuary' and all its associated snobbish pontification
People moaning about dog poo when the real problem is LITTER
People who spend 10 minutes choosing porridge and block the aisle
Stupid adverts with bad grammar (e.g. 'Create Amazing...')
Cadburys chocolate now tasting like crap
Dumbed-down documentaries
Laura Kuenssberg's commentaries - rather like a ride to the scaffold


JoyLouise Report 1 Feb 2018 14:37

Phone blindness, Maggie. :-0

I, too, can be easily distracted from chores I hate. :-D


maggiewinchester Report 1 Feb 2018 14:26

People who stand in shop doorways having a chat

Those who wait for a bus, and no matter how late the bus, decide to look for money/pass once on the bus.

People who zig-zag across the pavement whilst using their phone

Anyone walking towards me texting, who expects the world to get out of their way

Adults cycling on pavements, especially in built up areas

My ability to be distracted - I am currently :-S - painting a bedroom



JoyLouise Report 1 Feb 2018 14:23

Well, speaking as someone who has no flaws ..... excuse me while I pick up my OH from the floor where he's falling about laughing ........ Dermot, how many NON-self-serving Cabinet Ministers are you aware of. As far as celibate clergy are concerned, may I take it that you're referring to RC clergy because I don't think it would apply to Anglican, Methodist or other denominations from what I've heard.

Sharon, my husband and I (or the Royal 'we') completely agree; food served on slate (as we once had) is weird.


Dermot Report 1 Feb 2018 14:11

1) Wealthy Skinflints.

2) Blind, deaf & dumb witnesses.

3) Those who do not 'know' their immediate neighbours.

4) Celibate (*) Clergy.

5) Strong politicians.

6) Weak politicians.

7) Self-serving Cabinet Ministers.

8) Anglo-American speak.

9) Abuse apologies.

10) My own fatal flaws.


Sharron Report 1 Feb 2018 14:07

Sat instead of sitting or had sat.

'For free' instead of 'free', 'free of charge' or 'for nothing'.

'I' when it should be 'me'.

Bits of drama in documentary programmes.

That woman who does that singing in anything medieval if the monks are not doing it.

The silly squiggle of chocolate sauce over every dessert you ever buy.

Food served in and on strange containers, tiles, jam jars, bread boards.

Those women dentists on that toothpaste advertizement.

'Invite' instead of 'invitation.'