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Reasonable/Unreasonable (petty?) dislikes

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JoyLouise Report 1 Feb 2018 14:05

I agree with 1, 9 and 10.

As far as 1 is concerned, I would add that listing the quarters of a year by number (eg Q1, Q2 etc) would make life easier.

Couldn't care less about the other points but I could add a couple of my own dislikes.


Rambling Report 1 Feb 2018 13:53


Prompted by a Bill Bryson book

1) Genealogy websites that reverse the search fields of other sites, ie one has surname as first search field, one has first name so that when switching between the 2 you inevitably get 'zero results' and sit wondering why.

2) Shoppers who stand in the middle of the aisle to chat, leaving no room to get round them.

3) Shop aisles that are too narrow ( see above).

4) Un-necessary wrapping ( incl' parcel's covered in more sellotape than parcel).

5) People who wallow in not knowing things ( eg if there's something I don't know anything about I will find out, not just give up).

6) People who say "But it's the way I've always done it" when doing it another way would stop them having to moan because the way they've always done it is needlessly 'awkward' or unproductive.

7) TV, films and books with 'open endings'.

8) Spotting someone on a tv prog' you recognise but can't remember from where. (Whence? ). ( 8a) dithering over whether it's 'from where or from whence' ;-) )

9) Looking at the cast list of above, only to have it shrink to one side of screen to show what's on next and a vacuous announcer telling you what you can quite clearly see but don't wish to.

10) Haitch!
