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Who In Your tree are you obssessed with?
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Carole & Sue from up north | Report | 20 Jun 2007 12:36 |
That's fascinating. It does make you wonder about why he travelled so much doesn't it? It makes me wonder what our ancestors would say if they knew that we had these fascinations for them! Carole |
Carole & Sue from up north | Report | 20 Jun 2007 12:27 |
My gtx5 grandmother was a publican in the east end of Sunderland down by the docks. She had 4 children who she raised as her husband had died. Needless to say I get the impression she was a formidable character as back then in the 1840's-50's that area was notorious and extremely rough! And to have a pub there - I wouldn't have messed with her! I'm obsessed with her. I often wonder what she looked like. I would love to have a time machine and visit her in her pub! Anybody out there with a similar obsession? Carole |