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Latest health update - new update !

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Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 30 Dec 2022 14:31


Grandaughter took me to the hospital yesterday to see the oncologist for the results of the PET scan done 24th

Bee chemicals did give me 24 hours of being unwell with excruciating trapped gas and feeling unwell so wasn’t a good Christmas day lunch with the famiiy

But the cancer hasn’t spread .the node has increased in size slightly but shows it’s slow growing, doc said your immune system is fighting it

Now it’s what can we do?

Going to ask the gynaecologist if he will operate to take out the node or do ablation but isn’t hopeful he will do

Then it’s we can do localisation radiotherapy over 5 weeks which as a lower dose may cause bowel problems which hopefully will repair itself but it’s up to me

Or do nothing and scan every 4 months to see what’s going on

Chances are it will spread but at what rate is ?


LondonBelle Report 30 Dec 2022 16:19

Shirley <3 <3 <3


Florence61 Report 30 Dec 2022 17:17

Aw Shirley forgot to ask you about the results <3

Wait & see what the gynae dr has to say and then take it from there. Ablation is like a scrape so maybe thats a possibility, fingers crosses for you.

Florence in the hebrides <3 <3

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 30 Dec 2022 17:48

Shirley, It sounds as if your body is trying to fight back to help you.

Will be thinking of you as go forward to the next decisions <3


AnninGlos Report 31 Dec 2022 14:27

<3 <3 <3 Shirley.

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 31 Dec 2022 16:11

Well it’s left me in a quandary tbh

Do I take a chance and have surgery to remove the node?
Do I go for ablation under general anaesthetic?

Do I do radiotherapy and possibly have bowel problems?

Do I say nope let it take it’s course and accept it’s terminal but who knows when or it’s side effects that may be difficult pain wise

At my age I know I,m not invincible and death is inevitable but it’s decision of do I decide the time


Fly Report 31 Dec 2022 16:33

Shirley <3 <3 <3


Von Report 31 Dec 2022 16:59

Shirley <3 <3 <3


Caroline Report 31 Dec 2022 18:40

Shirley <3


kandj Report 31 Dec 2022 18:43

Thoughts and prayers for you Shirley x x


Annx Report 31 Dec 2022 21:02

Oh Shirley, it's a difficult decision to make, but like Florence says, see what the gynae says first. If he won't remove the node you can ask why not and whether not removing it is likely to lead to spread that will be worse painwise than if it's not removed. You want to be able to enjoy a comfortable quality of life as long as is possible. Best wishes. <3


SuffolkVera Report 31 Dec 2022 21:23

As Annx says, ask questions and get all the information you can before you make your decision and, above all, keep your wonderful positive attitude. Thinking of you and sending lots of good vibes your way <3

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 6 Jan 2023 14:09

Sooo got a phone call after 5pm yesterday from the radiology nurse

The gynaecologist rejected any surgery or ablation

So a group doctor review of my case was at my age 5 weeks radiotherapy wasn’t ideal and could cause other problems and their thoughts were it’s slow growing so monitor and if necessary offer 15 sessions of radiotherapy down the line

They wouid do the 15 sessions now if I wanted but it would just be holding back growth and may give me bowel problems

It’s my choice ,

So after talking with family I have decided to get on with my life whilst I feel well and not worry about tomorrow!

At 85 coming up 86 I,m lucky to still be here and getting out and about.

Tomorrow isn’t worth worrying about tbh


nameslessone Report 6 Jan 2023 14:55

<3 <3


Florence61 Report 6 Jan 2023 14:58

Shirley, I agree you need to be able to enjoy what life you have left. If you have treatment and it makes you really unwell or causes other problems, then you wont be well enough to enjoy any time left.

My father says if his bloods are now on the increase because his cancer is spreading outwith the area its in, he doesnt want chemo as he also wants to enjoy his time left and live life to the full while he can. he is also 85 and has lead an active life. Chemo will destroy him and hes not the sort to stay at home in bed all day being sick.

His cancer isnt curable, so his outlook is well as you say dont look too far ahead or worry about tomorrow, just enjoy life today <3 <3

Florence in the hebrides


LondonBelle Report 6 Jan 2023 16:14

My SiL has had a similar problem, Shirley. Her's is slow growing too and hasn't grown much if any in the last year.....she is monitored every 3 months <3


Von Report 6 Jan 2023 18:12

Shirley <3 <3


Annx Report 6 Jan 2023 21:28

That sounds like the best way forward Shirley. After what they have told you, why not enjoy yourself while you feel well and can make the most of it. Spring is just around the corner and they will be keeping an eye on you which is good to know and it could be very slow growing. No point wasting time with worry is there when you could do something nice instead. :-) :-) <3 <3


SylviaInCanada Report 9 Jan 2023 00:56

It sounds as if they are suggesting the best way forward for you, that will allow you the best way to enjoy life.

Take care xxxx