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Where did it go part 2

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supercrutch Report 8 Feb 2018 14:14

^^^^^^^ what Maggie said :-D


maggiewinchester Report 8 Feb 2018 14:01

Oh for goodness sake.

Rollo, just who is 'wasting your time'? You start a thread, then delete it if it doesn't go your way - if anything, YOU are wasting OUR time.

You've made presumptions - again!
You presume everyone but you is pro-Brexit , and it's your 'duty' to educate the plebs. Well think again.
I argue politics on a political forum, I've suggested before that you slope off to one, and give them the 'joy' of your rambling opinions. See how they like you 'declaring' that your opinions are the 'right' ones.

As for posting something 'interesting', you may have noticed the number of threads started by you that have disappeared off the page with no response - that you than delete. Doesn't that tell you something?

Well, it's either that your posts are not interesting, or people don't want to post on them, for fear of you 'pulling them up' on their spelling, phrasing, use of words, or being rude about their opinions.

No point in posting a thread asking for opinions, then calling people 'boneheads' for not using the 'correct' newspaper for their information, or contradicting what you've put.
Isn't putting the other side of an argument the whole idea of debating?
It seems your idea of a 'debate' is 'Rollo puts his opinion, then everyone agrees with it'.

As I've said before - peoples political views are theirs, this is a genealogical site.
I (and I expect a lot more people) don't wish to discuss my political views here.


Caroline Report 8 Feb 2018 13:53

Typical response!

try taking some of your own advice then, we're not wasting your time and you can't remove this one unless you RR it then we all know you did it!!


RolloTheRed Report 8 Feb 2018 13:44

Please stop wasting my time.

If you all want to have an argument then I am quite sure you can manage one without any help from me.

I have made it perfectly clear that I am not interested in the negative, abusive and off topic posts typical of Allan, Caroline and MW. If you find, say, brexit boring then why not start your own thread extolling its vritues instead of posting stuff way off topic. So there you go, any more of it and I shall whoosh the thread. You could always amaze me of course by posting something new, interesting or useful ( though all three at once woujld be a stretch).

Another (welcome) option is to just ignore my threads leaving them to rustle quietly in the corner of interest to only a minority.


JoyLouise Report 8 Feb 2018 13:31

We have 'Our Island Story' but I'd forgotten who'd written it, Elizabeth.


Elizabeth2469049 Report 8 Feb 2018 13:03

as thr Arthur Mee paper The Children's Newspaper which I seem to remember? and was he the author of "Our Island Story"?


maggiewinchester Report 8 Feb 2018 12:15

I had to look that up, Sharron.

I have Arthur Mee books - he wrote 'The King's England' series on counties.
I think I've got 9.

Fascinating - the other things he wrote :-D :-D :-D

The newspaper - definitely suitable :-D


Caroline Report 8 Feb 2018 11:56

Would it be childish to add :-D?


Sharron Report 8 Feb 2018 11:54

Arthur Mee published a newspaper that would be suitable I think.


Rambling Report 8 Feb 2018 11:17

Surprise? really ?

edited as caps lock was on.


Caroline Report 8 Feb 2018 10:46



JoyLouise Report 8 Feb 2018 10:46

That'll be the Sunday Sport, then Maggie? ;-)


maggiewinchester Report 8 Feb 2018 10:22

.....and don't forget to quote from the 'correct' paper, or you will be insulted.


Caroline Report 8 Feb 2018 10:16

The thing is lately there have been threads where comments have been made and then not backed up. Acting our age also means not acting like a spoilt child and being rude for the sake of being rude, it's not needed for a debate/discussion.
I too Dermot would love to see Rollo in a proper debate but in real life he couldn't suddenly delete everything!


JoyLouise Report 8 Feb 2018 09:33

Well, don't know about the others but I feel suitably chastised ..... and all for digging (not dishing) the dirt. :-D ;-)

 Sue In Yorkshire.

Sue In Yorkshire. Report 8 Feb 2018 09:27

You lot need to be shouted at as you lot can't let anything go to it's grave.


JoyLouise Report 8 Feb 2018 09:09


 Sue In Yorkshire.

Sue In Yorkshire. Report 8 Feb 2018 09:07

If you all have not learned over the years you have been a member that people do
pull threads they have put on.
Or as Joy says *Throw their dummy out* or throw toys out of their prams.



JoyLouise Report 8 Feb 2018 08:53

Rollo, for gawd's sake stop spitting the dummy.


Allan Report 8 Feb 2018 08:45

To some extent, Sue, to those of us who asked questions but received no answers.

If you can't argue for your Thread when questioned, why post in the first place!