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To tie or not to tie?

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Florence61 Report 6 May 2023 19:55

Island oh my goodness, I accept all views whether they agree with me or not. This was a discussion and I asked peoples opinions.

I haven't singled you out but you called me judgemental.

It doesn't matter that most disagreed with me, that's their view and I respect that.

Of course we are all entitled to think what we like.

Gosh some discussion this turned out to be!

I shall not be commenting further for fear of picking on" someone else!


Island Report 6 May 2023 19:42

Florence. Most here disagree with you.
Duncan posted '...some people wear a tie to disguise the fact that they are a complete pillock'
But you chose to single out my statement of a fact to get picky!
Now you're on the defense!

How about accepting that we are ALL entitled to 'think what we like'?


Florence61 Report 6 May 2023 18:23

I'm not going to argue or fallout with you.

I can think what I like, its a free country, end of.


Island Report 6 May 2023 17:42

Florence, where did I say all men 'shouldn't' wear ties???
I didn't!

I think you're being a bit judgmental .
Actually. A lot! LOL


Florence61 Report 6 May 2023 17:10

Island not saying that all men should wear ties! Yes its all down to personal choice.

I just like to see people properly attired and for me a shirt without a tie in certain situations just doesn't look right.

When I worked in the bank, having everyone wearing the same uniform including a tie or cravat made us all look professional. We looked far more approachable suitably attired rather than someone wearing a t shirt and jeans, just a standard I was bought up with.

Going out with friends to the pub in an open necked shirt is perfectly fine but working professionals have standards, but that's just my view.

Florence in the hebrides


LaGooner Report 6 May 2023 16:57

My OH only wears a tie to weddings and funerals and Baptisms. He always looks tidy and smart, tie or no tie. :-D


Island Report 6 May 2023 16:48

I was at a meeting in the bank yesterday.
What impressed me? The clerk was courteous, efficient and helpful.
I didn't notice whether he was wearing a tie because ties do not make the person.
I'll see this young man again next week so I'll make a point of checking his attire.

I say it's down to individual preference.

If a man dared to voice an opinion here on what women should wear he'd be shot down in flames.



Florence61 Report 6 May 2023 15:42

Oh Bob :-D :-D :-D :-D


Bobtanian Report 6 May 2023 12:55

I wear a tie to family gatherings , dinners and the like,

my main problem is finding decent shirt to wear at the time, i am a bit on the short side so trying to get a shirt with a 17-18 collar usually ends up like wearing a nightshirt!!!


Rambling Report 6 May 2023 11:30

I am firmly anti-tie, unless one wants to because it's a pretty colour lol.
Son has a few ties but only worn at funeral and wedding and interview for current job. The dress code is very relaxed in his office, even more so than I would have imagined.

My grandmother I believe would have been less concerned with a tie than that the shoes were well polished.

As long as someone looks clean and as if they've bothered a bit ( she says sitting in a t shirt and trousers with holes in thanks to the cats) I don't mind.

I admit I did flinch a little at a wedding where a cravat was tied round the groom's neck like an overlarge bandage :-) An ordinary tie, (or a bow tie, which can look rather dashing on the right man!) or no tie at all would have looked better than the cravat.


Florence61 Report 6 May 2023 09:04

For my dads recent 85th birthday, I found a fab tie for him to wear at his birthday bash. he is a professional drummer and this tie had several drumkits which were the same colour as his own kit.

He absolutely loved it.

When I worked in the bank, last Friday every month was bad tie day where all the men wore their most outrageous ties. Some were hilarious.

If they had served customers open necked, it simply would have not looked very professional. If you are wearing a suit at work, the tie completes the look.

My cousin is a Principal in a University in Australia and would never go to work without a tie.

I wore a tie for school everyday from the age of 5 until I was 18, it was part of the uniform and we just accepted it.

Florence in the hebrides


SylviaInCanada Report 6 May 2023 07:36

OH loved ties, had a large collection of them, and always wore a tie when classes were in at the university.

He made a point of choosing a different tie every day that he taught, which was usually 3 days a week. No-one seemed to notice until one particular year when a group of the students in the class kept track.

At the end of the teaching year, they announced that OH had indeed worn a different tie on every single day of teaching!

Once he retired, he began to stop wearing ties so often even though he still went into the university for another 15 years. Now he never puts on a tie, unless there is a real need to get dressed up, and then he very carefully chooses which one to wear.


agingrocker Report 6 May 2023 05:59

I don't blame anybody who goes without a tie, horrible things. I hate them. I had to wear one at school, then my first job was in a London office so I had to wear one then. Now they are for funerals only, and if I can get away with not wearing one there I will. I know what you mean about you expect a consultant to wear one, professional impression and all that. But some people wear a tie to disguise the fact that they are a complete pillock - I'd rather have a consultant in jeans and a t-shirt who is thoroughly competent.


Florence61 Report 5 May 2023 21:26

Well he was ok but he wasn't just anyone going out to the pub was he? He was on an official engagement as afterwards went elsewhere? If Catherine had looked more casual in jeans, not sure it would have been ok.

I guess, he of a younger generation than me and far more trendy.

My consultant always wears a tie and looks very smart but I expect him to look smart, just the way i was brought up maybe.


LondonBelle Report 5 May 2023 20:05

Me too, after all how many people do you see wearing a tie while pulling a pint ;-) :-D


AnninGlos Report 5 May 2023 20:00

I think he was fine without a tie.


LindainHerriotCountry Report 5 May 2023 18:31

Going to the pub is an informal event, so I think he is fine without a tie. Sometimes I think they look too stuffy when they are in suits and ties. Obviously for more formal occasions tues would be called for


SylviaInCanada Report 5 May 2023 17:52

He often does not wear a tie, yesterday wasn't unusual or a first.


Florence61 Report 5 May 2023 16:11

Yesterday the Prince & Princess of Wales visited a pub in London where William pulled a pint.

it was noticed he was open-necked and not wearing a tie. Someone mentioned that this is the new trendy way and ties are now only worn for formal occasions such as wedding, funerals, christenings, interviews etc.

Does it look ok to be on official business and not wear a tie?

What does everyone think?

Personally, I think he should have had a tie on as it was an official engagement but that's only because I like to see people properly attired, that's only my view.

Florence in the hebrides