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Osteopenia ..........

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SylviaInCanada Report 28 Mar 2023 23:22

I had a bone density scan about 4 weeks ago, and got the results today

I have osteopenia, which is a minor loss of bone density but can develop into osteoporosis if action isn't taken.

I have to make sure the amount of calcium and Vitamin D that I take as both tablets and in food is about 1000 mg of calcium and about 1200 IU Vitamin D. Plus walk more (if I can!!!).

The doctor also told me to research osteopenia online!!!

It turns out that magnesium could also be important. Who knew?!


nameslessone Report 29 Mar 2023 08:25

Once he was found to be a coeliac OH had bone scans which showed up a problem. We always called his tablets ‘bonio’ so can’t remember what they were. But he was never told to make sure he had an exact amount of calcium etc.
The advice was to regularly eat sardines AND the bones ( yuk). He now just takes a. calcium supplement.


McAlp Report 29 Mar 2023 09:04

Morning I have Osteoporosis and take 500g of Calcium with 800g Vitamin D3 every morning also have an injection of Calcium every 6 Months.
Just take care not to break any bones it takes forever to heal.
I broke a finger in February and this week I get to take the brace off.
Regards Ann


JoyLouise Report 29 Mar 2023 09:18

I had never hear of osteopenia, Sylvia, but I have looked it up now.

Same with my OH, Names. Once he was found to be a coeliac years ago he had already lost some bone density.

More recently he has been advised to take Vitamin D as well as his other tablets but he has always been a walker and hill climber (the latter he can no longer do). Even now he regularly goes out for a walk - approx 10 mile-walks in summer, shorter walks in winter.

(Btw, I like the bones in tinned sardines and salmon but not in the fresh versions.)

Good luck, Sylvia,

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 29 Mar 2023 12:00

I hope the treatment and advice helps all of you.

It is interesting about exercise.
A few years ago, both daughters and I had a bone density scan when offered linked to daughter's fitness class.
The lady doing mine asked if she could repeat my scan and I agreed, but the results still seemed to suprise her. They came out better than my daughters even though I was of 'mature years'.
We think this must be due to all the walking I have done. I don't go on long walks nowadays like Joy's OH, but as a non-driver I frequently walk shorter distances and getting to school as a youngster involved about one and a half miles down and up hill each day.
Daughters drive to work of necessity, but both now try to walk more to hopefully help their health.


Andysmum Report 29 Mar 2023 12:14

I take Accrete D3, prescribed by my GP, to reduce the risk of osteoporosis. They are a mix of vitamin D and calcium and I take 2 a day. So far I have not had a bone scan and the last time I fell over on a hard surface I was only bruised, so assume my bones aren't too bad.


nameslessone Report 29 Mar 2023 13:20

OH took alondronate for about 12 years and now takes 3000 mg of calcium carbonate = 1200 mg of calcium instead which also contains vitamin D.

He no longer has regular scans as his bone loss recovered.


SylviaInCanada Report 29 Mar 2023 17:36

Thank you all!

The doctor told me to do research online, and also work out how much calcium, vitamin D etc is in the food I eat .............. it turns out that Soy Milk (I'm lactose-intolerant) has about 300 mg Calcium per serving, cereals have some, etc etc.

She said it is better to get as much from food as possible, and to spread out the Calcium over the day.

I actually grew up drinking lots of milk and eating much cheese and yoghurt, but all that came to a screeching halt almost 0 years ago when I developed the intolerance. There wasn't much good non-dairy cheese or yoghurt around back then, and not for many years. They're getting better, but it is still a matter of trying to find types that I like, and that the store then keeps in stock!

I was already taking 650 mg Ca and 800 mg Vit D and have done for years ........ suggested by the doctors over the years as I've got older.

But there is this conundrum with Vit D .... the best way to get Vit D is by sunlight, without wearing sunscreen. But everyone is supposed to wear sunscreen!!! The last I heard a couple of years ago, was that as little as 5 minutes in the sun without screen could be sufficient to get a reasonable amount of natural Vit D formation.

I'm going to trace up the magnesium, how much per day, how much is in food, the multivitamin I take, etc.

But I also emailed my daughter yesterday, she just turned 49, and told her to check what she's taking, as 45 seems to be the magic age.

The doc also said I should have another bone density scan in 3 years.


nameslessone Report 29 Mar 2023 18:58

25 years ago OH was told he must eat meat ( as well as those sardines) rather than worry about vegetables as, at that time (?) they didn’t know how the body absorbed vegetable calcium.
I wonder if the advice is still the same.


JoyLouise Report 29 Mar 2023 19:21

Sylvia, years ago I read somewhere that a fair-skinned person needs only ten minutes a day sunshine to capture the Vit D needed for healthy bones, a darker-skinned person needs only five minutes.

After that ‘period of capture’, if I am still outside I slap on sunscreen .

Perhaps you have heard that but because of your condition you may need a few minutes more, of course?


Annx Report 29 Mar 2023 22:16

Be aware too that taking antacids long term for acid reflux can cause osteoporosis as it reduces the calcium absorbed from your food. I'd read reports suggesting the risk over 12 years ago and badgered OH to go and ask for a scan, as he had been on them for a few years. He was reluctant, being at less risk as a man and only in his 50s, so not expecting to have osteoporosis. The scan showed he was borderline for osteoporosis at that time and now he has osteoporosis and takes alendronic acid and calcium with Vit D treatment. He's never broken any bones, but it doesn't mean you don't have it.


maggiewinchester Report 29 Mar 2023 22:33

A friend of my sister took omeprazol (sp?) for acid reflux every day, then found out it depletes iron in the body.
I'm on the same thing, but only take it when I (rarely) get acid reflux.
I've worked out what foods are likely to give it to me, and avoid them most of the time,


SylviaInCanada Report 29 Mar 2023 23:20

maggie .............. I have long been on omeprazole for gastric reflux, which I take before breakfast, and another called Ranitidine which I take in the evening ........... but there doesn't seem to be a problem with iron. The last time I had my blood tested, a couple of months ago, it was low sodium that popped up!

I think I'll face the iron factor if it happens rather than face gastric reflux and the oesophageal ulcer that I had.

JoyL ....... I've only ever heard the 5 minutes. But my problem is that I actually have a slight allergy to sun. If I go out in it for even 2 or 3 minutes, I develop an itchy red rash over all the exposed parts.

names ............ I'm finding out how many foods have calcium in them, and how much I am actually already taking in in my normal diet, from the soy milk to meat, veggies and fruit, plus the multi-vitamin I take every morning! I thin I am at least very close to what the doc said she wanted without making any changes!

I love tinned sardines and their bones, and always have 2 or 3 cans of them in the cupboard, either in oil or tomato sauce, so that I can have a sandwich with them at lunch. Maybe I should make a point of having them more often.