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funtime - been done before but lots of new names

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Rambling Report 25 Apr 2007 21:32

Karen, OMG how did you guess? lolol Well I am 5'5'...and sadly that is where the resemblance ends I am 49, plump going on fat!, my hair is long (below my shoulders) and is my best feature though I am going grey it is still brown and quite golden, and is going grey like my mums did,in quite artistic streaks which I like. I don't work in a bank! (wish I did!) Used to work for ELC but now I home-educate my son and though I don't have roses round the door I have a large wildish country garden with lots of shrubs and roses. Hayley1 have a really strong impression of you,will find out one day if I am right when I see you on the stage, hint hint,nudge,nudge! Rose xx